Serving those who are Called to Serve in the Small Church Mission Field
Texas Baptist Small Church Ministers & Spouses Association exist to Care for those called into the Small Church Mission Field. We are funded through donated funds from small church ministers, individuals and churches who have a passion to care for Ministers and their Families. 
Dear Small Church Ministers:

It’s a new year and we are looking forward to serving those who have accepted the call into the Small Church Mission Field. We are eager to hear from you on how we can best serve you and your family. 

I will be sending out frequent newsletters sharing with you on upcoming minister and family fellowships and retreats while also providing various ministry resources that may assist you as you serve our Lord. 

Please take time to take our Ministry Survey to help us better understand your ministry and personal needs as you and your family take on the mission that the Lord has called you into.

Pastor Chris Ortego
President, Texas Baptist Bivocational/Small Church Minister and Spouses Association

Pastor Rev Chris Ortego
Rev Richard Ray
Executive Director
TX Baptist Bivocational/Small Church Minister & Spouse Association