Thank You for 10 Years FORWARD DuPage!
Dear FORWARD Coalition Members,

This year marks our 10-year anniversary and a testament to people like you – the more than 1,300 coalition members that make up FORWARD DuPage.
Thank you for helping us to expand the number of healthy snacks for kids in schools and after care programs by increasing the number of onsite refrigerators; for increasing access to fresh fruits and vegetables by expanding the number of gardens in schools and communities and farmers markets; for inspiring healthier foods and exercise programs in schools, worksites and communities through educational programs and sharing of best practices; for increasing the number of children that walk and bike to school through volunteer safety programs and Safe Routes to School initiatives; for increasing bicycle and pedestrian access for more families and communities to the great outdoors by expanding the DuPage trail system; for inspiring children and families to eat smart and move more by spreading the 5-4-3-2-1 GO!® messaging in physician offices, libraries, schools, childcare and community centers; for expanding healthier choices for families with limited incomes by demanding that food banks and resource centers offer nutritionally dense foods and cooking classes; and for ensuring obesity prevention by expanding healthy choices remains a top priority across DuPage County!
Today, we have much to be proud of including obesity rates that are holding steady for kindergarten, sixth and ninth graders (see below for the complete highlights of 2017-18 Body Mass Index Report) and being ranked the Healthiest County in Illinois for the 2nd year in a row by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute in their rankings of U.S. counties
But there is still work to be done. Between now and 2021, FORWARD DuPage will continue to build on its successful history while targeting its resources to an area of urgent need, DuPage County children. Currently children ages 2-4 show obesity rates higher than the national average. Research indicates that embracing healthy habits early in life is a key ingredient in tackling excess weight gain in very young children and that if these habits are combined with an environment that promotes physical activity and good nutrition, children will carry these healthy habits for a lifetime.
Recognizing that our strength is in our partnerships, we are asking for your help. Please renew your commitment in the coming weeks to FORWARD DuPage and our ideals.  As part of our 10 year anniversary celebration, we ask our coalition members to click here to take the FORWARD DuPage Pledge . Our goal is 10,000 pledges.
FORWARD DuPage’s 10-year anniversary is a perfect time to reflect on all the amazing achievements that have occurred across DuPage County as a result of your investment in obesity prevention and advances in healthy lifestyle choices. We look forward to hearing more about your activities and successes and thank you again for all that you are doing toward our goal of a healthier DuPage. 

In good health,
Ann Marchetti
Consulting Director
Community Spotlight
FORWARD DuPage’s initial snapshot of obesity rates in DuPage County in 2009 resulted in a model Body Mass Index (BMI) surveillance process of kindergarten, sixth and ninth grade students through a partnership between the DuPage County Health Department (DCHD) and the Regional Office of Education (ROE). In addition, since 2014, the DCHD has been monitoring the obesity rate among DuPage children ages 2-4 that are enrolled in the USDA’s special supplemental nutrition program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC). 
Highlights from this year’s report indicate that more than one in seven (14.5%) kindergarten, sixth grade, and ninth grade public school students in DuPage County were obese in 2017-2018. Since 2011, this number has been holding steady. Additionally, 42.5% of all obese students had an elevated blood pressure reading. Obesity among DuPage County children ages 2-4 enrolled in WIC (16.4% in 2017) was higher than the national obesity rate among this same group of children (14.5% in 2014) and was higher than the most recent national estimate for children ages 2-5 (13.9%), stressing the need for early intervention. Thank you to the staff at the DCHD and ROE who work each year to collect and report this data to help FORWARD DuPage focus our efforts and resources. To review and share DuPage County’s BMI Report, click here . Click here for more information on the methods, statistics, and resources. We encourage you to share these new results with your community. 
At the end of 2018, FORWARD DuPage launched its first ever individual donor end-of-year giving campaign. We are thrilled that several of you were inspired to donate resources to help FORWARD DuPage achieve our goals. Thank you to the following donors:

Dr. David Dungan and Mary Granato Dungan
Ms. Rae Rup Srch

Thank you to our corporate donors to date for 2018-19:

DuPage County Health Department
DuPage Medical Group
Northwestern Medicine

As we start this new year, FORWARD DuPage would also like to recognize our Board of Directors that contribute countless hours volunteering their time supporting our efforts.

