TerraCrux Newsletter: Volume 1 Issue 10
Happy New Year TerraGamer
As the year comes to a close we at TerraCrux Games want to say thank you for making 2019 so very special. We played a lot of games, rolled a lot of dice, and opened many, many, card packs.

Still, we would love to squeeze in a few more precious moments of gaming this year and so are inviting you to join us for a New Year's Eve party December 31st here at TerraCrux Games! We will be open past midnight and you can find additional details HERE .

Then, the next big game event of the year will be the Theros: Beyond Death on January 17th, 18th, and 19th. It is a return to the world inspired by Greek legend and focuses on that worlds mysterious afterlife where death is only the beginning. Preorder your tickets on our website for a 15% discount. More details HERE .

We've got some big plans for 2020 so stay tuned and have a happy New Year.
Keep on gaming,
TerraCrux Games
Upcoming Releases!

Theros: Beyond Death booster box and fat pack preorders: HERE
More New Releases at TerraCrux Games!
Board game & Tabletop Preorders: HERE
New Product: This is the official ALIEN tabletop roleplaying game - a universe of body horror and corporate brinkmanship, where synthetic people play god while space truckers and marines serve host to ghoulish creatures. 

Preorder it HERE!
Get ready to dive into the gritty neon infused world of mega corporations and glam rock power stars with the Cyberpunk Red Jumpstart Kit available for HERE !
Current and Upcoming Events
Every Tuesday come join us and the Tacoma Area Gamers Guild to play great games with great people.

Come try out the newest and fastest growing format in the Magic the Gathering Trading Card Game. Legal sets go back to Return to Ravnica and the meta is ever fluid. Try it this Friday.

Giant monsters fighting Giant robots in a city that gets destroyed either way. Sounds like a nice evening.

Welcome to Middle Earth, you know the stories, you've heard the legends, now you can be a part of it all! This is a fast paced skirmish game where players will lead armies and hold the familiar territories of Middle Earth.

760 Commmerce St.
Tacoma, WA 98402