September 5, 2018
The garden reader:
Countertop gardening, with mushrooms on the side
By William Scheick
Shelley Levis. Countertop Gardens: Easily Grow Kitchen Edibles Indoors for Year-Round Enjoyment. Cool Springs Press, 2018. 160 pp. $22.99.
"The food we grow ourselves tastes so much better," Shelley Levis maintains. "I honestly believe that if everyone grew even just a little of their own food, we would be not only a healthier nation, but a happier one too."
Grow-it-yourself countertop veggies might at first seem difficult. But by applying basic techniques, even people with little outdoor space for gardens can easily grow food indoors.
Success requires knowing which "types of vegetables and their varieties [are] suitable for countertop growing." Sprouts, microgreens and herbs are especially uncomplicated undertakings, followed by kale, spinach and Swiss chard.
Root crops prove simple enough, too, including carrots, radishes, beets and ginger. And don't overlook edible flowers, such as calendula and dianthus, which also flavors an appealing syrup recipe provided by the author.
Among Levis' profile of creative container designs, a self-watering mason jar steals the show in 10 easy steps. My interest was also piqued by her mushroom setup, based on a kit sold by Back to the Roots.
Tavis Lynch. Mushroom Cultivation: An Illustrated Guide to Growing Your Own Mushrooms at Home. Quarry Books, 2018. 144 pp. $24.99.
"Mushrooms are an excellent source of the fifth flavor known as umami ... that dark, deep satisfying taste that's different from sweet or sour, salty or bitter," according to Travis Lynch in his new handbook.
Maybe you are not a foodie with a particular fondness for mushrooms. So instead of eating them, just let them enrich your soil, accelerate your compost heap or merely deter your weeds.
Either way, the kid in you will likely succumb to "the fascination of watching this unique form of life," particularly when grown from hanging sack-beds. "From the first emerging signs of life to the fully formed final product, the lifecycle of the mushroom is nothing short of magical."
Lynch offers down-to-earth advice on how to raise shiitake and hericium mushrooms on logs; oyster and wine-cup mushrooms on straw or wood chips; blewit mushrooms on leaf litter; and agaricus mushrooms on compost.
He also provides a helpful section on harvesting, drying and freezing; and other chapters devoted to problem solving and cooking tips. Like Levis in Countertop Gardens, Lynch recommends indoor mushroom-growing kits that sell for less than $40.
William Scheick is a Texas Gardener contributing editor and the author of Adventures in Texas Gardening (Texas A&M University Press).
Texas A&M vice chancellor: Agriculture must battle chronic disease
By Gabe Saldana
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
Urban residents making up some 80 percent of the U.S. population remain disconnected from agricultural food sources and are increasingly afflicted by nutrition- and diet-related chronic disease, said Dr. Patrick Stover, Texas A&M University System vice chancellor and dean for agriculture and life sciences.
"About half of U.S. adults are acquiring some type of medical condition related to the food they eat, costing the country about $1 trillion each year," he said.
Dr. Patrick Stover visits Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center in Dallas.
(Photo: Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service)

Stover - also sole finalist to become director of Texas A&M AgriLife Research - said agricultural science must shift its focus beyond generating food to generating a "food environment that promotes healthy people."
"We must enhance health-promoting qualities in agricultural commodities and connect growing urban populations to the rural agricultural activity improving their health and quality of life," he said.
The vice chancellor, who joined Texas A&M in March, made the remarks during a two-day tour of initiatives at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center in Dallas. The center's new headquarters is slated to open late this year.
"Agriculture must become integral to urban culture," he said. "People today, as we become more urbanized, don't know where our food comes from or its role in our health. That has to change."
Meanwhile, he said, agricultural science must grow its capacity for harnessing "big data" to improve food quantity, quality and economic value based on the varying nutritional needs of individual persons.
"Robust data does not exist yet for us to affect this," Stover said. "But these resources will enable us to begin setting recommendations for food production and legislation based on reducing chronic disease."
During his visit, the vice chancellor met with regional leaders of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service to discuss efforts of the agency's Healthy Texas initiative on preventive health, which includes a range of food and nutrition programming. He also met with AgriLife Extension's regional 4-H officials to discuss ongoing learning initiatives at local schools.
Stover spent a day touring the field research plots and laboratories of the Dallas center's turfgrass breeding, plant disease immunity and genome research teams, where he and center personnel discussed emerging technologies in fundamental plant sciences and their applications in better agricultural systems. He also met with turfgrass program stakeholders including the Turfgrass Producers of Texas trade association, the U.S. Golf Association and Tanglewood Golf Resort of Pottsboro.
Stover toured water- and resource-efficient landscape installations as well as the IPM Experience House - a pest-control-industry teaching facility focused on integrated pest management and run by AgriLife Extension entomologists at the Dallas center.
He traveled with the center's Water University program to Tarrant Regional Water District Headquarters in Fort Worth. There, the group explored a demonstration landscape by Water University and the regional water provider. The installation teaches visitors to use native and adapted plant life for water conservation and quality protection. The groups also reviewed historical collaborations in ecological engineering and watershed planning.
"All of these programs represent a multi-discipline approach that brings to bear the full agricultural expertise of the Texas A&M University System to boost our economy, protect our resources and promote a high quality of life for Texans," Stover said. "We believe our efforts over the next five years will place us in the midst of an agricultural revolution."

