
Student News & Voices
Find news that affects engineering, engineering tech, and engineering ed  students, what they're up to, and what they have to their own words.

Student Spotlight: Infant jaundice, a liver condition characterized by yellow skin and eyes and sluggishness, is easily treated in developed countries. In countries that lack resources, however, the condition can be fatal. Students at Texas Engineering World Health, a student organization led by Alina Schroeder, have come up with a low-cost therapy for newborns: a blue-light incubator called Bili Lights. Read more.
Buy the Book?: Textbook prices have long been a problem, particularly in the sciences. Costs have skyrocketed, however, as digital editions become available and professors struggle to keep students all on the same page. The Chronicle of Higher Education examines what's behind these price hikes and what students and teachers can do to help. Read more here.   
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Prism magazine, ASEE's flagship publication, seeks a new student columnist with a fresh voice, insightful nature, and excellent writing skills. The column will appear twice yearly and include a small stipend. Applicants should be undergraduate or graduate students studying engineering, engineering education, or engineering technology for at least the next year. Please send a resume and at least one writing sample (preferably published clips). Email applications to Jennifer Pocock at with subject line "Student Columnist." We will begin reviewing applications on October 1 and continue until the position is filled.  

Academic & Professional Development Resources
Tips on navigating politics, from classroom to office.

Express Yourself:  Mental health and emotions are fraught topics in academics and hiring. Your mental state affects not only performance and grades, but also how people perceive you--fairly or not. It can seem like a trap when disclosing mental illness might help, but then people judge or dismiss others based on it. Click through to see how emotions can be judged--positively in hiring and negatively in academia. Read more here  

De-constructive Criticism:  Constructive criticism is a great way to learn and grow in your field. Yes, it can be awkward and hard to swallow, but if taken gracefully, it builds you up. Destructive criticism tears you down. It's "being critical of others in a demeaning, unconstructive way or seeking to control others' behavior through intimidation." Whether at school or in the workplace, it's a terrible abuse of power. Inside Higher Ed has a great article on how to deal with it. Do it well, and you may go far--or at least save your sanity. Click here.

Tinker Toys: As a busy engineering student, you probably don't have lots of time to take on side projects--even though they can help you better grasp material and find your passion in the field (not to mention put you ahead in internship applications). Here are some small projects you can tinker with in your dorm in your spare time, courtesy of Make: magazine. Even better, see if you can improve on some of the designs! Click here.

Funding & Internships
Opportunity abounds!

This month's highlights:

Non-academic Research Internships for Graduate Students (INTERN) Supplemental Funding Opportunity: INTERN is a grant program wherein the PI of an active NSF award may request supplemental funding for one or more graduate students to gain knowledge, skills, and experiences that will augment their preparation for a successful long-term career through an internship in a non-academic setting. This opportunity is open to doctoral students. Deadline: May 1, 2019.

CERN, the European Center for Nuclear Research, is looking for interns in many different engineering disciplines. Students from the U.S. are eligible to apply. Deadline: October 22.  
The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy is seeking spring interns. Students interested in working on the development of national science and technology policy are encouraged to apply for a policy internship. These internships are open to all majors and academic programs. Deadline: October 10.
MathWorks, home of MATLAB, is seeking student ambassadors host campus events to help demonstrate MATLAB and Simulink. Ambassadors will also use social media to spread awareness of the programs. Duration: 5 months. No deadline listed.

Videos & Entertainment
Because sometimes you just need a break!

Video: Tesla Gun: Destin from Smarter Every Day holds lightning in his hands when he plays with different versions of Tesla coils. Watch it here.

Video: On the Fly:
Researchers at TU Delft have come up with a nimble, gossamer-winged robot that mimics how insects move. It can make rapid maneuvers in every direction and quickly accelerate. Watch it here.

Video: Creeping Crawlies:  MIT engineers have created soft, magnetically-manipulable 3D printed structures. These objects have multiple polarities and can bend, deform, and even crawl on command! Watch it here.