Thank You, St. David’s!
During St. David’s Month of Service, we shared the joy of Jesus’ resurrection through service and acts of kindness at our church and throughout our community.
Together, St. David’s parishioners and volunteers:
Built a children’s garden,
Cleaned our playground,
Aided residents in supportive housing,
Promoted interfaith unity at an Iftar Dinner,
Registered voters in Austin,
Provided a teacher appreciation breakfast,
Cleaned our choir room,
Supported Trinity Center, El Buen Samaritano, and Next-to-New,
Harvested St. David's Holy Honey from Barking Dog Ranch,
Hosted an Earth Day event and celebrated Cesar Chavez,
Assembled and donated hygiene kits to the new 8th Street Shelter,
And, made more of our signature tie-dye shirts for future volunteer events!
During the Easter Season, St. David’s parishioners made these service projects possible through your ongoing stewardship support -- and -- by filling 148 volunteer assignments and completing 445 service hours. Together, we conducted St. David’s Month of Service projects in addition to our ongoing ministry efforts. It was amazing!
Thank you all for your incredible generosity, commitment to service, and open hearts!
With grace and gratitude,
Dianne Hardy-Garcia
Director of Community Engagement