Texas is Spring Bustling!
Hi y\'all!

Spring brought a burst of energy to Texas! During March and April, our office was active at events in San Antonio, Houston, and Austin, representing the Netherlands at TFMA, SXSW, HCP, and the LSH mission. Welcoming all these innovative Dutch individuals from various sectors to our Lone Star State is truly exciting!

As we near summer, Texas has more exciting new opportunities and events coming up. After Kingsday and OTC in Houston, NBSO Texas is preparing to travel to Rotterdam for the WHS to support and guide more Dutch companies interested in Texas. Curious to know what all these letters mean? Find out below and stay tuned!

Warm regards,

NBSO Texas
Bee Kothuis, Chief Representative
Activities NBSO
Texas-Netherlands flood-resilience-talk!
The Netherlands received a warm reception at the Texas Floodplain Management Association (TFMA) Conference in San Antonio this month. Our Chief Representative Bee Kothuis was honored to team up with Reem Zoun, Director of Flood Planning at the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB).
LSH Mission to Houston and Austin
Here’s to the next steps in transforming healthcare and continued collaboration! This month, NBSO had the privilege to join a dynamic LSH trade mission to Texas organized by Task Force Health Care (TFHC).
"Intertidal Imaginaries” of Dutch-St. Maarten photographer in Houston!
NBSO Texas had the honor of being guided through the exhibition of Deborah Jack's work at the Houston Center for Photography
SXSW: Inspiring Innovation in Austin
Innovation requires creativity, curiosity, and a diversity of minds and skills. In Austin, Dutch participants in Austin's South by Southwest (SXSW) from March 10-16 demonstrated these qualities impressively!
Kingsday/Koningsdag ,
Houston 27 April 
Traditioneel Koningsdag vieren met een Texan twist bij de Dutch Heritage and Culture Foundation in Houston!
Offshore Technology Conference, Houston 06-08 May
The OTC is where energy professionals meet to exchange ideas and opinions to advance scientific and technical knowledge for offshore resources and environmental matters.
OTC Networking Breakfast, Houston 07 May
A collaboration with Holland House Mexico: Connect with important personalities from the energy and maritime industry from the USA, Mexico and the Netherlands.
World Hydrogen Summit, Rotterdam 13-15 May
The landmark event in the industry’s calendar, WHS 2024 Summit & Exhibition, is the largest and most senior global hydrogen event and it returns to Rotterdam with its biggest edition yet!
World Hydrogen North America, Houston 21-23 May
Addressing key hydrogen topics in Texas - from the game-changing policy impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) to the latest on exporting hydrogen, H2Hubs, production pathways, infrastructure build-outs, and securing project offtake agreements to name a few key themes.
Experience Europe, Dallas 02 May and Houston 10 May
The European American Chamber of Commerce Texas is bringing Experience EUROPE to both Dallas & Houston in 2024.
The Dutch in Texas
Marieke Witkamp Arbitrage LLC
Meet our latest new Dutch company in Texas: Judge and arbitrator Witkamp provides dispute resolution services to international companies (small and large).
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Netherlands Business Support Office Texas