Kelly Green

Ten Two Letter Words!

Salvation from sin and self is a Gift from God. You accept it on Condition that you let Christ deliver you from sin and empower your life.
God’s part is that He initiates in us a desire for full cleansing. Our part is to surrender our resistance and cooperate with His enabling grace through a living daily faith, gaining victories in and through Jesus Christ.
So what are the 10 two letter words that are so important?
“If it is to be-it is up to me!”

There is no fairy wand experience transforming us without the exercise of our will. God doesn’t just come by and touch us on the top of our head and we are a brand-new creature overnight.
There is a very serious part we play in responding to God’s free gift.
If we do not respond continually to Gods daily grace upon our lives then we simply plateau and live out a foolish virgin experience.
By God’s grace, we can resist the old ways, surrender to the new and depend upon the indwelling Christ to empower us in the new life in and through Jesus Christ.
God daily whispers His guidance to each and every one of us and then it is left up to us to cooperate with His free gift. Are you cooperating with God daily? I can’t do it for you. Your spouse can’t do it for you. Your friends can’t do it for you. Even God can’t do it for you because He has gifted you with a free will choice and never forces or compels us to do right.
 So we’re left with the 10 two letter words, “If it is to be-It is up to me.”

The formula is very simple;
“Divine Power + Human Effort= A CHANGED life!

So will you along with the apostle Paul say, “By the grace of God I am what I am, and His Grace toward me was not in vain; but I labored more abundantly then they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.” 1 Corinthians 15:10
God speaks often to me in this environment and He will for you as well! Enjoy the picture.
If it is to be, it is up to me!
Jim & Sally
Empowered Living MInistries
Jim & Sally Hohnberger
Empowered Living Ministries Website