Texas Education Policy Alert
IDRA's weekly email alert includes legislative updates, opportunities for action to make your voice heard, bills to watch and other information through the session until it closes in late May.
And please tell your friends!
Coming Up: Week of March 27, 2023
Hearings this week will address:
- Changes to funding for mental health and school safety issues
- Increases to school safety hardening measures
- Review of Senate budget recommendations
- Prohibitions on PRIDE Weeks and family discussions in schools
- Ending expiration of district virtual learning program options
Higher Education Committee
Youth Health & Safety Select Committee
Public Education Committee
State Affairs
Finance Committee
Education Committee
Subcommittee on Higher Education
Senate Education Committee Holds Hearing on Voucher Proposals
The Senate Education Committee heard testimony on four private school voucher proposals late into the night last Wednesday, March 22. The bills range in financial impact. For just the first year of operation (2024), these bills would cost between $1.1 million to over $4.6 million of state education funds, with increasing costs each subsequent year. SB 8 also contains discriminatory language against LGBTQ+ students and topics in schools through grades PreK-12.
Many proponents of the bills expressed interest in public funds for private religious and home school education. Opponents shared concerns about the immense fiscal impact and the lack of regulation on financial or academic accountability to the public from the program. Others shared research on the discriminatory impact of vouchers against Black and Latino students, students with disabilities, emergent bilingual students, and LGBTQ+ identified students. Some opponents additionally relayed frustration about sending public tax money toward religious schools, and about state funding and potential reporting requirements for otherwise private settings and homeschools. The bills were left pending in the committee for further consideration.
Video Highlights of Testimony Presented Last Week
Education Savings Accounts Are Inefficient, Ineffective and Unaccountable to Texas Students
IDRA Testimony against vouchers by Chloe Latham Sikes, Ph.D., to the Texas Senate Education Committee
Texas’ CROWN Act Gives Every Texan a Fair Chance to Succeed Without Identity-Based Hair Discrimination
IDRA Testimony for House Bill 567, submitted by Alisha Tuff to the Texas House Committee of State Affairs
Restricting Intellectual Freedom in Texas Higher Education Hurts Quality Research, Scholarship and Learning
TLEEC Testimony against SB 16, submitted by María Unida, M.A., to the Texas Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education
Additional Testimony Presented Last Week
IDRA is an independent, non-profit organization whose mission is to achieve equal educational opportunity through strong public schools that prepare all students to access and succeed in college.