The compost heap
Clematis and roses
"I would like to know if anyone in SE Texas has success with clematis," writes Trish Tomes. "When the temp soar above 95 degrees, mine turn brown and about half of them have died despite using a leaky hose to keep them watered."
We posed this question to Cynthia W. Mueller, a friend of Texas Gardener, and she said, "I have had good luck with 'Roguchi', a beautiful deep blue, bell-shaped flower. It was hybridized by a Japanese breeder. For people who are looking for a Texas native vine, they might try C. texensis, which is a 'scrambling' vine with beautiful red, smaller urn shaped blooms. C. texensis has several hybrids and is the source of red color in clematis hybrids. The fancier horticultural varieties sometimes do well here if planted in good soil with adequate moisture." 
"Is it too early to trim roses?" asks Joy Frazar.
Now is actually the best time to trim roses. The traditional times to trim roses are Labor Day and Valentine's Day.  However, if you have canes that are dying, it is always advised to remove them, regardless of the date on the calendar.
Gardening tips

"How to store tomato cages when not using them?" writes Ralph Gingell. "It's not easy to place one inside the other, as they are purchased. I hang each one individually over a wooden picket in my garden fence. It's hardly visible to my neighbor, and the bottoms are usually out of the way of the mower."

Have a favorite gardening tip you'd like to share? Texas Gardener's Seeds is seeking brief gardening tips from Texas gardeners to use in future issues. If we publish your tip in Seeds, we will send you a copy of Texas Gardene r's 2019 Planning Guide & Calendar. Please send your tips of 50 words or less to the editor at: Garde ning Tips.
Upcoming garden events
If you would like your organization's events included in "Upcoming Garden Events" or would like to make a change to a listed event, please contact us at Garden Events. To ensure inclusion in this column, please provide complete details at least three weeks prior to the event.

Austin: The Travis County Master Gardener Association is sponsoring a gardening seminar on September 8, on "Fall Vegetable Gardening." The milder days of fall create an ideal gardening environment for both garden and gardener. Now is the time to plant cool-weather vegetables, including broccoli, kale, Swiss chard, lettuce, sugar snap peas and more. Join Master Gardener and Texas Gardener Contributing Editor Patty Leander as she share tips for planting a fall garden along with information on recommended vegetable varieties, planting dates and organic technique for pest control. The seminar will be held from 10 a.m. to noon in the Austin Area Garden Center at the Zilker Botanical Garden, 2220 Barton Springs Road, Austin. The seminar is free with regular admission. Admission fees are $2 per adult, $1 per child (ages 3-12) or senior (ages 62 & over) and $3 for non-Austin residents. Cash or check accepted. For more information, visit
Friendswood: "Backyard Citrus," with Robert Marshall, Galveston County Master Gardener, presenting, 1-3 p.m., September 8, at Friendswood Public Library, 416 S. Friendswood Dr., Friendswood, Ph 281-534-3413; email; for additional details Free, but pre-registration required.
San Angelo: The Concho Valley Master Gardeners present their 7th Annual Fall Landscape Symposium Saturday, September 8, at the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Center, 7887 N. US Highway 87, San Angelo. Cost is $30 per person. Due to limited seating, pre-registration is required. Deadline to register is Wednesday, September 5, but don't wait too late as seats fill up fast. Three excellent speakers who are tops in their fields will be presenting throughout the day at this year's Symposium. Cheryl Beesley - Landscaping with Edibles and Rainwater Harvesting; Scott Ogden and Lauren Springer Ogden - Design Inspiration for Waterwise Gardens and Where Do Native Trees Come From?; Charles Floyd-Bringing Real Birds Back to the Gardens and Ranches of the Concho Valley. Registration includes refreshments throughout the day and lunch. On the day of the seminar, sign-in starts at 8 a.m. The speakers start at 8:30 a.m. and continue until 3:15 p.m. To pay by check or cash, go to, download the registration form, and mail or bring it to the Extension Office, 113 W. Beauregard, San Angelo, Texas 76901. You'll also find parking and hotel information on the website. To pay on-line with a credit card, go to For questions or more information, call 325-659-6522. No childcare will be provided.
San Antonio: CULTIVATE! Earth Friendly Gardening & Landscaping Exposition and Workshops will be presented by the Bexar County Master Gardeners (BCMG) on Saturday, September 8, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. a t the University of The Incarnate Word, Dr. Burton E. Grossman International Conference Center (ICC), 847 E. Hildebrand, San Antonio. Visit the BCMG website for Workshop details:  . Nine 1-hour Workshops ($) will be available. " Ask an Expert" session from1 p.m. to 2 p.m. will feature: David Rodriguez, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Agent - Horticulture - if it grows, he knows! - and Natalie Cervantes, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Agent - 4-H and Youth Development for all things insect-related! Plan to visit the Interactive Expo/Vendor area. Take your hand-tools for sharpening by Dr. Tom Harris, "The Hill Country Gardener" (donations accepted). Food and Drinks will also be available for purchase.
Austin: George Altgelt, soil expert and founder and president of Geo Growers, will discuss something all gardeners need - compost at the September 10 meeting of The Austin Organic Gardeners' Club, which meets at the Austin Area Garden Center, 2220 Barton Springs Rd, in Zilker Botanical Gardens the 2nd Monday of each month except December. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for the opportunity to meet, mingle, and ask questions with experienced local gardeners. Club business begins at 7 p.m. , followed by our guest speaker presentation. For more information, visit .

