Texas Spurs FC is proud to continue our partnership with
Baylor Scott & White
BSW provides athletic trainers weekly at Spurs facilities and also offers rehab, evaluations, etc, to all Spurs families.
Do’s and don’ts for injured athletes
When your child gets injured playing sports its can be a stressful time
for you and them. We at BSW Rehab are here to make the process of
getting your athlete back to sport safely and quickly.
Here are some tips on what to do when your athlete is injured.
If the athlete is injured at Wednesday or Thursday practice please
seek out the BSW Rehab Athletic Trainer on site. Our athletic
trainer will be able to complete a full assessment and submit the
report to our injury coordinator. She will follow up within 12 to
24 hours after the report is submitted
If the injury occurs at games or other practices please reach out
via phone or text to our injury coordinator Carmen Waskom at
469-594-7794. She will be able to expedite appointments for you.
Let her know you are the parent of a Texas Spurs player and
you’d like assistance with expediting an appointment with a
physician or physical therapist convenient to your home address.
This can include any injury to a muscle or joint and a head injury
that has not been tended to by a medical doctor of
o Carmen will need the following info
Child’s name
Date of Birth
Insurance information
True emergencies should be referred to an ER for proper care
such as broken bones, severe wounds, head injuries that involve
loss of consciousness, vomiting, severe disorientation/confusion,
loss of memory.
If the injury is not emergent going to an ER or urgent care can lead
to a large bill and a note from the provider to follow up with a
physician. Save time and money
Our Sports Health team at BSW Rehab will work to navigate you
through any injury- our goal is to make sure the process is easy and
facilitates the most appropriate and quickest way back onto the field!
More info on our website under Sports Medicine.