Let's Go Green

The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System was established on January 1, 2014. The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress administration includes the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments; the California Alternate Assessments (CAAs), including the CAA for Science; the California Science Test (CAST); and the California Spanish Assessment (CSA).

Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for English Language Arts/Literacy (ELA) and mathematics in grades three through eight and grade eleven.

Student Participation: All students at the designated grade levels, for us, Grade 11, are required to participate with the following exceptions:

  • Students who participate in the alternate assessments.
  • ELA only—English learners who are in their first 12 months of attending a school in the United States.

Content and Format: The Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments, which are delivered by computer, consist of two sections: a computer adaptive test (CAT) and a performance task (PT) based on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for ELA and mathematics. The computer-adaptive section includes a range of item types, such as selected response, constructed response, table, fill-in, graphing, and so forth. The PTs are extended activities that measure a student’s ability to integrate knowledge and skills across multiple standards—a key component of college and career readiness.

Sonora High School will engage our Juniors (11th Graders) in CAASPP testing beginning Monday, April 3, 2023, and will conclude on Tuesday, April 11th. They will take Math and Science tests in their social science (US History) classes and ELA CAASPP in their English class.

CAASPP is a schoolwide effort, therefore we will have a block schedule for all of our students. This means all of our Raiders will have 110-minute class periods and only three classes a day. Please see the schedule below with helpful hints for our students who are testing. #gogreen

Bell Schedule for Sonora HS
CAASPP Information Website
California Testing Overview
Directions for Students to Log-In for Test Administration
Practice and Training Tests
Tools for Teachers
Understand Your Test Results


Table of Contents

Any new information for our newsletter will be in Sonora Gold.

Student Board Member Application

Raider Ranch News

Link Crew

Spring Play: Cyrano de Bergerac

Theater at Fullerton Community College

PTSA Recognition

FJUHSD Student Art Exhibition

Congressional Art Competition

Class of 2023 News

Food Services



Counselors' Corner

Academic Supports


Parent Involvement

PTSA Information

Connect with Us


School Calendar

Mental Health Supports

Community News

Employment Opportunities

Important Dates

Quote of the Week

Student Board Member Application

Each year, a student is elected from one of the seven high schools to be a member of the Fullerton Joint Union High School District Board of Trustees. The student member attends all open Board meetings as the representative of the District’s students. The student sits on the Board with the other five adult members who are chosen in local elections.

If you are interested, then please apply by clicking the picture below. Applications are due Friday, April 7, 2023.

Please see Mr. Atkins for more information.

Raider Ranch News

Braedyn Heinrich went to compete at the Regional Impromptu Speech Contest at Cal Poly Pomona! He placed within the Top 15! We are so very proud of you, Braedyn!! #raiderpride

Link Crew News

Link Crew is a high school transition program that welcomes freshmen and makes them feel comfortable throughout the first year of their high school experience. Built on the belief that students can help students succeed, Boomerang Project's proven high school transition program trains mentors from your junior and senior classes to be Link Crew Leaders. As positive role models, Link Crew Leaders are mentors and student leaders who guide the freshmen to discover what it takes to be successful during the transition to high school and help facilitate freshman success.

More and more studies show that if students have a positive experience their first year in high school, their chance for success increases dramatically. Link Crew provides the structure for freshmen to receive support and guidance from juniors and seniors who have been through the challenges that high school poses, and understand that the transition to a larger school can sometimes be overwhelming.

If you would like to be a Link Leader, then please scan this QR Code.


Spring Play Alert:

Cyrano de Bergerac

You are invited to join us for our Spring Play, Cyrano de Bergerac. This is a play about a 17th-century nobleman of the same name, known for his bold adventures and large nose. We hope to see you there!!! #raiderpride

Theater at Fullerton Community College

Mr. Brem and a few of his students participated in a recent Film Festival at Fullerton Community College. There's staging, group presentations and individual in multiple categories: contemporary, classical, modern, humorous and dramatic and other categories. 

