On behalf of our Staff, the City of Wilmington, the town of Wrightsville Beach, New Hanover County, and the community of Landfall, THANK YOU for choosing the Quintiles Wrightsville Beach Marathon Madness presented by Landfall Realty as your spring race!  Each year we look forward to you having the best experience when you race with us!


Thank you to our sponsors!  We could not do this event without their help.  Please check out their links at the end of this email - they give us the opportunities to make QWB what it is!


Thank you to our Volunteers who spent their weekend helping!  Over $30,000.00 will be donated again to Charities, Churches and Local Volunteer Groups.


Early Bird Registration opens May 1st, 2014

SAVE THE DATES: March 20-22, 2015!  


Results, Pictures, Apparel
The 2015 Half Marathon will be the USATF North Carolina State Championship for the 2nd Year! 
  • 2014 Results Listed Here.  All age group and overall awards are based on Gun Time.  
    • In 2015, Overall and Masters overall will still be Gun time, however, Age Group results will be changed to chip time per USA Track and Field.

  • Thank You Land Rover Cape Fear for providing all participants with FREE PICTURES.  Your pictures should have been personally emailed to you.  Of course not all bibs could be captured and you can search for your picture by clicking here.  There are some FUNNY PICS!  Nice job everyone!
  • LAST CHANCE TO GET A 2014 QWBM Tee.  We know you loved your orange t-shirt so why not have 2 for an extremely great deal?!?  Just $10 per shirt including shipping costs!  Unbeatable for a Without Limits shirt that is the first of its kind in the marketplace!
While buying your QWBM Shirt check out the other apparel items for sale.  
Live your life Without Limits!
Thank You Staff and Volunteers
Tom Clifford - Race Director 
Jason Adams - Co-Race Director
Sami Winter - Volunteer Coordinator 
Matt Willis - Aid Stations 
Annette Clifford - Apparel, Expo, Finish Line 
Kristen Smith - Finish Line, Entertainment
Jen Peterken - Transportation, 5K Volunteers
Tom Crichton - Marketing, Sponsorships 
Kathryn Nixon - Volunteer and Pasta Dinner 
Avery Wilmeth - Landfall Coodinator
Brian Bohrer - Relay Exchange and Pacer Set Up
Kyle Shepard - Course Engineering and Logistics
Colin Hackman -5K Director, Elite Coordinator
Annie Sullivan -Coodinator Wrightsville Beach Area
Steve Burdt - Landfall Foundation Liason
Sandy Slocum - Landfall COA 
Jeremy Davis - Timing 
Joy Sessoms - MEDICAL
Hans Edwards - MEDICAL Emergency Unit 
Jimmy Sessoms - Head Traffic Control 
Russel James - Landfall Security 
Scott Johnson - ANNOUNCER
Chris Schwartz - WB POLICE
Frank Smith- WB Fire
Bob Kiehlmeier - Communications 
 Paige Kon - MAYFAIRE 
Katie Ryan - Wrightsville Beach
Matt Burns - 2nd Accessories Cone Crew 
Scott Goodyear- EMS
Morgan Osborne- Communications and planning
Other Upcoming Events 

Mountain to Sea Challenge