Thank You For Your Interest in Our Webinar -
Cybersecurity: What You Need to Know to Protect Your Business

Thank you for joining  Lisa Lori and Danielle Russ  for our CLE webinar on Wednesday—it was a pleasure having you! We hope you found value in Lisa's identification of simple strategies that you can implement quickly to protect your business from threats, especially in light of the recent changes in workplaces and increased cyber-attacks.

For all attendees as well as registrants who were unable to join at this time,  please feel free to download the PowerPoint presentation and recording using the links below.
Should you need any assistance regarding data privacy and cyber-attacks, please contact   Lisa .

Thank you, and please be sure to look for additional materials on cybersecurity coming out daily from the  COVID-19 Task Force !
Our COVID-19 Task Force remains vigilant on staying on top of all the things a business needs to know during these unprecedented times. Be sure to check out the latest guidance on our website at . Some of our most popular alerts and articles are linked below.