Saturday, kids progressed to the second round. All performances were held in hundreds of rooms on campus and each had three judges using a rubric. 

Adriné Perez, one of our Sonora Raiders, went on to finals! She did not win in her category for Comedic Dramatic Monologue...this year. But now we know what we are up against and definitely be prepared for next year. 

Way to go Adriné!! We are so very proud of you.

PTSA Recognition

Our PTSA President, Roberta Garcia, came to honor three very important people in our Raider Family this week. Mr. Remi Rodriguez, Cherilyn Lodding, and Kelly Virden. We will share more information about them and this recognition after the City of La Habra PTSA dinner next week. If you see them around campus, let us be sure to say congratulations to them and thank them for all of their hard work.

Thank you!!! #raiderpride

FJUHSD Student

Art Exhibition


Art Competition

Class of 2023 News

Please click the picture if you would like to review any information. Thank you to Mr. Lee and Ms. Virden for leading us through this celebratory time of year.


Food Services


Raider Activities

If you would like to join ASB for the 2023-2024 school year, the applications are now available. Please go to room 422 for additional information.

Counselors' Corner

2023/24 Course Request Confirmation

Students may now log into their Aeries portals to review their course requests for the upcoming 2023/24 school year. This feature will remain open for students to review their course selection between March 29, 2023 - April 8, 2023. ​This will provide students with one last opportunity to make changes to their course request before Orientation in August. Please keep in mind that changes requested during Orientation will be based exclusively on space availability and therefore, we can not guarantee that changes will be processed at that time. 

Instructions To View Course Requests: 

1) Log in to Aeries

2) Select “Classes”

3) Select “Course Request”

If students need to make changes for any reason, please complete the by clicking the following: 2023/2024 - Course Change Request Form from March 29, 2023 - April 8, 2023.

If your 2023/2024 course request is correct in Aeries, there is no need for you to submit this form for corrections.

Please be advised that as we build the Master Schedule, if conflicts arise, counselors may use alternate courses that were requested on your Google Registration Form, which may not be reflected on your current course request. Additionally, there may be changes to Math and World Language placement depending on the spring semester and/or summer school final grades. 

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to email your counselor. 

Senior Hold List

Each year, teachers are required to provide the names of Senior students at risk of not passing (failing) a course. This Senior “Hold List" is used to closely monitor and communicate with students and families about progress and remaining graduation requirements. Sonora uses the Quarter 3 grades to create the Senior “Hold List”. Students are placed “on hold” for a course if the student received a grade of D, F, *or* the teacher commented, "in danger of failing". This means that a student who currently is passing a class with a grade of A, B, or C may be added to the Senior Hold List by their teacher by using the comment “in danger of failing” if the student still has a possibility of not passing the class.  This does not mean the student will fail the course, nor does it mean that the student will not graduate. It means that there is a *possibility* that the student could still fail one or more required courses, and there is a possibility that the student cannot graduate or walk in the graduation ceremony on June 1, 2023. 


Counselors will begin to compile the list and begin communicating with parents and students over the next few weeks and will continue to track and communicate concerns until graduation. 

  1. ONLY Teachers can remove a student from the Hold List.  Therefore, any questions regarding grades must be directed to the teacher directly. 
  2. Questions regarding graduation requirements should be directed to the assigned counselor.  

Academic Supports

Sonora High School offers a plethora of academic support for our students. Please click the picture below to access your Aeries account.  #beholdblueandgold

Please click the picture below for the sign-in sheet if you would like to keep track of your attendance.

Raider Athletics


Sonora Raider Baseball opens Freeway League play with a victory over Buena Park. Davin Schnakenberg was outstanding on the mound for the Raiders, allowing 1 ER over 6 2/3 IP. Raiders take on the Coyotes today to close out the season series. Next week they take on the Fullerton Indians in a huge Freeway League contest.


