December 15, 2021 

Dear Hastings Families and Staff, 

The Westchester County Department of Health announced on December 9 that school districts are allowed to implement a Test-to-Stay Program (TTS). Simply stated, the program allows those students or staff on quarantine to receive a COVID-19 test at school in the morning, and, if they test negative, remain in school. 

Districts must follow a set of requirements with TTS, which are spelled out in a WCDOH Memo (12.9.21). We list below the details for Hastings. 

Hastings Test-to-Stay Program 

1. Start Date We will start the TTS on Monday, December 20 for students or staff who are currently quarantined. We will continue the program for the foreseeable future for eligible students or staff who are required to quarantine. TTS will begin for each individual one day after they are required to quarantine (to allow us time to be prepared). 

2. Who is Eligible TTS is an option for students and staff who must quarantine due to close contact with a confirmed positive COVID-19 case. To be eligible, students and staff must be asymptomatic. We will not provide testing for symptomatic individuals. 

3. How to Sign-Up Families and staff should contact their respective school nurse to complete the required sign-up forms. 

a. Farragut Complex Health Office at 

b. Hillside’s Health Office at or 

4. In-Person Schooling and Instruction Only TTS is designed to allow students or staff to participate with in-person instruction. It does not apply to 

extra-curricular activities such as athletics, band, chorus, orchestra, and clubs.

5. Quarantines Must Continue Away from School Students or staff must remain under quarantine for the 10-day period while outside of school. 

6. Program Specifics  

a. Length of Program: Students or staff must test every school morning for up to seven days. Individuals who test negative on day seven no longer have to participate in the testing. If exposed to a positive case during the seven days, the individual must restart the seven-day count. Individuals still remain under official quarantine through day 10 and cannot participate in any non-academic activities (see #4 above). 

b. Testing Location & Times: All testing is conducted before school for each student or staff member. Individuals must be transported to school on their own--they are not allowed to ride the school bus. Sign-up forms will provide the specifics on testing location and times. 

c. Test of Record: TTS uses the QuickVue SARS Antigen Test, which is a Rapid Test (not a PCR). This test will be considered the final test; subsequent testing will not be allowed to override the original test. Individuals testing positive will be required to leave school promptly and will be kept isolated until pick-up or departure. 

d. Upper Limit for Program: We estimate that we can host the program for up to 50 students district-wide. We will evaluate this upper-limit as we proceed. 

We are pleased to offer this opportunity for students and staff to continue in school as opposed to being quarantined. Please be in touch with your school’s nurse if you have any questions. 

Be well. 

William S. McKersie, Ph.D. 

Superintendent of Schools