Gonzales: Registration is currently underway for Gonzales Master Gardeners fall training class. Classes start September 11 and run through May, 2019. Classes are held every other Tuesday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the PACE building located at 623 Fair St, next to Gonzales Elementary School. Learn with the experts. Class topics include botany, plant propagation, soils, vegetables, fruit and nut trees, insects, fertilizers, rainwater harvesting, and many more. Download an application at or . Contact the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Office at 1709 Sarah DeWitt, 830-672-8531, for an application and more information, or contact Fran Saliger at 830-672-2953.
Marion: "Watershed Protection and Re-Vegetating Geronimo Creek" will be presented Tuesday September 11, at 7:00 p.m., at St John's Lutheran Church, FM 465, Marion. Cattle production, row crop horticulture, and growing urban areas severely affect the watershed. Even surviving native plants are impacted by excessive nutrient enrichment and elevated nitrates due to rainwater runoff from these areas. The watershed must be protected by limiting pollutants, removing invasive plants and wildlife, re-vegetating with natives, and supporting projects like the Irma Lewis Seguin Outdoor Learning Center with its rainwater harvesting, vegetated swales, native grasses, a rain garden, a detention pond, pervious pavement, and educational creek walks. Ward Ling is an extension program specialist with Texas A&M University, serving as the Geronimo and Alligator Creek Watershed coordinator. He directs the efforts of landowners and local volunteers from NPSOT, Master Naturalists and Master Gardeners. Come and learn more about this essential work, and how we can help, from this devoted expert. There is a plant/seed exchange and greeting at 6:30 p.m. followed by the program at 7:00 p.m. For more information, directions to St John's Lutheran Church, or membership applications, visit 

