The Resurrection of the Lord
March 31, 2024
“Speak, Mary, declaring what you saw, wayfaring.
'The tomb of Christ, who is living,
the glory of Jesus' resurrection;
bright angels attesting,
his shroud and napkin resting.
Yes, Christ my hope is arisen;
to Galilee he goes before you.'"
(from the Easter Sequence)
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Tenebrae and the Triduum Liturgies
All are welcome to the Cathedral's Tenebrae this evening, Wednesday, March 27 at 7:30pm, and to the liturgies of the Paschal (Easter) Triduum. Click on the buttons below for the schedule with program links, and for livestreams where available.
The Pachal (Easter) Triduum
The summit of the liturgical year is the Easter Triduum, which begins on the evening of Holy Thursday and ends on the evening of Easter Sunday. Though chronologically three days, they are liturgically one day unfolding for us the unity of Christ's Paschal Mystery. The single celebration of the Triduum marks the end of the Lenten season, and leads to the Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord at the Easter Vigil.
Msgr. Jameson writes: "Of all the times we gather as Christian believers, none is more important than this one. Easter is the greatest of all our feasts. It celebrates the mystery that is the very bedrock and foundation of our Christian faith, for, as St. Paul wrote, 'If Christ has not risen, our faith is in vain.' (1 Cor. 15:14)"
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Tenebrae & Wednesday of Holy Week | March 27
Join Msgr. Jameson, the Schola Cantorum with director Tom Stehle, and our Cathedral lectors at 7:30pm tonight, Wednesday of Holy Week, March 27, in the Cathedral for the ancient, time-honored Liturgy of Tenebrae. READ MORE
7:00am The Cathedral opens.
- 7:30am | Mass
- 11:00am - 12 Noon | Confessions
- 12:10pm | Mass
- 5:30pm | Mass
- 6:15pm - 7:00pm | Confessions
7:30pm | Liturgy of Tenebrae (Schola Cantorum) (The Cathedral closes immediately after the service.)
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Masses of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday | March 28
Join us for the Mass of Lord's Supper at 12:10pm with Msgr. Jameson presiding, or at 5:30pm (bilingual in English and Spanish) with Cardinal Gregory presiding, with the Washing of the Feet. The Paschal Triduum begins on the evening of Holy Thursday and extends to the evening of Easter Sunday.
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Liturgies of the Lord's Passion on Good Friday | March 29
Rev. Jimmy Hsu, CSP delivers a Reflection on the Lord's Passion at Noon on Good Friday, joined by the Schola Cantorum. READ MORE Following the Reflection, the Liturgy of the Passion of the Lord is celebrated at 1pm by Cardinal Gregory and at 4pm by Bishop Menjivar. Msgr. Jameson closes the day with Stations of the Cross at 7:30pm.
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Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday | March 30
On Holy Saturday at 8pm, Cardinal Gregory celebrates the Easter Vigil, ranked by the Church as "the mother of all vigils." On this night, we welcome new life into the Body of Christ as 25 people receive Sacraments of Initiation.
- 8:00am The Cathedral opens.
- 9:00am | Morning Prayer in the St. Anthony Chapel
- 11:00am - 12 Noon | Confessions
- The Cathedral closes at 12Noon and reopens at 7:00pm.
- † 8:00pm | Easter Vigil, Cardinal Gregory (Schola Cantorum) (The Cathedral closes immediately after the Vigil).
† Interpreted for the Deaf
Online Offertory: PayPal | FaithDirect
Let us pray:
—for our Elect receiving Baptism, First Eucharist, and Confirmation, including: Lisa Bianco, Lindsay Burns, Rachel Lincoln, Ryan Lucas, Chloe McLaughlin, Ruben Randolph, Joshua Taborn, Michelle Washington, Cesar Chavesta, Jayden Chavesta, Mia Chavesta, and Brissia Villazana; and
—for our Candidates for Full Communion: Joshua Jackson, Richard Li, Margarita Moreno, Julie Matthew, Gray Perone, Will Sorto, and Taja Strickland, and
—for our Catholic completing Sacraments of Initiation: Gerardo Mares, Patricia Marquez, Camilla Panico, and Brian Smythe.
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The Resurrection of the Lord, Easter Sunday | March 31
Join us as we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord and his victory over sin and death! The Resurrection of Jesus gives us hope for our own share in His Resurrection at the end of our life. Christ is Risen, Alleluia, Alleluia! Cardinal Gregory presides at the 9am Mass.
The Cathedral opens at 6:30am and closes at 7:00pm.
- 7:00am
† 9:00am, Cardinal Gregory (Schola Cantorum)
- 11:00am (Schola Cantorum)
- 1:00pm (en español) (Coro Hispano)
- 5:30pm (Contemporary Choir)
† Interpreted for the Deaf
Online Offertory: PayPal | FaithDirect
Let us pray:
—for the sick, especially Maria da Silva, Paul Fry, Francisca Granados Flores, Soila Manchame, Margaret Judy, Sofía Valero, Dorianne Alvarado, Donald Klawiter, Simona, Halina Mielnik, Camilia Juber Carmona, John Guerriero, Elsa Henderson, Yvette Romero, Enmanuel Del Valle, Patricia Castro, Michael Harrill, Eileen Elvin, Geralda Masi, Katie Roland, Peter Tan, Mary & Carl Milewski, Therese Fergo, Maria Gianino, Yolanda Mendez Acevedo, Anne Rader, Robyn Nishimi, Paul Gruber, Sick of Mufide Rende Family, and Blanca Rose Juarez.
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Hospitality at the Easter Vigil
If you can volunteer as a hospitality minister at the Easter Vigil – greeting and assisting visitors and taking up the offertory collection – please email Ana Triaureau...
