April 8, 2011 

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It was a pleasure seeing you at my "What to Wear and How to Wear it" fashion presentation. Thank you for coming out and supporting me on my new business venture.  I hope you enjoyed the wines and had the opportunity to meet a new friend, I sure did.

  My Journey














Starting KMS Fashion Consultants has been an interesting journey of discovery for me as a mother and as a new business owner. I am learning both who I am and where I want to go in life, in motherhood and in business.

I believe it is instinctual for women, especially mothers, to want to be able to care for everyone else.  We tend to juggle multiple things and lose ourselves in the mix. We forget to put our own basic needs on our long to-do lists. It seems that even the strongest and most successful women often feel guilty for taking time for themselves.


Keigan, my almost four-year-old son, and his father mean the world to me.  However, if I do not take time for myself, I find that I am stressed out and short tempered.  I recognize that and schedule a drink with a friend or a little salsa dancing.  I give myself a "time out," so I can be a happier mommy when I return. How many of us rely on our smart phones to help us juggle our busy calendars, stay in touch with friends, and manage our multitasking existence? How smart would that phone be if we didn't plug it in and recharge it every so often? We are all brilliant beings who deserve to be recharged in order to maintain our brilliance.  


KMS Fashion Consultants are about more than just fashion.  I'm building a team of experts in Fashion, Beauty, Health & Fitness that will help you enhance your lifestyle. Our mission is to provide you with the necessary tools that will help you achieve your personal goals.  I believe that your personal style should empower and inspire you as well as those around you.      

WineStyles Torrance

Thank you to Mike and Marla for your hospitality.  We all felt welcomed from the moment we walked in.  We enjoyed the wine and tasty appetizers.  I appreciate you allowing us to host our event in your store.   

Thank you!  



KMS is on You Tube!

To keep up with me and my journey subscribe to my videos on You Tube.

Fashion Tips & Styling by Kimberly of KMS Fashion Consultants
Fashion Tips & Styling by Kimberly of KMS Fashion Consultants


Sorry You Missed Us!

I hope to see you at one of our upcoming events. Stay connected with KMS Fashion Consultants and subscribe to our monthly newsletter.  Be sure to share this with a friend.   





Kimberly M. Smith
KMS Fashion Consultants

"Go forth and be fashionable."


In This Issue
My Journey
Sorry We Missed You
Choosing Well
Feedback Appreciated
Super Mommy Models
Choosing Well 

Empowerment Coach, Sara Loos couldn't have said it better.  A few of her points were:

  • "It's all in your head!" - mindset changes everything.  Shift your mindset and you can change your entire world.
  • "Be with those who help your being!" Rumi - Surround yourself with people that lift you up and bring out the best in you. Be aware of how people make you feel.  If you leave feeling "yulk" - make a decision to quietly eliminate these folks from your life.  It's easier than you think.  Set boundaries and know that you are worthy of doing this.   
  • The oxygen mask goes on YOU First! Carve out 15 minutes a day to do something that inspires you, brings you joy! You can't keep giving to others if you're own well being is dry.  You'll show up being a better mom, wife, friend, etc. if you've given to yourself and recharge your batteries.
  • Play isn't just for kids.  Play is essential.  Don't take yourself too seriously.  Do things without caring what others will think.  What did you love to do as a kid? Get back in touch with your inner Child and see how much easier it is to face your world daily.  A good sense of play (and humor) goes a long way!    
For more information on Sara Loos and  Choosing Well

please visit her website.   Thank you Sara for being part of my journey and offering such inspirational words of wisdom.  


Here at KMS Fashion Consultants your opinion matters and is greatly appreciated.  I would love to hear your feedback from last weeks presentation.   Take this opportunity to have your fashion dilemmas answered, or offer advice and suggestions.  Click below. 

Super Mommy Models

Special thanks to Ana, Audrey, Erin, Kerri & Teresa for being my fabulous models.  I couldn't have done it without you!  

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