Prelude:Thee We Adore, O Hidden Savior by Cathy Mokelbust ... Celebration Ringers
Welcome and Call to Worship: ...................................................////.......Denise Cain
Opening Hymn:#42 O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing....................Led by Jim Tong
Opening Prayer:.......................................................................................Denise Cain
Children's Circle:.................................................................................Val McGlasson
Following the Children's Circle, children from age 4 through Grade 5 are
invited to exit through the back of the Sanctuary to attend Sunday School.
Community Joys and Concerns: ....................................Rev. Dr. Jill Kirchner-Rose
Special Music: Kyrie by Cathy Mokelbust............................................. Celebration Ringers
Scripture:  Mark 5: 24b – 34 ...................................................................Denise Cain
Scripture Hymn: #53 There is a Name I Love to Hear (O How I Love Jesus) ............................................................................................................Led by Jim Tong
Message:   Be Brave, Be Bright, Be You......................................Rev. Kirchner-Rose
Offertory:  Touch the Sky from Brave   Music by Alex Mandel................Lara Urrutia
Prayer of Dedication:..............................................................................Denise Cain
Outdoor Communion on the Patio .............................................Rev. Kirchner-Rose
Closing Hymn:  #23 There's a Wideness in God's Mercy (verse 1)..Led by Jim Tong
Benediction: .................................................................................Rev. Kirchner-Rose

If you are participating virtually, we will share together Holy Communion in our online interactive worship. Before the time of the service, you will want to prepare some bread - a slice, a small loaf, a tortilla, a rice cake - a wheat product is not necessary. Let it be something you alone, or your with others in your household, may break and share. Prepare a cup or cups of juice or your choice of wine-with or without alcohol.