Texas House legislators held strong against private school vouchers and proposed its own bill late in the 30-day session. The House bill combined increases to public school funding, teacher pay, special education, and virtual instruction, the school accountability system and early literacy along with a private school voucher plan. This proposal failed to gain enough support and never had a public hearing.
In the final days of the session, lawmakers released a new version of this proposal. It was touted as a “deal” on vouchers, but nothing changed. Significant increases in public school funding, teacher pay and special programs are still being held as bait for a private school voucher program.
With the start of a fourth special session, lawmakers need to hear from Texans like you who want to keep public money in public schools to support our students. The House will hold public hearings on their voucher bill this Thursday, November 9 at 9:00 am and continue testimony on Friday, November 10 at 9:00 am, if needed.
Stay tuned for policy updates and ways to take action via our social media @IDRAedu and @TxTLEEC.