Society for Ecological Restoration Texas Chapter |
Restoration Field Notes June, 2017 |
TXSER Board of Directors President Kelly Lyons Vice President Katherine Crosthwaite Secretary Matthew McCaw Treasurer Colin Shackelford North Texas Rep. Michelle Villafranca East Texas Rep. William Forbes South Texas Rep. Forrest Smith West Texas Rep. Charlotte Reemts Central Texas Rep. Ingrid Karklins S. Coastal Texas Rep. Alejandro Fierro Cabo N. Coastal Texas Rep. (position open) Chapter Director Gwen Thomas TXSER info@txser.org (972) 768-8067 |
2017 Conference
Nov. 10-12, 2017 Univ. of North Texas Denton, TX
Visit: www.txser.org for conference details.
Employment Opportunities
& More
For up-to-date announcements of positions open in ecological restoration and environmental science, visit our website at: Job Postings
We also post a wide range of articles on ecological restoration issues as well as job and volunteer opportunities on our Facebook page at: TXSER Facebook Page
TXSER Newsflash
Brad Hoge, Assistant Professor of Natural Science
at the University of Houston - Downtown, has stepped
down from the TXSER Board of Directors to take on a new position as Director of Teacher Support for the National Center for Science Education in the San Francisco Bay area.
Brad joined the TXSER Board in 2014 to serve as TXSER's Northern Coastal Representative. We are grateful to Brad for his time, energy, and support and wish him much success in his new endeavors.
TXSER is thrilled to have one of our members, Lynde Dodd, with the US Army Corps of Engineers at the Lewisville Aquatic Ecosystem Research Facility, serving on SER's Certification Committee. The next application period runs from July 17th - September 15th. If you are interested in learning more about the program, click on the link above which will take you to SER's certification information page.
Should you wish to have additional information, you may also contact Gwen Thomas at director@txser.org and she will put you in touch with Lynde to learn about the details of the program. Lynde will attending our November conference and leading our Aquatic & Riparian Restoration Kayak Paddle Field Trip on November 10th should you wish to learn more then.
Thank you Lynde for taking on multiple roles for SER and TXSER!
Conference Update
TXSER 2017 Annual Conference:
Resilience & Connectivity at Our Roots
University of North Texas, Denton
November 10-12, 2017
Keynote Address: We are thrilled that Dr. Ken Steigman, Director and Research
Scientist at Lewisville Lake Envir
onmental Learning Area (LLELA) has agreed to offer the Keynote
dress at TXSER's 2017 Annual Conference.
Ken Steigman, LLELA, in his element. |
As one of T
XSER's founding Board
Members, Steigman will share his
reflections on TXSER and changes in the field of ecological restoration. He will use examples from his tenure at LLELA to demonstrate how LLELA has grown and adapted over the years to changes in the natural and human landscape.
Steigman will also share his thoughts and concerns about current issues and major challenges in the field, highlighting the urgency for restoration management.
His opening address will set the stage for thought and discussion about how we, as scientists and practitioners, can create resilience, encourage connectivity, and grow from our roots.
Call for Abstracts:
Presentation and paper abstract submission deadline is Friday, September 22nd. Please follow the link for abstract submission instructions.
Friday Field Trips: Our Friday, November 10th field trips are falling into place. To date we have three trips planned. To read about the trips, follow the link above.
Student & Young Professionals' Roundtable - Under the Stars:
We are bringing back for a 2nd year in a row the popular Student and Young Professionals' Roundtable which offers students and young professionals the opportunity to meet and talk with restoration professionals in non-profit organizations, public agencies, private consulting and academia. We thought it fitting to hold this event under the stars on the prairie. This event will be followed by a Friday night BBQ Picnic on the Prairie and Bonfire.
For more information on TXSER's November Conference, you can find the link on our website at
www.txser.org under the Meetings/Events tab or follow the below link:
Join us in Denton November 10-12, 2017!
Restoration in the Energy Industry:
Texas Restoration Ecologists' New Frontier
By: Forrest S. Smith,
Dan L. Duncan Endowed Director
South Texas Natives & Texas Native Seeds Project
Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute, Kingsville, TX
Hailing from a state with an "all of the above" energy policy, most all of us are surrounded by energy exploration and development. As a result of oil and gas development, solar and wind farms, and mining, almost every corner of Texas is seeing increases in energy development. Even the areas in-between without actual energy exploration or production are more frequently being impacted by energy transmission lines or pipelines and the associated right-of-ways.
Restoration is an increasingly relevant part of the energy business, largely because more and more landowners in the state are requiring it.
Read more.
Eagle Ford Shale Pipeline. Photo credit: Forrest S. Smith
Linking Wildlife and River Management:
The Impact of Fauna on Hydrologic Processes
By: Ingrid Karklins
Ecologist, Environmental Survey Consulting, Inc., Austin, TX
We commonly think of ecosystem hierarchies in terms of productivity or trophic levels. Plants are considered primary producers, converting inorganic compounds to organic forms that can be consumed by secondary producers and others at higher trophic levels. However, we overlook the biophysical alterations by animals, particularly ecosystem engineers that influence habitat patchiness and the distribution of vegetative species (Burchsted et. al., 1997; Naiman and Rogers, 1997). These alterations can also strongly influence system ecohydrology. Rather than a soil-plant-atmosphere continuum, ecohydrologists might consider a soil-animal-plant-atmostphere spectrum. Read more.
A Heartfelt Thanks to the Following Organizations & Individuals for their Generous Support
of our
2016 & 2017 Annual Conferences!!
Charlotte Reemts & Katherine Crosthwaite
Please Take a Moment to Click on the Above Logos
& Check Out Our Sponsors' Websites.
The Texas Society for Ecological Restoration connects scientists, practitioners, and policy-makers to restore Texas ecosystems and the vital services they provide. |
Become a member today! Click Here to Join Us! Join the Texas Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration. Chapter members receive valuable benefits including:
- the opportunity to network with restoration practitioners and enthusiasts;
- discounts to our Annual Conference, an opportunity to share and learn;
- invitations to attend talks, ER Discussion Groups, and volunteer workdays around the state; and,
- monthly updates and quarterly newsletters with articles and notices about regional events that allow you to connect to the local restoration community.
Chapter membership fees of $15 support chapter administration. The TXSER Board of Directors consists of volunteers who share a passion for furthering ecological restoration in Texas. Joining SER links you with a global restoration network. SER member benefits include:
- SERNews bi-monthly newsletter;
- discounts on journal publications;
- discounts to SER World Conferences;
- discounts on SER Career Center;
- access to a searchable, online member directory;
- access to SER's Global Restoration Network; and,
- promotional opportunities through the SER Calendar of Events and Restoration Project Showcase.
To become a member visit: www.ser.org/membership Be sure to click the Texas Chapter as your Chapter Affiliate. We look forward to having you join us! |