Houston: "Bayou Bend: Plants that Shaped Miss Ima's Garden" is the topic of the Houston Rose Society meeting, Thursday, September 13, 7:00 p.m. at the Cherie Flores Garden Pavillon, 1500 Hermann Drive, Houston. The parking lot is Lot C located at Hermann Drive and Crawford Street. Bart Brechter, Curator of Bayou Bend Gardens; Museum of Fine Arts Houston will present the program. Learn about the plants Miss Ima loved and how they helped to define her garden. Beautiful roses, azaleas, camellias and iris that adorned the grounds were used to build the story of Bayou Bend. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m., come at 7:00 p.m. for social time. Remember to bring a special rose from your garden for Grow and Tell. Free Admission. For more information, visit
Nacogdoches: Kathryn Fontenot, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, will present "You Say Tomato, and I Say Tomahto: Let's Cut the Whole Thing Off!" at 7:00 p.m., September 13, in the Brundrett Conservation Education Building at the Pineywoods Native Plant Center, 2900 Raguet St., Nacogdoches. For more information, call (936) 468-4129 or email
Pasadena: Harris County Master Gardeners Lecture Series: Fall Vegetable Gardening - by Christine Hammon, Harris County Master Gardener, 10:00-11:30 a.m., September 13, Genoa Friendship Gardens Educational Center Building, 1202 Genoa Red Bluff Road, Pasadena. Free. Plants for sale in greenhouse. For more information, call (713) 274-0950.
Spring: Harris County Master Gardeners Green Thumb Series: Roses: Planting, Growing & Upkeep, 6:30-8:30 p.m., September 13, Barbara Bush Library, 6817 Cypresswood Dr., Spring. Free. For more information, call (713) 274-0950.
Austin: The 25th Annual Texas Bamboo Festival, Celebrating the Wonders of Bamboo, will be held September 15-16, at Zilker Botanical Garden, Austin. The festival will be open Saturday 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. The Annual Texas Bamboo Festival brings bamboo enthusiasts together to share their passion and love of living and working with bamboo. Talk to bamboo experts about bamboo maintenance, and learn about growing, grooming and exploring different ways to craft bamboo. Clumping bamboo and running bamboo plants and crafts will be for sale. Bid on a family portrait valued at $1,000 at the silent auction. There will be fun and wisdom for all. Credit cards accepted from most vendors. The festival is free with admission to Zilker Botanical Garden. $1 for children (ages 3-12) & seniors (age 62 & over); $2 for adults, Austin resident (ages 13-61); $3 for adults, non-resident (ages 13-61); cash or check for Zilker Admission.For additional information, visit .
Katy: Harris County Master Gardeners Green Thumb Series: Roses: Planting, Growing & Upkeep - 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., September 15, Maud Smith Marks Library, 1815 Westgreen Blvd., Katy. Free. For more information, phone (713) 274-0950.
La Marque: "Fall Bulbs," with Margaret Cherry, bulb and colorscape expert, presenting, 9-10:30 a.m., September 15, at Galveston County AgriLife Extension in Carbide Park, 4102 Main, La Marque; Ph 281-534-3413; email; for additional details Free, but pre-registration required.
La Marque: "Kitchen Gardening," with Mary Demeny, Galveston County Master Gardener presenting, 1-3 p.m., September 15, at Galveston County AgriLife Extension in Carbide Park, 4102 Main, La Marque; Ph 281-534-3413; email; for additional details Free, but pre-registration required.
Athens: As part of the Henderson County Master Gardener Association's Library Series, Bob Erickson, an HCMGA Master Gardener, will present "Fall Efforts to Prepare Your Garden for Spring" on Tuesday, September 18, at 5:30 p.m. at the Clint W. Murchison Memorial Library, 121 S. Prairieville, Athens. Bob, who has been a Master Gardener since 2013, will talk about how to prepare garden beds, whether for a late fall or spring garden. He will also demonstrate how to sharpen and care for your tools so they will perform for many years. This event is free and open to the public. For more information, call 903-675-6130, send an email to or visit
Houston: Harris County Master Gardeners Green Thumb Series: Roses: Planting, Growing & Upkeep - 6:30-8:30pm, September 18, Spring Branch Memorial Library, 930 Corbindale, Houston. Free. For more information, call (713) 274-0950.
Tyler: The Smith County Master Gardeners Association will host the Texas Superstar State Master Gardener Plant Specialist Training September 18-20, at the Comfort Suites Hotel, 303 Rieck Rd., Tyler. This Texas Superstar specialist training was created as an intensive multi-day training that helps empower Master Gardeners with knowledge and skills required to effectively support and multiply Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service efforts in Earth-Kind environmental and educational programs in their counties. Instructors include Larry Stein, Jerry Parsons, Brent Pemberton, David Rodriguez, Keith Hansen, and Texas Gardener Contributing Editor Greg Grant. The training will cover the history of the Texas Superstar plant selection program as well as details on all designated Texas Superstar plants. The cost for the Texas Superstar specialist training is $225. To register (or for information), call (903) 590-2980. Registration deadline is September 7, and spaces are limited.
Houston: Harris County Master Gardeners Green Thumb Series: Roses: Planting, Growing & Upkeep - 6:30-8:30pm, September 20, Freeman Branch Library, 16616 Diana Lane, Houston. Free. For more information, call (713) 274-0950.
San Antonio: Growing Good Kids with the Bexar County Youth Gardens Program will be the topic of the next Bexar County Master Gardener (BCMG) Educational Seminar on Thursday, September 20, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Office, 3355 Cherry Ridge, Suite 208, San Antonio, TX 78230. This seminar is Free and Open to the Public. Ruby Zavala, Youth Gardens Coordinator at Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, will speak about the innovative program in Bexar County which strives to create an environment to bring together the community in order to educate urban youth about horticulture, staying healthy, developing interpersonal skills and promoting community involvement. Learn some cool, kid friendly, hands-on gardening activities, and learn how to become part of your county's great effort to improve youth education by using outdoor garden classrooms. Since the summer of 2014, Ruby Zavala has served as the Youth Gardens Coordinator for Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service-Bexar County and been certified as a Junior Master Gardener leader. She became a Bexar County Master Gardener in 2015. Ruby facilitates fall and spring Youth Garden Educator Trainings, Summer Junior Master Gardener Adult Leader Trainings, coordinates Summer and Spring break camps, as well as Fall and Spring Learn Grow Eat and Go! programs. For more information, contact the BCMG President: or visit the BCMG website at
La Marque: "Composting," with Galveston County Master Gardener Jim Gilliam presenting, 9-11 a.m., September 22, at Galveston County AgriLife Extension in Carbide Park, 4102 Main, La Marque; Ph 281-534-3413; email ; for additional details visit Free, but pre-registration required.
La Marque: "A Passion for Plumeria (Frangipani)," with Galveston County Master Gardener Loretta Osteen presenting, 1-3 p.m., September 22, at Galveston County AgriLife Extension in Carbide Park, 4102 Main, La Marque; Ph 281-534-3413; email; for additional details visit Free, but pre-registration required.