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Penn Parking Garage Hours
March 27, Wednesday of Holy Week, 7:00am – 9:00pm
March 28, Holy Thursday, 7:00am – 8:00pm
March 29, Good Friday, 7:00am – 8:30pm
March 30, Holy Saturday, 6:30pm – 11:00pm
March 31, Easter Sunday, 8:30am – 7:00pm
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Easter Monday Holiday
On April 1, Easter Monday, Masses are celebrated at 7:30am and 12:10pm only, with no Confessions or Eucharistic Adoration. The rectory office is closed for the holiday.
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Misa del Domingo de Pascua en español
31 de marzo a la 1pm
Liturgias del Triduo Pascual y Otros Events
- Misa de la última Cena de Nuestro Señor con Lavado de Piés (bilingüe en ingles y español) – el Jueves Santo, 28 de marzo a las 5:30pm, Cardenal Gregory (Schola Cantorum)
- Procesión de la Pasión del Señor, sale de la parroquia Reina de las Américas – el Viernes Santo, 29 de marzo a las 2:30pm
- Liturgia de la Pasión de N.S. Jesucristo, Adoración de la Santa Cruz, y Santa Comunión (en español) – el Viernes Santo, 29 de marzo a las 4pm, Obispo Menjivar
- Vigilia de Pascua (bilingüe en ingles y español) – el Sábado Santo, 30 de marzo a las 8pm, Cardenal Gregory (Schola Cantorum)
- Misa del Domingo de Pascua (en español) – 31 de marzo a la 1pm
- Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia (bilingüe en ingles y español) – el domingo 7 de abril a las 2:30pm, después de la Misa en español
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Grupo de Oración en español
- No hay Grupo de Oración en español el martes 2 de abril.
- Rosario y Conferencia — martes 16 de abril, Rosario a las 7pm y conferencia a las 7:30pm con Mons. Evelio Menjivar, Obispo Auxiliar, “El que crea en mí no tendrá hambre," salón de conferencias del norte
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No habrá Clases de Catecismo en español el domingo 31 de marzo.
Ayuno y Abstinencia en Cuaresma
El Viernes Santo, 29 de marzo, es un día de ayuno y abstinencia. Los católicos que ya llegaron a los 18 años de edad, pero que son menores de 60 años, están obligados al ayuno, que consiste en una sola comida completa durante el día. Todos los católicos que han cumplido 14 años están obligados a los días de abstinencia en los cuales no se debe de comer carne.
Clases de Confirmación para Adultos
A partir de abril se ofrecerá clases en español de preparación para recibir el sacramento de la Confirmación, para adultos católicos activos y bautizados que ya han recibido su Primera Comunión. Las clases serán los domingos 21 y 28 de abril y 5 de mayo. Las personas interesadas deben enviar un email a Fátima Aybar y deben acudir a una entrevista.
Clase de Bautismo
La clase de Bautismo en español será el domingo 21 de abril a las 9am en el salón de conferencias del este. Para inscribirse, envíe un email a Fatima Aybar.
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Good Friday Collection
Pope Francis asks us to support the Pontifical Good Friday Collection, which helps Christians in the Holy Land. Make a gift during our Good Friday liturgies, or donate online. Thank you for your support.
Lenten Fast and Abstinence
Good Friday, March 29, is a day of fast and abstinence. All Catholics who have reached their 18th birthday and are less than 60 years old are bound to observe the fast, by which they are limited to a single full meal during the course of the day. All Catholics who have reached their 14th birthday must observe days of abstinence, during which no meat may be eaten.
Register Now for Earth Day Clean-up
St. Matthew's Creation Care Green Team joins the annual Earth Day Clean-up (April 20) sponsored by the Anacostia Watershed Society at Kingman Island in Northeast DC. Register by March 29. FIND INFO & REGISTRATION LINK
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Cookie Baking for Prisoners, Next Weekend
St. Matthew’s Social Justice Committee invites you to bake cookies for the Kairos Prison Ministry, to be delivered to prisoners at the Greenville Correctional Center in Jarratt, VA. Cookies will be collected at Masses on the weekend of April 6/7.
2023 Contribution Statements
Contribution statements for 2023 have been mailed to all registered parishioner donors. If you have not received your statement, please email Ana Triaureau. Thank you for your support.
Rectory Office Holidays
The rectory office will be closed on the following dates:
Easter Sunday, March 31 and Easter Monday, April 1
Sunday, April 7
Saturday & Sunday, April 13/14
Tuesday, April 16 (DC Emancipation Day)
Saturday & Sunday, April 20/21
Saturday & Sunday, April 27/28
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Easter Mission
Fr. Benson gives an Easter Mission on Sunday afternoons beginning April 14 in Dupont Circle. Come out and enjoy it in the spring weather. Who knows who you may meet, or what wisdom is in store for you?
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St. Paul's Letter to the Romans
Join us for a NEW Tuesday evening series of classes on St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans, taught by L.J. Milone, beginning April 16. READ MORE
Adult Confirmation
Preparation classes for Confirmation have just begun; register now to prepare for Confirmation to be celebrated on Pentecost Sunday, May 19 at a 3pm Mass with Cardinal Gregory. FIND REGISTRATION INFORMATION
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Earth Day Lessons & Carols
The Office of Music Ministries shares a list of choral and organ music events for Spring 2024, including our second Earth Day Lessons & Carols on Sunday, April 21 at 3:30pm. Through choral works and meditative readings, we celebrate the wonders of creation as we examine the threats to its fragile health and beauty and consider our faithful stewardship of these gifts.
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We hope to see you in the Cathedral! | | | | |