If you are interested in donating to FORWARD DuPage, please click here . Choose  FORWARD Fund  from the 'Select a Fund' drop down menu.
Legislative & Advocacy Update
As part of our work, FORWARD DuPage serves as a leadership member of the Illinois Alliance to Prevent Obesity (IAPO). As such, we encourage FORWARD Coalition members to get involved in helping to advance policies to support healthy lifestyle choices across Illinois. To learn more about IAPO and their priorities click here .
   Healthy Local Foods Incentive Fund : While the Healthy Local Foods Incentives Fund bill, which provides double-value coupon incentives to SNAP participants to access fresh fruits and vegetables at farmers markets and other direct-to-consumer venues was passed into law in 2016, no appropriation was made for the fund in the fiscal year 2018 state budget. IAPO’s 2018 priorities are to secure an appropriation of $500,000 in the fiscal year 2019 state budget and eliminate the pilot’s sunset date of June 2019. On the latter, HB 4568 , a bill that would make permanent the Healthy Local Food Incentives Fund, has passed both the Illinois House and Senate and has now been sent to the Governor for consideration! Take action! Ask the Governor to sign HB 4568 to support healthy eating and the local farming economy.  
  Enhanced P.E. Policy : As part of the school funding reform bill passed in August 2017, the daily P.E. requirement in schools was eliminated. IAPO is interested in strengthening the P.E. policy to promote a minimum minutes-per-week requirement for schools to still allow for local school flexibility in scheduling but to meet best practice recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and SHAPE America (150 minutes per week in elementary school and 225 minutes per week in secondary school). Strengthening the P.E. requirement to meet national best practices will support the other statewide efforts underway to support enhanced P.E., an evidence-based intervention aimed at getting kids engaging in more moderate-to-vigorous physical activity during P.E. class time. SB 2572 , a bill which would change the current requirement for schools to provide a minimum of 3 days per week of P.E. to a requirement that schools provide students at least 150 minutes per week of P.E., more closely aligning Illinois to national best practices for elementary students, passed both the Illinois House and Senate and has now been sent to the Governor for consideration! Take action! Ask the Governor to sign SB 2572 to support healthy and active kids.
Dangerous by Design? Earlier this week, the National Complete Streets Coalition, with support from AARP, released its latest Dangerous by Design report ranking each state and the 100 most populous metro areas based on how deadly they are for people walking. Click here to see the pedestrian danger index.

Dangerously Incomplete Streets : Look at these photos. Then think about the roadways near you. There's a good chance you're encountering similar sights and scenes. (If so, post a picture on Twitter with the hashtag #DangerousByDesign and tag @AARPLivable and @CompleteStreets .
A new report in The Lancet entitled The Global Syndemic of Obesity, Undernutrition, and Climate Change finds that these three pandemics are related, interact with each other and share common underlying social drivers. This article in Vox entitled Want to Fix Obesity and Climate Change at the Same Time? Make Big Food Companies Pay summarizes the report’s recommendations: “…more sustainable agricultural practices, redirecting food subsidies to support healthy, environmentally friendly food-production activities, and holding food companies to account for the pollution they’re contributing. To do all this, they propose an elegant solution: an international treaty modeled on the one that helped curb smoking worldwide.
The National Alliance for Nutrition and Activity (NANA) is asking organizations to sign a pledge to have healthy meetings, conferences, and events. To assist organizations, NANA has developed a Healthy Meeting Toolkit .
The new Healthy Communities Illinois website is now live ! Healthy Communities Illinois (HCI) is a collaborative effort led by the American Planning Association - Illinois Chapter and the Illinois Public Health Institute (IPHI) to connect people, ideas and resources to create healthy communities in Illinois. We encourage all IAPO members to check out the site and participate in the discussion forums!
Connecting Active-Friendly Routes with Everyday Destinations : The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has useful resources to help state and local health departments, public health professionals, and community organizations build more activity-friendly communities in rural, urban, and suburban resources. Click here for resources. 
A recent article in the Journal of Human Lactation stresses the significance of social and systemic barriers disproportionately affecting breastfeeding in low-income and Black communities. To implement real change, organizations must create meaningful strategic partnerships. Read the study here
ChangeLab Solutions developed the Shared Use Playbook for community leaders who want to learn more about implementing shared use agreements. The playbook highlights real-world examples and health benefits of shared use agreements. Click here for the playbook.
Upcoming Opportunities
Resiliency Institute
Friday, February 1
5:30pm to 6:30pm

A practice of spending time in nature and forested areas for the purpose of enhancing health, wellness and happiness. Click here for more information.
DuPage County Forest Preserve
Wonders of Winter

Sunday, February 2
10:00am to 2:00pm

Join a celebration of the winter season. Enjoy snowshoeing, ice fishing and other events at Mayslake Peabody Estate. For information click here .
B.R. Ryall
Livestrong at the YMCA

Next Session Begins in February

A 12-week program helps adult cancer survivors to reclaim their health and well-being after a cancer diagnosis. Improve strength and physical fitness, diminish the severity of therapy side effects, develop supportive relationships and improve quality of life.
Impact of Health Eating and Physical Activity

Tuesday, February 5
6:00pm to 7:00pm
Diabetes Prevention Program (DDP)

Sessions Begin
Tuesday, February 19 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm

Program includes 16 weekly sessions and additional monthly sessions that combine education and physical components.
For more information or to register for B.R. Ryall events call
Katie Sivak at 630.547.2022 or click here .
Meetup of Downer's Grove
Health Optimization in a Toxic World

Tuesday, February 12
6:45pm to 8:00pm

Learn research about natural ways that directs you maintain and restore you health using natural means. For more information, click here .
America Walks
Creating Safer Communities for All