Kemah:  Kemah Gardenkids, A Junior Master Gardener Group, will present its second "Vegetable and Flower Show" Sept. 29, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. The Kemah Community Center 800 Harris Avenue (near Hwy 146), Kemah. See youth-grown vegetables, herbs, flowers,crafts and more. For more information, call 281-334-7529 or visit .
Arlington: Native Plant Sale hosted by the Native Plant Society of Texas - North Central Chapter, Saturday, September 29, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at River Legacy Park - Elm Grove Pavilion, 701 NE Green Oaks Blvd., Arlington. Sale plants have been grown organically from local seed by members. Knowledgeable volunteers will be on hand to answer questions and offer tips. Groomed by Mother Nature to thrive in our climate, native plants have minimal water needs, don't need pesticides or fertilizers, and benefit birds, butterflies and the overall ecosystem. The event raises funds for outreach, including training, education and demonstration gardens. For a list of species with photos, visit .
La Marque: "T-bud Grafting of Citrus & Fruit Trees," with Galveston County Master Gardener Sue Jeffco presenting, 9-10:30 a.m., September 29, at Galveston County AgriLife Extension in Carbide Park, 4102 Main, La Marque; Ph 281-534-3413; email; for additional details visit Free, but class is limited to 24 participants, you MUST pre-register to participate. Others welcome to observe.
Monthly meetings
If you would like your organization's events included in "Monthly Meetings" or would like to make a change to a listed meeting, please contact us at Monthly Meetings. To ensure inclusion in this column, please provide complete details. 
Kaufman: The Kaufman County Master Gardeners meet the first Monday of each month at the First Community Church at 1401 Trinity Drive in Crandall. January through April and August and September meetings are at 9 a.m., with the remaining meetings beginning at 7 p.m. For additional information, visit, call 972-932-9069 or email to

Houston: The Harris County Master Gardeners meet at noon the first Tuesday of each month at a location in Houston to be determined. For additional information, visit or call 713-274-0950.

Dallas: Garden Masters, Inc., meet the first Wednesday of each month at North Haven Gardens, 7700 Northaven Rd., Dallas. The club hosts different speaker each month from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Bring your lunch! For more information, email Bunny Williams at
Kerrville: Hill Country Master Gardeners meet the first Wednesday of each month at 1:00 pm at Hill Country Youth Event Center, 3785 Hwy 27. For more information visit
Midland/Odessa: The Permian Basin Master Gardeners meet at noon, the first Wednesday of each month, Alternating between the Midland and Ector County's Extensions Offices. For more information about location, call 432-498-4071 or 432-686-4700.

Navasota: The Navasota Garden Club meets on the first Wednesday of each month (September through May) at 10:00 a.m., usually at the First Baptist Church Family Life Center, 300 Church Street, Navasota. If not meeting at the church, a change of meeting notice will be placed on the door at the North entrance. Guests are welcome. Members are from Grimes County and surrounding counties.
Allen: The Allen Garden Club meets at 7 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month, February through December, at the Allen Heritage Center, 100 E. Main St., Allen. For more information, visit

Atlanta: The Cass County Master Gardeners meet the first Thursday of each month at the Atlanta Memorial Hospital Conference Room, State Highway 77 @ S. Williams St., Atlanta. A business meeting is followed by an educational program. The public is welcome to attend. For additional information, call 903-756-5391 or visit

Fort Worth: The Native Plant Society of Texas - North Central Chapter meets the first Thursday of each month, excluding January and July, at the Fort Worth Botanic Garden, 3220 Botanic Garden Blvd., Fort Worth. Meeting begins at 6:30 p.m., program begins at 7:00 p.m. Guest speakers present educational programs on topics of interest. Members, friends, family, guests and the public are welcome. For a list of speakers and topics or more information, visit
Hempstead: The Waller County Master Gardeners usually meet at 9 a.m. the first Thursday of each month at the Waller County AgriLife Extension Office, 846 6th St., Hempstead. For more information on the meeting schedule, visit or call 979-826-7651.
Gonzalas: Gonzales Master Gardeners hold their monthly meeting at noon on the first Thursday of each month at 623 Fair Street, Gonzales. Bring a bag lunch, drinks provided. Contact AgriLife Extension Office at 830-672-8531 or visit for more information.

New Braunfels: The Comal Garden Club meets the first Thursday of each month at 9:30 a.m. at Southbank Clubhouse, 222 Southbank Blvd., New Braunfels.

Hempstead: The Peckerwood Garden Conservation Foundation, 20559 F.M. 359, Hempstead, hosts a special Peckerwood Insider's Tour at 10 a.m. on the first Saturday of each month. Spaces are limited so pre-registration is required. $15, free for members. For more information, visit
Austin: Austin Organic Gardeners Club meets at 6:30 p.m. on the second Monday of each month (except December) at the Austin Area Garden Center, 2220 Barton Springs Road, Zilker Botanical Gardens in Austin. For more information, visit

Jacksonville: The Cherokee County Master Gardeners meet on the second Monday of each month at 9:30 a.m. at Woodmen of the World, 1800 College Ave., Jacksonville. For more information, e-mail Tom Abbott at

Glen Rose: The Glen Rose Garden Club meets at 10 a.m. on the second Tuesday of each month (September through May) at the Somervell County Community Center in Glen Rose. For additional information, email

