Temporarily Suspending Operations | March 14, 2020
To be 100% honest, tears were shed over this decision.

But the reality is that our commitment to the health and well-being of our members, guests, staff and greater community is paramount and this is the responsible next step to take in our efforts to help contain the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) within our community.

Suspending Operations
It is with great weight and responsibility to our community that we are announcing a temporary 2-week suspension of operations, effective Saturday, March 14 - Friday, March 27.

Things are changing rapidly. While this is a temporary closure, we will be reassessing the situation continuously. You can expect to receive updates from us regarding our reopening date and plans going forward.

Edgeworks is a small, locally owned business employing 54 people from the Tacoma area; they along with our members (you!) are the community that helped build this gym. Without all of us Edgeworks would not be who we are today. Our staff and our community mean the world to us, now and always. Conversations are already underway with ideas that will continue to promote our community connections while still honoring the social distancing that is now required. Expect to hear more from us about these plans!

Our Staff & Moving Forward
During this period, we will hold our commitment to our employees and continue to pay them for their regularly scheduled hours. We will also take this opportunity to pause and assess this rapidly developing situation so that we can make the best decisions possible for our community, employees and Edgeworks.

FREE Membership Freezes
For those needing to freeze their membership, ALL memberships (monthly and prepaid) can be frozen at no cost. The duration of the freeze will be monitored and assessed by Edgeworks on a monthly basis. Please follow this link to our online Membership Change Request Form, complete all required fields and select the "Freeze Membership" change request option.
Thank you for your support and patience.
Please take care of yourselves and your families, check in with your friends and neighbors and follow the advice of the World Health Organization:
  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Maintain social distancing
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
  • Practice respiratory hygiene
  • If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early

We WILL get through this!


Tod Bloxham
Owner | Founder
Edgeworks Climbing
Edgeworks Climbing | edgeworksclimbing.com