Alumni Newsletter December 2020
NSU Law News
NSU Law Celebrates December 2020 Graduates
On Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 23 graduates were honored at the 2020 December Graduation Virtual Toast hosted by Dean José 'Beto' Juárez, Jr. and the NSU Law Office of Student Services. Dean Juárez opened the ceremony with a virtual toast with many thanks from graduates, faculty, and staff.

NSU Law December graduates completed 1,175 hours of pro-bono service with organizations, such as the 17th Judicial Circuit Court of Florida, the Anti-Defamation League, Florida Department of Financial Services, Florida Immigrant Coalition, Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County, Inc., Miami Dade School Board Attorney’s Office, Palm Beach Public Defender’s Office, and with our NSU Law’s Immigration Legal Screening Clinic.

Eleven students received Pro Bono Honors: two Silver Level Distinction and nine Bronze Level Distinction. All graduates received the sounding blocks to go with the gavels that they received when they started law school. Congratulations, good luck on the Bar Exam and cheers to a successful legal career.
Thank you NSU Law Alumni, Faculty, and Students
At NSU Law, we can’t thank our alumni, faculty, staff, and friends enough for your overwhelming generosity in 2020. Your commitment supported NSU students, resources, and crucial research for a brighter year ahead.

This year, in accordance with the CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security) Act, taxpayers who take the standard deduction (you do not itemize your deductions) will be able to claim a charitable deduction of up to $300 for cash donations to qualifying 501(c)(3) organizations, such as NSU, made in the calendar year 2020. This charitable deduction would be listed on the 2020 tax return, filed by April 15, 2021. For additional tax benefits, Click Here.

During this holiday season, please consider closing out a difficult year with a gift to support efforts including mental health awareness, and suicide and violence prevention.
Upcoming Events
NSU Global Day of Service
For the 2021 NSU Global Day of Service, we encourage alumni to submit ideas for both virtual and in-person projects. 

Saturday, January 23, 2021
All Day

Free Speech on Campus and in Online Education
NSU Law Professor Jon M. Garon, in collaboration with Dean Kimberly Durham and the NSU Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice, invite you to attend. This presentation and discussion will explore the tensions surrounding the rights of free speech and academic freedom on college and university campuses for students, faculty, and staff.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021
6:00 p.m.

Public Interest Law Day - Virtual
Thursday, February 18, 2021
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Nova Law Review and NSU Law Legal Research and Writing Symposium
Engaging LRW Students in the "New Normal" - Teaching in a Time of Crisis

Friday, February 26, 2021
Faculty News
Professor Tim Canova
Professor Timothy A. Canova was featured in WalletHub's piece about instant approval credit cards.
Olympia Duhart, Associate Dean for Faculty & Student Development
Presented “If You Build It, They Will Come Through” at the Legal Writing Institute One Day Workshop co-sponsored by California Western School of Law (with Hugh Mundy) on Dec. 9, 2020.
Professor Jessica Garcia-Brown
Presented at the American Association for Paralegal Education (AAfPE) 39th National Conference, “What About Us? Providing Pedagogical and Technological Resources to Adjunct Faculty” on November 5, 2020.

Was the keynote speaker at the Alpha Chi Honor Society Induction Ceremony on November 12, 2020.
Professor Richard Grosso
Was the author of the environmental brief quoted in the Sun Sentinel editorial, “Supreme Court should hear Florida environmentalist’s appeal,” on November 29, 2020.
Professor Areto A. Imoukhuede
Presented as a guest lecturer at Albany Law School, “Affirmative Action and the Walk Away from Racial Equality,” on November 18, 2020.
Professor Kenneth Lewis, Jr.
Hosts The Kenneth Lewis Show on his YouTube channel. His show includes news, analysis, and interviews regarding important and trending topics and with and about today's prominent figures, leaders, entrepreneurs, and entertainers.
Debra Moss Curtis 2017
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor of Law Debra Moss Vollweiler 
Was a panelist for the NSU First Generation Professionals Legal Society's “Take the Fright Out of Finals,” event in October 2020.
Class Actions
Roberta Stanley of Brinkley Morgan has an article published titled, “Brinkley Morgan Takes a Mid-Market Approach With Family Law Drilldown,” in the Daily Business Review. Stanley is board certified by Florida Bar in marital and family law. She specializes in handling complex marital and family law cases for high-profile and high-net-worth individuals and business owners, including the preparation and enforcement of intricate prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, paternity, and adoption issues, and dissolutions of marriage dealing with equitable distribution, business valuations, taxation issues, alimony, child support, and parental responsibility and timesharing. Additionally, Ms. Stanley regularly consults and advises on out-of-state cases involving Florida family law issues.