Glen Rose: The Prairie Rose Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas meets at 6 p.m. on the second Monday of each month at the Somerville County Citizen Center, 209 SW Barnard St., Glen Rose. For additional information, email
Harrison County: The Harrison County Master Gardeners meet on the second Tuesday of each month in the Harrison County Annex building, 102 W Houston St. (south side of the square), Marshall. Meetings are held in the 2nd floor AgriLife Extension meeting room. For more information, call 903-935-8413, or email   
Marion: The Guadalupe County (Schertz/Seguin) Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas meets on the second Tuesday of each month except July, August and December at St. John's Lutheran Church in Marion. Directions to St. John's Lutheran Church: From FM 78 turn south onto FM 465 and the church is just past the Marion School on the right. From IH-10 go north on FM 465 towards Marion. The Church will be on the left, just before you get to town. A plant exchange and meet-and-greet begins at 6:30 p.m. followed by the program at 7 p.m. Visitors are welcome. For more information or an application to join NPSOT visit or contact
Quitman: The Quitman Garden Club meets at 2 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month at the Quitman Library on E Goode Street, Quitman. It is a diverse group that welcomes all visitors. For more information, e-mail
Denton:  The Denton County Master Gardener Association meets from 9:30 a.m. until 11 a.m. the
second Wednesday of each month . Meetings are open to the public. For complete details, visit
Humble: The Mercer Arboretum & Botanic Garden, 22306 Aldine Westfield Road, Humble, hosts a Lunch Bunch the second Wednesday of each month from noon until 2 p.m. Take a sack lunch or order a box lunch from Starbucks when you call 281-443-8731 to reserve your spot. Master Gardeners and Masters Naturalists may earn CEU credits by attending.
Jacksboro: The Jacksboro Garden Club meets at 9:30 a.m. the second Wednesday of each month (except June, July and August) at the Concerned Citizens Center, 400 East Pine Street, Jacksboro. For more information, call Melinda at 940-567-6218.
Longview: The Gregg County Master Gardeners Association's Learn at Lunch program meet the second Wednesday of each month. The business meeting begins at 11:30 a.m., with the program at noon, at the AgriLife Extension Office, 405 E. Marshall Ave., Longview. The program is presented for horticultural education and is free to the public. For further information call 903-236-8429, visit, or like us on Facebook at Gregg County Master Gardeners. 
Rockport: The Rockport Herb & Rose Study Group, founded in March 2003, meets the
second Wednesday of each month at 10 a.m. at 619 N. Live Oak Street, Room 14, Rockport, to discuss all aspects of using and growing herbs, including historical uses and tips for successful propagation and cultivation. Sometimes they take field trips and have cooking demonstrations in different locations. For more information, contact Linda 361-729-6037, Ruth 361-729-8923 or Cindy 979-562-2153 or visit www.rockportherbs.or g and
Woodway: The McLennan County Master Gardeners meet on the second Wednesday each month at noon at the Carleen Bright Arboretum, 9001 Bosque Blvd., Woodway. Educational programs follow the business session. For more information, call 254-757-5180.
Beaumont: The Jefferson County Master Gardeners meet at 6 p.m. (social) 7:00 (meeting) the second Thursday of each month except in July in the AgriLife Extension auditorium, 1225 Pearl 2nd floor (downtown Beaumont next to the Court House). For more information contact: 409-835-8461 or
Georgetown: The Williamson County Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas meets from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. the second Thursday of each month at the Georgetown Public Library, 402 W. 8th Street. Georgetown. For additional information, contract Kathy Henderson at or visit
Orange: The Orange County Master Gardeners Association holds their monthly meeting on the
second Thursday of each month. A short program is presented. The meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. at the new Orange County Expo Center on Hwy 1442 in Orangefield. Enter the building in the front entrance, first door on the right, Texas AgriLife offices. Pot luck supper at 6 p.m. Visit for more information.

Pasadena : The Harris County Precinct 2 Master Gardeners hold an educational program at 10 a.m. on the  second Thursday of each month  at The Genoa Friendship Garden Educational Building at 1202 Genoa Red Bluff, Pasadena. The programs are free and open to the public. For more information, visit .

San Antonio: The San Antonio Herb Society meets at 7 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month at the San Antonio Garden Center, 3310 N. New Braunfels (corner of Funston & N. New Braunfels). For more information on programs, visit

