In Haiti, a newly-trained Water Woman gives her child a drink of clean water.
After the earthquake and hurricane, your gifts filter dirty, disease-ridden water into pure drinking water.
Thanks To You, Our Team Is Making Great Progress In Haiti

It was as bad as it could get. First there was the terrible earthquake, followed immediately by the flooding rains and destructive winds.

In the wake of this double disaster, thousands of lives were turned upside down – their homes destroyed, their clothes and belongings gone. There was no power, no food, no clean water.

But in the space of only a few weeks, we have exceeded our initial goal by raising nearly $215,000. That’s more than $25,000 extra. It means that instead of funding 2,500 Water Women, we are making our way quickly toward 3,000.

And at this time, about 1,500 Water Women are already filtering water for their own and three other families. Your investment in Water With Blessings has resulted in hundreds of families and their children having the clean water they need to drink and cook.

The extra funding also means that we can begin planning beyond this first wave of our response to the crisis. Now we are looking at other areas where we need to move. As you are well aware, there is way more need than what we have addressed. It’s going to be a hard few months for the people of Haiti, and clean water is their most basic, most pressing need.

Finally, we ask you to pray. We need prayers for smooth shipment of filters because there is the obvious slowdown in customs due to the crisis.

But we have made almost incredible progress in a very short amount of time. The thanks are due to the generosity of our donors and the hard work of our Haiti Country Team. We thank God for continuing to bless our efforts; and ask God to reward your love and support for the people of Haiti.
These are the members of our selfless, tireless Haiti Country Team, who have suffered the earthquake's effects personally, yet continue to work to help their neighbors.
We created a slideshow with more pictures and information about our successful work, with your generous contributions, in the hardest-hit area of Haiti. Please take a moment to watch by clicking the button below.
Coming up this Friday, September 17, it’s
Give for Good Louisville
And a special Coffee Chat Event

It will be a day of focused philanthropy with matching gifts to double your donation and prize money to encourage more support for Water With Blessings and other Louisville-area nonprofits.

And this week’s Coffee Chat will be part of a live event in the Water With Blessings parking lot. From 11 to 1 we will be celebrating Give For Good Louisville with fun, fellowship, and (especially) free ice cream! Please stop by and say hello: 1902 Campus Place, Unit 11. It’s across from the Papa John’s offices in eastern Louisville.

This year our GFG Louisville campaign will focus on providing more water filters to equip more Water Women in Haiti following the devastating back-to-back earthquake and hurricane.

Give for Good Louisville begins at midnight and ends at 11:59 pm on Sept. 17. It is open for donations from Kentuckiana residents, as well as donors from all the other 50 states, who choose to give to Water With Blessings and other nonprofits that do good work in our local community and around the world.

You can visit and type in Water With Blessings to view our profile. But if you’re interested in participating, please wait until September 17 – that is when you will receive the maximum benefit for your investment in clean water for God’s thirsty children. We thank you in advance!
Coming Up On October 5: Please Help Us Celebrate Ten Years of God's Blessings
Remember how proud you were as a child to get to the ‘double-digits’? There was something special and grown-up about getting to 10.

At Water With Blessings, we’re feeling the same way right now.

We’re having a birthday moment – 10 years since we incorporated as a nonprofit organization. (In the picture you can see the Water With Blessings founders: Jim Burris, Sr. Larraine Lauter, and Arnie LeMay.)

Little did we know that we would be in 48 countries with nearly 130,000 trained and equipped Water Women providing clean water to nearly half a million families.

As with any milestone, it’s no fun celebrating by yourself. Please mark your calendar for Tuesday, October 5. We will be partying in the parking lot in front of the Water With Blessings office (1902 Campus Place, Unit 11, in eastern Louisville) between 4 and 6pm. We will provide a light supper with barbecue and other treats.

And for those of you who would like to learn more about our beginnings, we will have our scrapbooks and other archival materials for you to look through.

Please come celebrate this milestone with us. You helped us get here, and make it possible for us to continue providing clean water to God’s thirsty children today and into the future. If you would like to join in the fun and to reserve your barbecue box, please send your RSVP to: debbie@waterwithblessings
Some special notes for our Louisville-area Community...
The Jeffersontown Gaslight Festival is the weekend of September 17-19. Please plan to support this wonderful event.

While you’re there, please visit our booth. We will be passing out a FREE delicious treat: DeeBee’s Organic Freezies. To read more about these generous folks and their products, you can visit:

Also, a message to our Advocates: we need helpers to staff the booth during the weekend. If you can share a shift with our staff members and other advocates, please click the link below to sign up. And thank you in advance for your generosity.
Join Us Friday Morning For Great Coffee and CinnaBourbon Hugs

Enjoy the best cinnamon rolls in Louisville, along with coffee from Honduras, at Water With Blessings (1902 Campus Place, Suite 11). A portion of the proceeds helps fund Water Women around the world.

Made with real butter, aged bourbon, delicious cinnamon (and a few secret ingredients), these rolls will become a favorite in your home or office. Hope you can stop by to try them!
Warm, gooey cinnamon rolls, made by Captain’s Cabin in Louisville, will be available for pick up every Friday
from 8am-9:30am at the Water With Blessings office.

Please try to order before noon on Thursday. You can click on the button nearby to make sure you can take home your favorite flavor: original, pecan, or bacon. And yes, they can be frozen, but they probably won’t make it to the freezer!

CinnaBourbon Hugs are delicious, and the sweetest way to support WWB.
We believe every child should be drinking clean water. Are you with us?
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