James ‘Jim’ Waldman was appointed on December 11 to the Florida Commission on Ethics. The appointment was made by Governor Ron DeSantis. If confirmed, he will serve a two-year term. Waldman, a former lawmaker, works at Everglades College as an attorney and general counsel. Prior to that, he served as Coconut Creek Mayor and eight years in the Florida House.

Michael Fichtel, CEO and principal partner of Kelley Kronenberg in Fort Lauderdale, was interviewed on December 8 and featured on the front page of the Miami Today e-paper in the December 14, 2020 edition. Fichtel joined the law firm of Kelley Kronenberg and quickly rose to partnership within only four years of his admission to the Florida Bar in 1987. Fichtel’s continued focus on creating value for clients and on maximizing the firm’s growth through the development of innovative business-relationship models led to an upward trajectory of growth for the firm and to Michael’s selection as the firm’s first CEO in 2010.

Lisa B. Rudolph has joined Levine Smith Snider & Wilson as an of-counsel attorney. Admitted to the bars of both Georgia and Florida, Rudolph has practiced as an of-counsel attorney with several family law firms in Georgia and Florida. 

Kim Nutter of Brinkley Morgan served as a panelist at the Broward County Bar Association and the Broward Matrimonial Lawyers virtual luncheon on “Presenting Evidence in a Virtual Trial/Hearing.” Nutter is a Florida Bar board certified specialist in Marital and Family Law, concentrating her practice in the areas of family law, guardianships, and probate and estate litigation. She is also recognized by the Florida Supreme Court as a certified Family Mediator, certified Appellate Mediator, and certified Guardian Ad Litem.

Joseph M. Goldstein, Managing Partner of Shutts & Bowen LLP in the firm’s Fort Lauderdale office, was recently appointed Chair of the Board of Directors for Friends of WLRN. The Friends of WLRN board of directors is a select group of individuals, from a variety of backgrounds, responsible for setting policy and overseeing the organization's general well-being. Goldstein is a member of the Business Litigation Practice Group. He also practices out of the firm’s Tallahassee office. A Martindale-Hubbell AV® rated attorney, Goldstein is Florida Bar Board Certified in Business Litigation. His practice focuses on business litigation; government contracts, including bid protests; litigation involving non-competition agreements; and real estate related disputes.

Elizabeth Ricci, managing partner at Rambana & Ricci was featured in the December 2020 ABA Journal article “COVID-19 and a slow economy have forced law firms of all sizes to cut costs”.  

A. Monique Yenke joined Kubicki Draper in the firm’s Miami office as an associate. Yenke focuses her practice on the defense of personal injury protection matters.

Jason H. Haber of Haber Blank, LLP has been featured in the Pro Bono Attorney Spotlight in the December issue of Coast to Coast Legal Aid South Florida. Haber, co-founder and managing partner of his firm, focuses his practice on civil litigation, family and matrimonial law, business transactions, real estate transactions, community association law, personal injury claims, probate and estate planning, and appellate practice. Haber has been selected to Super Lawyers® 2018-2021.  

Chad Van Horn, founding partner of Van Horn Law Group, P.A., recently received an Individual Hero Award at the 33rd Annual National Philanthropy Day “Heroes Among Us” Virtual Awards Celebration hosted by the Association of Fundraising Professionals. The virtual awards celebration honored community champions, including Van Horn, for their unique contributions and dedication to nonprofit causes. Van Horn received this award particularly for his long-time support of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Broward County.  He has served on the Big Brothers Big Sisters executive committee for the past seven years, offering pro bono advice as legal counsel and strategic leadership as board vice chair. This past June, he stepped into the role of board chair. Van horn is certified in both business and consumer bankruptcy law. 

Lawonda R. Warren is the Assistant City Attorney/Police Legal Advisor for the City of Delray Beach, FL. She is also the Co-Chair of the Palm Beach County Bar Association’s Committee for Diversity and Inclusion. Warren is the co-author of an article featured in the CDI Co-Chairs’ Call to Action titled ‘Remembering our Oath: What Attorneys Can Do to Promote Racial Equality and Be Changemakers for Social Justice” in the December 2020 issue of the Palm Beach County Bar Association Bulletin. The article can be found on page 10.  
Jessica Marra had her article ‘Hispanic Identity Knows No Bounds’ published in the Winter 2020 issue of CABA Briefs on page 13. Marra is an attorney with Kelley Kronenberg in the firm’s Fort Lauderdale office, a member of the Cuban American Bar Association, and an Executive Board member of the Broward County Hispanic Bar Association. Marra focuses her practice on General Liability and Third Party Insurance Defense Litigation with a background in Criminal Law, Workers’ Compensation, Contract Disputes, and Administrative Matters.