Smithville: The Smithville Community Gardens meets at 5:30 p.m. the second Thursday of each month at the Smithville Recreation Center. 
Angleton: The Brazoria County Master Gardeners meet at 11 a.m. on the second Friday of each month at the Brazoria County Extension Office, 21017 County Road 171, Angleton. There is a general business meeting followed by a brief educational program each month. For further information call 979-864-1558, ext.110.
College Station: The A&M Garden Club meets on the second Friday of each month during the school year at 9:30 a.m. in the training room of the College Station Waste Water Facility building at the end of North Forest Parkway, College Station. Expert speakers, plant sharing, and federated club projects help members learn about gardening in the Brazos Valley, floral design, conservation, and more. For more information, visit
Houston: The Spring Branch African Violet Club meets the second Saturday of each month, January through November, at 10:00 a.m. at the Copperfield Baptist Church, 8350 Highway 6 North, Houston. Call Karla at 281-748-8417 prior to attending to confirm meeting date and time.
Kilgore: Northeast Texas Organic Gardeners meets at 1:30 p.m. on the second Saturday of each month. For more information, call Carole Ramke at 903-986-9475.
Dallas: The Rainbow Garden Club of North Texas meets the second Sunday of each month at 2 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Meetings are held at member's homes and garden centers around the area. For more information, visit
Arlington: The Arlington Men's Garden Club meets from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. on the third Monday of each month (except December) at the Bob Duncan Center, 2800 S. Center Street, Arlington. For more information, contact Lance Jepson at
Cleburne: The Johnson County Master Gardener's meet on the third Monday of each month at McGregor House, 1628 W Henderson, Cleburne. Meeting times are at 2 p.m. October through April, except December and at 6 p.m. May through September. An educational program precedes the business meeting. For additional information, contact Elaine Bell at 817-309-8052.
New Braunfels: The Comal Master Gardeners meet at 6 p.m. the third Monday of each month (except April and December,) at the  GVTC Auditorium, 36101 FM 3159, New Braunfels. An educational program precedes the business meeting. The public is invited to attend. For additional information, call 830-620-3440 or visit 

Texarkana: The Four Corners Chapter of Native Plant Society of Texas meets at 7 p.m. on the third Monday of each month at the Southwest Center, 3222 W. 7th St. (U.S. 67), Texarkana. Visitors are welcome. For additional information, contact Belinda McCoy at 903-424-7724 or

Abilene: The Master Gardeners meet the third Tuesday of each month at the Taylor County Extension Office, 1982 Lytle Way, Abilene. For more information, contact Lind Spivey, Corresponding Secretary at

Corpus Christi: The Nueces Master Gardeners meet at noon the third Tuesday of each month, except December, at Garden Senior Center, 5325 Greely Dr., Corpus Christi. An educational program precedes the business meeting. For further information call 361 767-5217.
Evant: The Evant Garden Club meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 10 a.m., usually at the bank in downtown Evant. To confirm the date, time and place of each month's meeting, call 254-471-5860. 
New Braunfels: The Lindheimer Chapter (Comal County) of the Native Plant Society of Texas meets on the third Tuesday of each month at  6:30 pm at the GVTC Auditorium, 36101 FM 3159, New Braunfels. Meetings include an informative speaker and a Plant of the Month presentation. Meetings are free and visitors are welcome. For more information,visit Note : there will be no meeting in June or December.
Rockport: Monthly meetings of the Aransas/San Patricio Master Gardeners are held at 10 a.m. on the third Tuesday of each month at Texas AgriLife Extension Service - Aransas County Office, 892 Airport Rd., Rockport. For additional information, e-mail or call 361-790-0103.
Sugar Land: The Sugar Land Garden Club meets on the third Tuesday of each month, September through November and January through April at 10 a.m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 702 Burney Road, Sugar Land. The club hosts a different speaker each month. For more information, visit
Denton: The Denton Organic Society, a group devoted to sharing information and educating the public regarding organic principles, meets the third Wednesday of each month (except July, August and December) at the Denton Senior Center, 509 N. Bell Avenue. Meetings are free and open to the public. Meetings begin at 7 p.m. and are preceded by a social at 6:30. For more information, call 940-382-8551.
Glen Rose: The Somervell County Master Gardeners meet at 10 a.m., the third Wednesday of each month at the Somervell County AgriLife Extension office, 1405 Texas Drive, Glen Rose. Visitors are welcome. For more information, call 254-897-2809 or visit
Granbury: The Lake Granbury Master Gardeners meet at 1 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month at the Hood County Annex 1, 1410 West Pearl Street, Granbury. The public is invited to attend. There is an educational program each month preceding the business meeting. For information on topics call 817-579-3280 or visit

Brownwood: Brownwood Garden Club meets the third Thursday of each month, 11:30 a.m.- 1 p.m.  The club meetings are at Southside Baptist Church, 1219 Indian Creek Road, with refreshments and a speaker presentation. Visitors are welcome. For more information, email or call 817-454-8175.
Hallettsville: The Hallettsville Garden Club meets at 2 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month from September through May, at the Hallettsville Garden and Cultural Center, 605 E 2nd St, Hallettsville. Each month, the club hosts speakers that provide informative programs on a wide range of gardening subjects, and refreshments are provided by member hostesses after the business meeting. Visitors are welcome. Please email Sharon Harrigan at for more information.
Houston: The Native Plant Society of Texas - Houston Chapter meets at 6:45 pm on the third Thursday of each month at the Houston Arboretum Nature Center (entrances at 4501 Woodway Dr. and 120 West Loop N). For more information about meeting presentations and native plants, visit

