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Temporary Covid Related Zoom Link Accommodations

January 6, 2022

Dear RIH Families and Faculty:


We have experienced a higher number of student absences that are specifically related to the pandemic following the return from the December break. Requiring advanced medical verification for processing parent requests for Zoom link access has proven challenging for families with the increased demand on medical offices and testing clinics. In an effort to accommodate our families, I have asked our building administrators to allow the approval of issuing a “Zoom Link” as a temporary accommodation for COVID-19 related circumstances during their classes beginning Friday, January 7th. 

Our collective efforts are focused on responding swiftly to the evolving nature of the pandemic. I would like to thank our administrative team, nurses, and faculty for helping us develop and implement processes that will allow our students to be able to maintain a structure for learning and minimize loss of instructional time.

School Notification Process

  • Students who are absent because he/she reside with a household member who are suspected of having COVID-19 and/or are awaiting a COVID-19 test result because he or she is symptomatic and has been exposed to a confirmed positive case should be reported directly to the school’s appropriate Attendance Administrative Assistant.
  • Indian Hills:
  • Ramapo: 
  • Students who are absent as a result of being a confirmed COVID-19 positive case should continue to be reported directly to the appropriate school’s  Nurse. Please email positive test results to:
  • Indian Hills: 
  • Ramapo: 


Students who are approved under either one of these circumstances will be able to log into their classes.  A "Zoom Link" will allow students to log into their classes and structure their school day while at home. Students will have access to Schoology for classroom assignments and communicate with teachers through email. If a student is not feeling well enough, teachers will work with the student to develop an appropriate plan for make-up work when they are well enough to do so.


Teachers will be sharing “Zoom Links” once they are approved by a building administrator.  Zoom links will be operating for those that qualify within an anticipated  24-hour review and approval period. This is a temporary accommodation and students utilizing this option will be considered Present Virtually in all classes attended for up to ten days. The Zoom access to classrooms will be re-evaluated on a weekly basis.


Students who are absent from school will receive an unexcused absence except for those absences identified and defined as excused under BOE Regulation 5200 or for those students who are approved under one of the circumstances above.  If your child is going to incur another type of absence from school please follow normal reporting procedures. 


Thank you for your ongoing support and patience during this most challenging time.



Dr. Rui Dionisio

Superintendent of Schools



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