Ten at the Top Upstate News
July 7, 2021 | Volume 12, Issue 7
TATT To Hold Blues, Brews & BBQ Networking Extravaganza at GSP Airport on August 30th;
Individual Tickets Now Available
Make plans now to join us on August 30th at the GSP International Airport for the Blues, Brews & BBQ Outdoor Networking Extravaganza. This end of summer event is an opportunity for TATT partners and Upstate stakeholders to connect while also enjoying some of the music and food that make the Upstate special.

The event will include a networking expo where TATT partners will have the opportunity to showcase their business or organization. All TATT partners at the Advocate level or higher have been contacted about utilizing this opportunity of having a display table. Current TATT partners at the Ambassador level may upgrade to the Advocate level and have a display table for $1,500. If you are not currently a TATT partner, but would like to be included in the expo, you can become an Advocate level partner for $2,500.

The event will also feature BBQ, desserts and beverages from across the Upstate region. Entertainment for the evening will be provided by Brooks Dixon Band and Mac Arnold and Plate Full O' Blues.

All current TATT partners (Ambassador level and higher) are being contacted this week regarding your complimentary tickets to the event.

If you are not a current TATT funding partner, you can purchase tickets to attend the event for $30 per ticket. This includes food, beverages, networking and entertainment.

Hughes Investments Elevate Upstate Vibrancy Grant Program is Back for 2021!
Grant Workshop to be held on July 14th
After not awarding the Hughes Investments Elevate Upstate Grants in 2020 due to the pandemic, we are delighted to announce that the grants program is open again in 2021. Since 2013, this program has awarded nearly $100,000 in funds to 30 local communities to fund community vibrancy initiatives.

The 2021 grant period opened on June 1st with an initial interest form due by August 13th and the completed applications due by September 17th. Click here for a link to the applications.

A workshop will be held on July 14th from 1:30-3:00 pm at the Park 37 Community Building (250 Executive Center Dr., Greenville, SC 29615) to help guide potential applicants through the process. The program will include comments from Phil Hughes as well as tips from past winners.

Thanks to Hughes Investments for their generous support of these community vibrancy initiatives throughout the Upstate!
Join TATT to ReConnect:
Friday Morning Small Groups in June
As we start returning to in-person gatherings, TATT is hosting a series of Friday morning informal "ReConnect" events where a small group of participants get together to reconnect with others from across the Upstate. Session are limited to no more than 30 attendees and are being held in locations that have plenty of space for appropriate distancing.

Each session is being hosted by TATT Board members and funding partners with topical discussion as well as time for mingling and getting to meet new people and renew relationships with others.

Below is the schedule for the two sessions in July:

July 16 – 9:00-10:00 a.m.
WCTEL Office – 233 Highway 28 Bypass, Abbeville, SC 29620
Topic: Upstate Update
Hosts: Shannon Sears, WCTEL; Tim Hall, City of Abbeville; Susan Jackson, Office of Congressman Jeff Duncan
Click Here to Register (20 spots remain)
July 23 – 9:00-10:00 a.m.
Park 37 Community Room – 250 Executive Center Dr., Greenville, SC 29615
Topic: Transportation & Mobility in the Upstate
Click Here to Register (25 spots remain)
TATT's Start-Grow Upstate Effort Launches
New Online Entrepreneur Resource Navigator
The Start-Grow Upstate resource navigator officially launched Wednesday, June 16, with a virtual gathering of entrepreneur support providers and entrepreneurs. The ecosystem has been working to develop solutions to raise awareness of the many resources available in the Upstate since 2017. The www.StartGrowUpstate.com website guides entrepreneurs and business owners as they search for the resources they need to start and grow their business at any stage.

Everyone followed along on their phones and computers as Erin gave a demo, specifically pointing out the program listings and organizations. The group watched a video introduction to CommunityWorks where Crawford Reeves interviewed Tammie Hoy Hawkins.

A recording of the meeting and demonstration is online here. If you would like to schedule a demonstration for your organization, please contact Erin Ouzts at EOuzts@tenatthetop.org.
Have Time for a Chat?
While we have not been able to connect in-person as much over the last year as we would like, TATT is still making sure we can stay connected virtually through our regular TATT CHAT.

Be sure and join us every-other-Thursday as we discuss key issues with leaders from across the region and state. The pre-event networking starts at 2:40 pm and the TATT CHAT starts at 3 pm. In addition to our keynote speaker, we also receive updates from organizations and communities across the region.

Below is the upcoming schedule:

July 15: How Energy Systems Are Adapting to the Changing Climate
Guest Speaker: Emily Felt, Director of State Energy Policy, Duke Energy

July 29: Creating a Safer Upstate
Guest Speaker: Members of the Creating a Safer Upstate Committee

You can see the upcoming TATT CHAT schedule and watch previous chats on the TATT CHAT page.
Senior Issues Group Holding In-Person Meeting on July 19th; Focus on Senior Transportation
Staying on Top Blog
Through TATT's Staying on Top Blog, leaders from across the Upstate provide insights into key Upstate issues.

Below are the most recent Staying on Top posts:

Outdoor Water Attractions Across the Upstate - by Patrick Flagler - Click Here to Read

Water Parks & Splash Pads Across the Upstate - by Rachel Page - Click Here to Read

Beyond Housing SC - Click Here to Read

The Phoenix Center - Click Here to Read
Check Out Upstate Resources
Leadership Level Partners
Ten at the Top is fortunate to have many great funding supporters and appreciate all who help ensure the current and future success of the organization. Our highest partnership level is the Leadership Level, with companies or organizations investing $10,000 or more annually to support TATT.
Support Ten at the Top
Ten at the Top funding partners and event sponsors are the backbone of the organization.

If your company or organization is not already a TATT partner, we invite you to join us. Here is a direct link to partnership opportunities for 2021 and the 2021 Commitment Form.

In addition, TATT is continuing to accept support for our Ignition Fund Campaign. This effort is a long-term funding program designed to help TATT to continue to ignite initiatives across the Upstate. Click Here for more details.

If you have questions about TATT partnership and sponsorship opportunities or would like to set up a personal meeting, please contact Dean Hybl for questions or more information.
Ten at the Top is a regional non-profit organization with the mission of fostering collaboration and partnerships across the Upstate around issues that impact economic vitality and quality of life.
Ten at the Top | 864-283-0346 | info@tenatthetop.org| www.tenatthetop.org