San Antonio: The Bexar County Master Gardeners (BCMG) meet on the third Thursday of each month at the Texas AgriLife Extension Office, 3355 Cherry Ridge Dr., Suite 208, San Antonio. During the months of Jan., March, May, July, Sep. and Nov., an evening meeting begins with a social time at 6 p.m. followed by a free presentation from 6:30-8:30 p.m. During the intervening months (Feb., April, June, Aug., Oct., Dec.), afternoon educational seminars/general meetings are held from 1-3:30 p.m. Check to verify meeting date for any given month, as circumstances could require a change, and to find information on the speaker and topic scheduled for each meeting.
Seguin: The Guadalupe County Master Gardeners meets at 6:30 p.m. the third Thursday of each month, at the AgriLife Building, 210 East Live Oak, Seguin. After a brief social hour, the meeting and guest speaker begins at 7 p.m. The meeting is free and open to the public. For additional information, call 830-303-3889 or visit

Hempstead: The Peckerwood Garden Conservation Foundation, 20559 F.M. 359, Hempstead, hosts the Evening at Peckerwood Lecture series at 7 p.m. on the third Friday of each month. Tickets are available online. Tickets are $10, $5 for members.For more information, visit
Fort Worth: The Greater Fort Worth Herb Society meetings are held the third Saturday of each month at Texas Garden Club Inc, 3111 Old Garden Club Rd., Fort Worth (located next to the Fort Worth Botanic Garden), 10:00 a.m. to noon, September through June. For more information, email
Brackenridge Park: The Native Plant Society San Antonio Chapter meets every fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Lions Field Adult and Senior Center, 2809 Broadway at E. Mulberry, Brackenridge Park, except August and December. Social and seed/plant exchange at 6:30 p.m. Free and open to the public. For more information, contact Bea at 210-999-7292 or visit
Bryan: The Brazos County Master Gardeners, a program of Texas AgriLife Extension, meet the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Brazos Center, 3232 Briarcrest Drive, Bryan. There is a public gardening program at each meeting and pertinent information may be found at or 979-823-0129.
Edna: The Jackson County Master Gardeners present their "Come Grown With Us" seminars on the fourth Tuesday of each month, January through October, beginning at 7 p.m. at 411 N. Wells, Edna. The seminars are free, open to the public and offer 2 CEU hours to Master Gardeners or others requiring them. For additional information, contact the Jackson County Extension Office at 361-782-3312.
Linden: The Caddo Wildflower Chapter of Native Plants Society meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at the senior citizens building at 507 S Kaufman St. in Linden at 6:30. Visitors are welcome. For additional information, contact Karen Tromza at
San Antonio: The Native Plant Society of Texas San Antonio Chapter meets the fourth Tuesday of each month, except August and December, at the Lions Field Adult & Senior Center, 2809 Broadway, San Antonio. Social and plant/seed exchange at 6:30 p.m., program at 7:00 p.m. For more information, visit or email
Houston: The Houston Native Prairie Association meets at 7 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of each month at the Cherie Flores Pavilion in McGovern Centennial Gardens at Hermann Park, 1500 Hermann Drive, Houston. For more information, contact

Austin: The Garden Club of Austin meets at Zilker Botanical Gardens auditorium, 2220 Barton Springs Rd., Austin, at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of each month. 7:00-7:30 p.m. Refreshments and Social, followed by a presentation at 7:30 p.m. Free. For additional information, visit

Leander: The Leander Garden Club meets on the fourth Thursday of each month (except June, July and August) at 10:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Room of the Leander Presbyterian Church, 101 N. West St., Leander, unless there is a special event planned. Following a program and short business meeting, there is a pot-luck luncheon. To confirm the meeting place and time, please call President Kathleen Tully at 512-422-8580 or email .
Dallas: The Dallas County Master Gardeners meet the fourth Thursday of each month at 11:30 a.m. For location and program information, visit h ttp:// or contact The Helpdesk, M-F, 8 to 4:30 214-904-3053.
Dallas: The Greater Dallas Organic Garden Club meets at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of each month at the REI, 4515 LBJ Freeway, Dallas. For more information, call 214-824-2448 or visit
Arlington: The Arlington Organic Garden Club meets from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. on the last Thursday of each month (except November and December) at the Bob Duncan Center, 2800 S. Center Street, Arlington. For more information, contact David at 817-483-7746.

Hempstead: The Peckerwood Garden Conservation Foundation, 20559 F.M. 359, Hempstead, holds an Open Day, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. on the fourth Saturday of each month. Tours start at 10 a.m. and the last tour leaves at 2 p.m. Tickets available online or at the gate. $10, free for members. For more information, visit
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Texas Gardener's Seeds is published weekly. © Suntex Communications, Inc. 2018. All rights reserved. You may forward this publication to your friends and colleagues if it is sent in its entirety. No individual part of this newsletter may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publisher.


Missed an issue? Back issues of Texas Gardener's Seeds, beginning with the first issue in April 2006, are available at


Publisher: Jay White ● Editor: Michael Bracken 


Texas Gardener's Seeds, P.O. Box 1676, Brenham, Texas 77834-1676