Kyle S. Roberts recently joined Conrad & Scherer, L.L.P. in the firm’s Fort Lauderdale office as an Associate. Roberts focuses on a variety of matters including commercial litigation, personal injury, wrongful death, appellate practice, third party insurance defense, general liability, and coverage.  

Tricia-Gaye Cottrell was featured in October when the Florida Bar Young Lawyers Division launched its #YLDisMe video series. Cottrell has made a significant impact on our community. Cottrell is an associate with Kim Vaughan Lerner LLP where she focuses her practice on commercial litigation in insurance-related matters and labor and employment disputes. Cottrell earned her J.D. with a Health Law Concentration. She currently serves as President of the Caribbean Bar Association, the Kozyak Minority Mentorship Foundation, Fellowship Committee, the Broward County Bar Association’s Voluntary Bar, Liaison, Mentorship sub-committee, and is a member of the Jamaican Women of Florida where she serves on the Marketing/Communications and PR Committee.  

In Memoriam

Tim O’Brien, a friend to many and visiting professor here at the Shepard Broad College of Law, died Monday, November 30, in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. He was 77. Tim was a broadcast journalist and TV anchor who went on to cover the Supreme Court for ABC News for 22 years. He was the co-author in 2013 of “Murder at the Supreme Court: Lethal Crimes and Landmark Cases,” a book that examined the court’s handling of death penalty cases, including the details of the crimes that led to the death penalty. As part of their research, he visited execution chambers and sat in electric chairs on the Supreme Court’s notable capital cases. The Florida Highway Patrol reported that he had been riding a bicycle and waiting on a sidewalk for a traffic light to change when he was struck by a truck that had veered off the road after an accident. Tim is survived by his wife of 49 years, Guadalupe “Petie” Moreno O’Brien; two children, Tracey McGee of Shrewsbury, N.J., and Timothy A. O’Brien of Washington; a twin brother; and five grandchildren.  

Sherry L. Haagenson (J.D. 1982), passed away at age 76 on August 13, 2020, after a nearly 4 year-long battle with cancer. Sherry was a resident of Fort Lauderdale for over 45 years and a seasonal resident of Hendersonville, NC for 25 years. Sherry served as an Assistant State Attorney throughout her legal career until retirement in 1994. She is survived by her husband of 54 years, Roger, her sons, Jon and Bryan, daughter-in-law, Amanda, three grandchildren, and three siblings and their spouses. The family requests that donations may be made to The Lighthouse of Broward through its website or mail-in donation to Lighthouse of Broward, 650 N. Andrews Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33311. Sherry was a distinguished alumna of Delta Gamma which advocates charity for the visually impaired.

Barry Mitchell Haar (J.D. 1983) passed away on August 29, 2020. We learned of his passing in the Florida Bar Publication December 2020 issue. May his memory be for a blessing.  

Akhtar Hussain (J.D. 1980) passed away on January 6, 2020. We learned of his passing in the Florida Bar Publication December 2020 issue. May his memory be for a blessing.  
Giving to NSU Law
At NSU Law, we are able to offer opportunities for students to realize their potential when our generous donors give to the law school in areas including our scholarship funds, programs, and law clinics. We are grateful to our alumni, staff, faculty, and friends whose support for our students helps us to prepare them for successful careers after graduation, or to support them on an emergency basis during this time of crisis. Please consider making a gift today.

To learn more about opportunities to support NSU Shepard Broad College of Law, please contact our Director of Alumni Relations, Karen Rose, at 954-262-6303, cell 954-203-1762, or Thank you!

Contact Us
For questions, to submit Class Actions, information on how to get involved, alumni benefits and resources, and to learn more about upcoming events at NSU Law, contact
Karen Rose, Director of Alumni Relations
E: | P: 954-262-6303 | C: 954-203-1762

How to Get Involved:
Help us keep you up-to-date with the latest College of Law Alumni News, library, career development resources, and community engagement opportunities. Learn more about our Mentoring Program, Law Connect Plus CLE seminars, and upcoming alumni events.

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