Society for Ecological Restoration

Texas Chapter 


      Restoration Update                              May, 2016

In This Issue


Quick Links


Board of Directors 



Charlotte Reemts


Vice President

Kelly Lyons



Leslie Dietz



Colin Shackelford


North Texas Rep.

Michelle Villafranca


East Texas Rep.

William Forbes


South Texas Rep.

Eric Grahmann


West Texas Rep.

Katherine Crosthwaite


Central Texas Rep.

Ingrid Karklins


Coastal Texas Rep.

Alejandro Fierro Cabo


Coastal Texas Rep.

Bradley Hoge


Chapter Director

Gwen Thomas




(972) 768-8067 

2016 Conference
November 11-13, 2016
Camp Cho-Yeh
Livingston, TX

Updates to be posted on the TXSER website soon.
Save the Date!

Employment Opportunities 
& More
For up-to-date announcements of positions open in ecological restoration and environmental science,
visit our website at:
Job Postings

We also post a wide range of articles on ecological restoration issues as well as job and volunteer opportunities on our Facebook page at:
TXSER Facebook Page

South Rio Grande Valley
TXSER Newsflash

Wendy Ledbetter, Forest Program Manager for the Texas Chapter of The Nature Conservancy, will be the Keynote Speaker at TXSER's 2016 Annual Conference:  Linking Science and Practice.

With many years of experience protecting and restoring forests in East Texas and beyond, Ledbetter will  offer us insight into how the field of restoration ecology is a science, driven by practical application.  She will  provide us with an overview of longleaf pine restoration and how we settled upon currently accepted practices. She will discuss how large-scale restoration is carried out  highlighting partnership development, building a culture of fire, and sharing with us success stories and ongoing challenges.

Ledbetter's opening keynote address will set the stage for thought and discussion about how we, as both scientists and practitioners, can create linkages for improved communications whereby data-based science is transferred to practitioners and knowledge gaps and areas needing further study are conveyed back.

Join us November 11-13, 2016 in the beautiful setting of Camp Cho-Yeh in Livingston for thought-provoking presentations, fascinating field trips, great networking, lively discussions, and lots of outdoor fun.
Conference Update


TXSER 2016 Annual Conference:
Linking Science & Practice
November 11-13, 2016
Camp Cho-Yeh,  Livingston, Texas
(1 hour North of Houston)

Calling all practitioners, academics, students and anyone interested in restoration ecology.  Join us at Camp Cho-Yeh in November to share experiences, discuss current thinking, learn, and develop collaborative relationships with fellow restorationists working in Texas and beyond.

Some of the exciting events we are developing include:

* Field trip to the Roy E. Larsen Sandyland Sanctuary
* Centennial Forest/Big Thicket Tour & Tree Planting
* Field trip to the Pineywoods Mitigation Bank
* Young Professional and Student Happy Hour
* Excellence in Ecological Restoration Award
* Campfire and S'mores in the woods
* Volleyball & ping-pong matches, treehouse explorations
* Land-based "blob" (upside-down trampoline)
* Many opportunities for informal networking
* And, of course, lots of great presentations by experts in the field

Conference information will be posted on our new conference website which will be up and running soon.

Member Spotlight
Vincent Debrock in his natural environs.

Name:   Vincent Debrock

City:  Austin-San Marcos, TX

Affiliation:  Principal, Heritage Tree Care, LLC; President, Texas Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture

Briefly describe your ongoing efforts/interest in ecological restoration.  Our company focuses on tree preservation and restoration in central Texas, mostly in urban settings, but not exclusively.  We are involved in the San Marcos river habitat restoration plan, for the riparian section.  We are also currently helping the City of Austin restoring soil in root zones of the Zilker Park trees, between events like ACL.  We learned quickly that looking at a tree as an individual was not a sustainable approach even for urban trees, so we started focusing on looking at an ecosystem approach of tree care.  This meant we had to learn to look at soil and water and have learned to value the link between watersheds and trees.  We have come to treat urban individual trees are part of the urban forest and a key to healthy watersheds.  As part of this approach, management of invasive species as well as urban soil restoration have become a staple of our services. 

Briefly describe if, and how, climate change has affected your work.  Climate change is influencing our species choice.  We started introducing species from further south in our consulting, planting and growing programs. For example, the Quercus gravesii (Graves Red Oak) from the Big Bend area, or the Quercus laceyi (Lacey Oak or Texas Blue Oak) have become some of our new staple selections. We also stress root stock quality and seed sourcing: an escarpment live oak performs much better than a coastal live oak if irrigation is not permanent. 

Describe your favorite outdoor activity.  Tree hunting and climbing.   Editors Note:  When we asked Vincent for details of his tree hunting, his response was, "...seeking specific species, for multiple reasons, whether it is just for the "cool" factor of a tree, its sheer size, its rarity, etc...There is a champion tree program that keeps foresters and arborists hunting.  Each species has its own champion, and that competition happens all the way to a national level. Foresters fight for the bragging rights of having the champion in their backyard!"

What is your favorite Texas plant and/or animal?   Quercus laceyi or Lacey Oak.

Grove of Lacey Oak ( Quercus laceyi) in Edwards County.  Photo credit:  Vincent Debrock.

News You Can Use

1.  2016 Report on the State of North American Birds

2016 Report released to commemorate the Centennial of the First Migratory Bird Treaty. Article from TNC with link at the bottom to download full report.

To read the article and download report, click State of North American Birds

2.  Water Conservation Scorecard

From the Texas Living Water Project, interactive maps to determine how big cities score.

For more information, click Water Conservation Scorecard

3.  iBat - Bat Conservation Trust & Institute of Zoology (UK)

International bat monitoring program.   For more information, click ibats

4.  Bat Conservation International - New study of bat sounds

Click here for - Bat Sounds.

Upcoming Events

1.  2016 Society for Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting

Theme:  Protecting Wetland Ecosystem Services.  Promoting Stronger Economies

Event Dates:  May 31 - June 4, 2016

Location:  American Bank Center, Corpus Christi

For more information, click the link:   SWS Annual Meeting

A Heartfelt Thanks to the Following Organizations & Individuals for their Generous Support  of our
2015 20th Anniversary Conference!!




Charlotte Reemts           Suzanne Tuttle

Please Take a Moment to Click on the Above Logos
& Check Out Our Sponsors' Websites.


The Society for Ecological Restoration, Texas Chapter promotes ecological restoration as a means of sustaining the diversity of life on Earth and

re-establishing an ecologically healthy relationship between nature and culture. 



 Become a member today!                            Click Here to Join Us! 


Join the Texas Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration.  Chapter members receive valuable benefits including:

  • the opportunity to network with restoration practitioners and enthusiasts;
  • discounts to our Annual Conference, an opportunity to share and learn;
  • invitations to attend talks, ER Discussion Groups, and volunteer workdays around the state; and,
  • monthly updates and quarterly newsletters with articles and notices about regional events that allow you to connect to the local restoration community.

Chapter membership fees of $15 support chapter administration.  The TXSER Board of Directors consists of volunteers who share a passion for furthering ecological restoration in Texas.


Joining SER links you with a global restoration network.  SER member benefits include:

  • SERNews bi-monthly newsletter;
  • discounts on journal publications;
  • discounts to SER World Conferences;
  • discounts on SER Career Center;
  • access to a searchable, online member directory;
  • access to SER's Global Restoration Network; and,
  • promotional opportunities through the SER Calendar of Events and Restoration Project Showcase.

To become a member visit:


Be sure to click the Texas Chapter as your Chapter Affiliate.  We look forward to having you join us!