June-September 2024



Garden Club

Tewksbury, MA, USA



"All gardeners live in beautiful places because they make them so.”

– Joseph Joubert

Literary Blooms Arrangements at the Tewksbury Public Library

One of May's bouquets created by Elaine Alley, and June's by Marie Luciano.

September Blooms

Thank you to Judy Dziadosz for a wonderful Literary Blooms display at the library.

Monthly Meeting Recap

On June 12th we gathered at Mill River Winery for our year end celebration!


We took a coach bus from the Senior Center to Rowley, MA and the evening was filled with good food, good friends, good education on the process of making wine and some great samples.

The outgoing board, including leadership from Trisha Keddie, was thanked for their hard work and dedication!


Elaine Alley, after 45 years in the Garden Club, was honored with an Honorary Membership as recognized as having exhibited exceptional service to the club.

Committee Updates

ACE Committee

Correnction on the spelling of amsomnia in at the Annex native plant garden in the May newsletter. Here is another picture Ellie took of a beautiful native pollinator in full bloom at the Annex garden. It was planted this spring and the name is monarda punctuate, or spotted bee balm, along with a planter at Town Hall Annex in full bloom.

Summer Scenes from Muster Park

Summer Scenes from Veteran's Memorial & Town Hall

Summer Scenes from Water

Summer Scenes from Annex, Town Center Sign & Steps


To those who devoted time to maintain the summer watering and care in the many gardens our club oversees, you are very appreciated! All areas looked wonderful all summer long!

Volunteers needed!

October 8th at 11:00 at Blaire House 

This month’s Garden Therapy will take place during their Oktoberfest. As such, they are expecting many more participants than our usual 12-15. They wanted us to prepare for 50!

If anyone could spare a few hours to help it would be greatly appreciated!

Please let me know, Marie Luciano

Horticultural Article

Planting in the Fall


It’s hard to believe it’s already time to say this, but keep an eye out for Fall nursery sales.

This is an excellent time of year to not only plant spring bulbs, but to also plants and shrubs. The soil doesn’t freeze for many weeks yet and your plantings will have time to become established.

Spring-blooming bulbs will have time to set roots and gather energy into the bulb before going dormant for the winter. In the spring, your bulbs will be ready to send out the flowering stems to brighten your garden. A bulb fertilizer added to the hole will aid in root development. Be sure to plant at the correct depth for the bulb and know which way the bulb should be oriented in the ground.

Take advantage of Fall plant sales to find bargain shrubs and plants. Buy from a reputable nursery to be more assured of getting plants that have been maintained during the summer season. They won’t be the best looking because the season is beginning to wind down, but there is still plenty of time for the plants to become established and develop a root system that will give you a bigger plant in the Spring. Just be sure to water. Using a fertilizer designed for new plantings can be a benefit at any planting time.

Shrubs can also be planted during the Fall with the same considerations in mind. Be sure to keep shrubs watered at least weekly now and again in the Spring and following Summer to ensure a healthy root system. Enjoy your new plants!!

Jeannette Danehy shares tips on winterizing your roses: https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/winterizing-your-roses-with-jeannette-danehy-3641459

Keep In Touch

Follow us on our members-only Facebook page! Pictures and info posted of Garden Club activities helps with content to include in newsletters and our historic files.

Also, bookmark and share our website: tewksburygardenclub.com

Newsletter Submissions

Post committee updates on our Facebook member's page when possible. Submit all info/pictures for inclusion in future newsletters before the end of each month to tewksburygardenclubnewsletter@gmail.com


Thank you for the 14 lbs of snacks donated for the Tewksbury Community Pantry at the September meeting.

November 13th 7pm is our Floral Fantasy Tour.