February 28, 2023
Thank Goodness for Fridays
Dear CRC Volunteer,

This newsletter is meant to provide “family” news to those of you who have, and still do volunteer for CRC. It is meant to show a glimpse of other volunteer areas, so that none of us become a silo and so that we remember that we are all part of a bigger mission. 

While all of our volunteers have been up to a lot of amazing work this month, one group has stood out to me. I’d like to give a personal thank you to the Friday Food Pantry (Food and Nutrition Center) team. This month: 

The Friday FNC team has shown grace under pressure: See below the volunteer of the month post to read just a little bit about an incident that occurred and how it was handled.
The Friday FNC team has served with compassion while experiencing their own pain from loss: A recurring Friday volunteer lost her husband suddenly on a Thursday night. In the morning, her team learned of this, and felt the shock and sadness along with her. They continued to spend the day providing care to our clients in the most authentic of ways; acutely aware that life does not always go as planned and community is necessary for all of us.
The Friday FNC team saw one of the busiest days last week while understaffed: Even the best-laid plans and substitute Food Pantry volunteer lists can fall apart sometimes. The team rallied under pressure, we onboarded two new volunteers quickly, and everyone worked “overtime” to ensure that each person who came through received the best CRC could offer. 

The Friday team is not unique to CRC. We have many volunteers who are committed to our mission and to our clients. Who work in front of the scenes and behind them, and who make us strong. The work we do here is difficult, but it is worthwhile. See below more ways that volunteers have contributed in February, and our upcoming opportunities.

Sara Rosenbaum, CVA
CRC Volunteer Manager
Volunteer News
Volunteers Wear Orange for TDVAM
I sent out a challenge to volunteers last month to advocate for Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, by wearing orange.

CRC Staff was so encouraged by the many photos that were sent in showing support of this important issue!

Thank you for continuing to give your time, your heart, and even make your wardrobe choices to support those we serve! We could not include all of your photos here, so check out this short video compilation with our gratitude.
Did You Know?
CRC can provide letters of recommendation and community service completion letters. This month, Jada Williams needed a letter of recommendation for her application to the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, which we were happy to provide.

If you are a volunteer for CRC, and need a letter for any reason outlining your service with us, let us know.

Also, if someone you know is looking for community service hours, the CRC Resale Stores is a great place to do that!
CRC's volunteer program conducts a yearly survey, and we want your feedback! This survey is intended to take a look at our opportunities, communications and appreciation methods through the eyes of our volunteer team. This year, we have added a demographics section in order to get a baseline understanding of our team as we strive to provide opportunities for a diverse population. Everyone who completes the survey by March 5 and provides an email address will be entered into a drawing for a $30 gift card for the CRC Resale Stores.
Partner Spotlight: Seacoast Community Church
Seacoast Community Church, a long-time CRC partner, had its annual "Community Serve Day" on February 26th. Volunteers went to all three of our Resale Store sites and to our Food Pantry to deep clean.

Seacoast also on February 15th held a "Thrift Store Formal" event for students, showcasing one fun way to use thrifted clothes and decor.

Thank you Seacoast for your support in many ways!

If you are interested in becoming an annual partner, please take a look at our brochure here.
Ambassadors Share the CRC Mission
Thank you to Kristin Springborn and Carol Brown, CRC Ambassadors! They represented CRC at the February 25th Senior Expo, which was held at the Encinitas Community Senior Center.

Events like this provide CRC the opportunity to share resources with those who might benefit most, as well as ways the community can get more involved in the work we do.
Volunteer of the Month
Congratulations to CRC's Volunteer of the Month, Jennifer Caughey!

From nominating staff person, Social Services Director, Miranda Chavez:

One Friday at the Food and Nutrition Center (FNC) we had a woman experiencing homelessness and very much in crisis. While I was on the phone with 911 and trying to close the lobby and breezeway doors to keep folks safe, she got to the FNC door before me and walked in. Staff attempted to get her to exit but she was refusing. In comes superstar volunteer Jennifer. She spoke to the woman gently and kindly and guided her away from other participants and towards a space where we could communicate with her and have her exit without further issue. Jennifer is always kind and patient with participants, staff and with the day-to-day hustle and bustle of the FNC, she has a smile for everyone. She was a huge help on Friday and I was really grateful!
Get Involved
Volunteer Openings
Volunteer Fresh Rescue Truck Driver Support
We have an opening for volunteers to ride along with our truck driver to provide assistance. This role requires someone who can lift 25-50 pounds multiple times in a few hours, enjoys riding in large trucks, and can keep up with our staff banter. Openings are on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 7:40 am - noon. If interested, email our Volunteer Manager.
Training Opportunity
CRC strives to provide hope and dignity to all we serve, and our volunteers are called to model that as well (and do!). Understanding trauma is one key to providing a safe setting and that dignity to our clients.

Please consider joining CRC Staff for a training on Trauma-Informed Practices and how that can be applied to real-life situations. Registration is required.
CRC Tea Tickets Now on Sale
You're invited to our spring fundraiser featuring a silent auction, raffle, informational program and great food and drink.

Saturday, April 15
Fairbanks Ranch Country Club

Donate an Auction Item
Are you able to donate a weekend vacation space? A dinner reservation? A food or beverage package? Tickets to a special event or other fun activity?

Your support of CRC’s Tea can help provide healthy food, stable housing and safe shelter to North County’s most vulnerable families and individuals.

Click here for more information! Our donation deadline is March 30, 2023.
What's Your Story?
If you have a good story of volunteering, please share with me at volunteer@crcncc.orgI can include those stories in future newsletters as an encouragement to our team.  
Let Us Know
If you know of anyone in need of food, housing or shelter, please pass along this link to information on how we can help: Get Help - Community Resource Center (crcncc.org)
Community Resource Center
(760) 230-6501| [email protected] | CRCNCC.org