Celebrating Teachers
Teacher Appreciation Week is May 3 - May 7, 2021
Navigating this school year has proved challenging for everyone including teachers, students and families. We would like to thank all of the OASD teachers and staff for their continued commitment to our students during a time of uncertainty. Now, more than ever, our students need a sense of connection and community. Thank you to our amazing OASD educators for recognizing this need and providing our students with the tools to reach their full potential.
2020-21 Grants In Action:
School Communication Boards
Greenland Elementary School is the recipient of a 2020-21 OPEF grant benefitting all students with the purpose of fostering communication and building inclusivity.

They are excited to be installing two playground communication boards, allowing communication among all students within the school community.
There are two identical boards that will be placed on different parts of the playground to ensure accessibility no matter where students are playing. The signs are four feet by three feet and mirror communication devices students use within the school environment.

The icons were strategically designed to ensure communication across multiple domains: personal needs, emotions, answering questions, and preferred activities.
These signs will continue to foster friendships among all students. Congratulations to grant recipients Sara Pyka, Alyssa Schmitz and Lona Piber.
Thank you to all of our generous donors, sponsors and supporters!
OPEF Celebrating 15 Years in 2022
The Oconomowoc Public Education Foundation (OPEF) was established in 2007 as a means to allow education-minded citizens to support the Oconomowoc area public schools through private, tax-deductible contributions.

Our students and our future rely on the generosity of Oconomowoc area community members and businesses. Since 2007, OPEF has given over $500,000 for classroom grants. OPEF is dedicated to encouraging leadership, fostering excellence, and nurturing community in the Oconomowoc public schools.

We are excited for our upcoming 15th Anniversary in 2022 and look forward to celebrating with all of you and sharing our plans for the future! Please make sure to check future newsletters, the OPEF website and our Facebook page for upcoming events and information.

President's Message
As another school year winds down, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our outstanding OASD teachers and staff for their unwavering support and dedication to our students and their families this past year. This year has, no doubt, presented challenges for many. We are grateful to our donors, area businesses and community members for recognizing the value of ensuring our students are life ready once they leave OASD.

The Oconomowoc Public Education Foundation remains committed to working in partnership with the OASD and others to raise and provide funds for innovational programs and projects that benefit all students. We, like many other non-profits, experienced significant losses in our revenue flow due to the pandemic. However, our volunteer Board of Directors remains steadfast in their roles and will continue to work hard to carry out our mission. We are always looking for volunteers to help support our efforts. Please contact me HERE to learn how you can help. I look forward to hearing from you!

Barb Woodruff
OPEF Board President
P.O. Box 444
Oconomowoc, Wisconsin 53066
Phone: 262-560-2178