November 18, 2022


 I want to personally thank you for your generosity to our staff that suffered loss as a result of Hurricane Ian. Along with 151 other Members who contributed to our fund we cumulatively raised $94,350. We were able to assist where it was needed most. 
The losses on our team ranged from relatively small but still meaningful needs like replacing spoiled food or covering unexpected evacuation expenses, to home damage including wells, water pumps, roof repair, and significant landscape or debris removal. In some cases, the damage was extensive or complete loss of vehicles and in one example, the total loss of a trailer – the home to our employee.  
I was so impressed with these committed Staff who tirelessly came into our Club and cleaned up the mess even when they were dealing with the same issues in their personal lives. Showing up for work and dealing with the limitations of our facility for those two weeks directly after the hurricane were admirable… no internet, no bathrooms, no cell phone reception, no electricity, and some had no cars so they hitched a ride with someone else. 
It is all the more humbling to know that many Members who donated experienced losses of their own. These now are the stories of the hurricane, and this fund has been helpful in moving us forward. However, our Staff deserved support and because of you, we were able to give it to them when they needed it the most. This will go a long way in cementing their loyalty to PIYC. 

I have received several notes, cards, and many thank you notes addressed to our Members. The appreciation is evident and sincere. 

Thank you for generously responding during our Staff’s greatest time of need. 
Karen Hendricks 
Pelican Isle Yacht Club