Coach ,
The Blaze would like to invite you to two different org-wide workout/combine events. These events will showcase athletes in the 2023/2024/2025/2026 classes. 

Monday, June 27th, 5pm-7pm
 Aurora Sports Park, 19300 E Colfax Ave, Aurora, CO 80011 
Complex N, the turf fields to the right when you enter the park. 

Players will go thru a two-hour position-specific skills showcase run by Blaze coaches. Significant data like Pitch velocity, Exit Velocity, and 20-yard dash will also be available to access at the event. 

All players will have dedicated jerseys for the event with large numbers and color-coded by grade. In addition, we will use the Sports Recruits Event beacon that will allow you to access the roster of attendees and know what time/location of the events they are performing. Coaches will also be able to link directly to online profiles with additional information and videos. All of this is available right at the event itself! 

Thursday, June 16th, 4pm-8pm
 Paul D. Rushing Park, 9114 Katy Hockley Rd. Katy, Tx. 77493

The Blaze program invites you to our digital exposure event featuring top Blaze athletes going through Combine style workouts to showcase their skills and athleticism. 
There will be a hospitality tent for coaches providing drinks and snacks.

In addition, we will utilize Sports Recruits Event Beacon so that you will have direct access to all participants' information directly on your mobile device, along with a search option to know what event the athlete is in at all times.

This event is for uncommitted athletes in the 
2022 / 2023 / 2024 / 2025 / 2026 Grad Classes

Contact JB Slimp / 512-789-6514 /

Check out our United training video!
#TrainHarder #TrainSmarter
Thank You for your time!!!

JB Slimp
National Director
Recruiting Coordinator

Texas Blaze Fastpitch est.2003