TerraCrux Update: Our Covid Response
Hello TerraGamers!
In response to the guidelines put forth earlier this week, and in an effort to help our community stay healthy, we at TerraCrux are reevaluating our Covid measures and want to keep you up to date on our practices and the reasons we are implementing them.

To summarize where we are now, Pierce country is in Phase Two of the safe start plan. This means that our retail side is open with significantly reduced capacity and we cannot hold any in-store games. We have a cleaning and sanitation schedule and masks are required to be worn before entry by patrons and employees.

As for what the new guidance means;

Our capacity is being reduced to 25 people in order to reduce contact between customers as much as possible. To allow everyone a chance to shop please have a purpose or product in mind when you come in and try to limit your stay to as short as possible. Please remain at least 6 feet from other patrons and do not linger by the front door. Additionally, our bathroom is now closed to the public.

Further, if you are shopping in-store please refrain from touching the products as much as possible. We do not have ability to sterilize all of the surfaces and products so limiting your touch will help us substantially. To make up for this we will be working hard to answer any product questions you might have so don't be afraid to ask! We love talking about games so just give us an excuse!

You know there is nothing we like more than hanging out and talking about the latest and greatest games but the longer your visit the more chance there is for transmission of the virus to either our staff, yourself, or to another patron who may then go on to unknowingly infect others. We are all in this together and we appreciate all your hard work.

We encourage you to use our website for your shopping needs. You can select shipping, curbside pickup, or pop into the store for a quick hello as you grab your product!

We are here for you and want you all to be safe so reach out via facebook, discord, or call at 253-203-1647 if you have questions!
Stay Healthy and Keep on gaming,
TerraCrux Games
760 Commmerce St.
Tacoma, WA 98402