Raider Softball opened up with 3-2 victory over the Buena Park Coyotes. Bayle Hunnicutt lead Sonora with an outstanding performance in the circle. She was aided by some great defensive plays by Amanda Smith. Raider Softball will makeup their game against Fullerton on Monday followed by Freeway League battles with Troy and La Habra.

Boys Golf

Raider Boys Golf opened the Freeway League competition with a 265-295 victory over the Buena Park Coyotes. Raider Golf will take on Fullerton next week.

Boys Volleyball 

Raider Boys Volleyball defeated La Habra in an epic 5 set match. Raiders are now 2-2 in Freeway League action, and close out the first round of Freeway League play with a match against Sunny Hills on Monday.

Track and Field 

Raider Track and Field is currently undefeated, 3-0, in Freeway League action. The Raiders have defeated Buena Park, La Habra, and Sunny Hills and are looking forward to taking on Troy and Fullerton in two weeks. 

Boys Tennis 

Raider Tennis defeated cross town rival La Habra High School 12-6 on Thursday. Raider Tennis takes on Sunny Hills and Buena Park next week.

Swim and Dive

Girls Varsity is 2-0 with Freeway League wins over Buena Park and Fullerton. Boys Varsity defeated Buena Park, but fell to Fullerton and is currently 1-1. Raider Swim and Dive will take on Troy next week.

Please click any of the buttons below to have an update on the latest scores and standings as reported by MaxPreps.

Boys Volleyball


ALL Sports Including Cheer, Dance, JROTC & Band Must Register

1) Go to

  • Please use the following Handout to help guide you through the Athletic Clearance process
  • Create an account and complete all sections: Watch the VIDEO for detailed instructions
  • **Very Important** Choose “Sonora” (CIF-SS)” on the list and the School Year "2022/2023"

2) Print out the Confirmation Page from

  • Print & Fill Out (Both parent & student signature is required)
  • Please be advised that each sport/activity will require a separate confirmation page

3) You must complete all 4 pages of the Physical Evaluation Forms 

Downloadable Physical Form

  1. Print & Fill Out all 4 pages (Both Parent & Student signature is required)
  2. Pages 1-2 are filled out by the Parent(s) and Student 
  • Only the Signature from an MD, DO or PA will be accepted. Signatures from Chiropractors and Nurse Practitioners are NOT accepted
  • NO PHOTOCOPIES will be accepted
  • Student's Physical & Physical Form Must be Completed After May 15th  


Athletic Clearance paperwork must be returned to Mr. Steve Cazares. Please submit your completed Athletic Clearance Forms, all 4 pages, plus the Confirmation Page(s) for each sport you intend to participate in for the 2022/23 academic school year. 


If you have questions, please contact Mr. Cazares, Assistant Principal, at

Click for the Calendar of Athletic Events

Parent Involvement

We like to pride ourselves on being a community school. One of the key components is our parents. We have our booster programs, ELAC, and PTSA. Please see the flyers below if you would like to get involved with any of our groups. 

Please plug into our community because we need you to ensure we stay a place of excellence in education. #beholdblueandgold

Connect with Us

Prospective Students to Sonora
Sonora Instagram
Sonora High School Website

Fullerton Joint Union High School News

Click for FJUHSD March Newsletter
Mental Health
FJUHSD Mental Health Resources
Care Solace
FJUHSD Virtual Calming Room
OC Links
Community News
This section is dedicated to general Orange County/La Habra information that may apply to our students and families.

Please click the picture below to for the Vendor Application.

Please click the picture below to register!

Click for La Habra Chamber of Commerce
Community Resources

Employment Opportunities

Please click the picture below for additional information on how to obtain a work permit.

Important Dates

Please click here for FJUHSD Important Dates:

FJUHSD Important Dates

April 3-11, 2023: CAASPP Testing

April 7, 2023: No School (Staff PD Day)

April 19, 2023: Late Start

April 26, 2023: Late Start

May 3, 2023: Late Start

May 17, 2023: Late Start

Office Hours

Monday through Friday 7:00 am until 4:30 pm

Quotes of the Week