Wednesday, February 13
2:00pm to 3:00pm

Even one life lost is too many. Pedestrian safety is a critical part of planning for healthy, active and engaged communities. Register for this webinar here .
Illinois Alliance to Prevent Obesity
An Introduction to Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program

Wednesday, February 27
3:30pm to 4:30pm

This webinar will provide an introduction to the Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program ( CSPAP) model, tools and resources for implementation, and Illinois success stories.  Register here .
Pump Up P.E.: Designing Learning Activities to Achieve Student Outcomes

Tuesday, March 5
3:30pm to 4:30pm

During this webinar, participants will have opportunities to learn and reflect on how to develop assessments aligned with the state standards and desired student outcomes, and design P.E. learning activities to achieve student outcomes.   Register here .
Physical Education as Core to the CSPAP: Improving Policy and Practice

Wednesday, March 13
3:30pm to 4:30pm

This webinar will focus on the importance of implementing quality physical education policy and programs, best practices for the integration of health, P.E. and other core subjects, and opportunities to reflect on potential improvements within individual programs.   Register here .
Connecting to Before and After-School Partners

Tuesday, March 19
3:30pm to 4:30pm

With a focus on nutrition, this webinar will highlight Illinois-specific opportunities, resources, and case studies, and help make connections between out-of-school time providers and school health professionals.   Register here .
Rounding Out the CSPAP

Wednesday, April 3
3:30pm to 4:30pm

This webinar will highlight opportunities for integrating more physical activity throughout the school day, including best practices, opportunities for partnerships in Illinois communities, and practical ideas for your school/district.   Register here .
Selecting a Quality Health Education Curriculum

Thursday, April 11
8:30am to 3:00pm

This webinar will introduce participants to the Health Education Curriculum Assessment Tool (HECAT) as well as best practices for choosing a culturally appropriate health education curriculum for your school. Register here .
Partnership for Active Transportation
Exploring the Human-Centered Mobility Principles

Thursday, February 28
2:00pm to 3:00pm

This webinar will teach about how to use the principles as a guide. Hear from national experts on what they see coming down the road for active transportation. Be inspired by the works of two communities in how they are facing the next chapter. Register here .
Illinois Dept of Natural Resources
Trails Grant

Grant Application Deadline
Thursday, March 14 @ 5:00pm

Grants up to $10,000 support open space projects that focus on planning, acquisition and improvements. For more information, click here .
Openlands & ComEd
2019 ComEd Green Region Grant

Grant Application Deadline
Friday, March 15 @ 5:00pm

Grants up to $10,000 support open space projects that focus on planning, acquisition and improvements. For more information, click here .
Chicago Metro Agency for Planning (CMAP)
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program

Grant Application Deadline
Friday, March 15 @ 5:00pm

The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program is a federally-funded program of surface transportation improvements designed to improve air quality and mitigate congestion. For more information, click here .
Transportation Alternatives Program

Grant Application Deadline
Friday, March 15 @ 5:00pm

The locally programmed Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP-L) is a federally-funded program of surface transportation improvements designed to support non-motorized transportation. For more information, click here .
Surface Transportation Program

Grant Application Deadline
Friday, March 15 @ 5:00pm

The Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act provides sub-allocation funding to the CMAP urbanized area from funds apportioned to the State of Illinois for a broad range of eligible transportation projects.   For more information, click here .
Association for Community Health Improvement
National Conference

March 19-21
Hyatt Regency Chicago

Held each year in March, this conference convenes 700 population and community health professionals to learn from experts and exchange the latest tools, approaches and ideas from the field. Register here .
IL Critical Access Hospital Network
Diabetes Symposium

May 14-15
Crowne Plaza and Conference Center

Learn current information on diabetes prevention and control, motivational interviewing, reimbursement and much more. Register here after March 1.
Seven Generations Ahead
Illinois Farm to School Network

Harvest of the Month

Would you like your school to promote healthy, local fruits and vegetables while educating your kids about fresh foods? To learn how you can participate click  here .
Illinois Public Health Institute
Strong School Wellness Policies: Best Practices, New Resources and Tips

Pre-Recorded Webinar

Hear about model wellness policies, best practices, and resources available to Illinois schools/districts to support strong wellness policies and how they can support the implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act. Access recording here .
University of Illinois Extension
ABCs of School Nutrition Program

Meal of the Month Contest

Send a photo of a meal you serve and get entered to win a prize from Learning ZoneExpress. To enter the contest, send your meal photos here .
Chef Ann Foundation
Fruit and Veggie Grants for Schools

Grant Application Deadline
Available until funding is depleted

Schools participating in the National School Lunch Program and have 50% free and reduced eligible enrollment are encouraged to apply. Learn more  here .
Michigan State University
Farm to Early Care and Education

Webinar Series

This series is designed for early childhood program staff including food service directors, cook staff, administration, teachers and family day care home providers. They can also be beneficial for those seeking to support farm to ECE efforts. Access recordings here .
National Farm to School Network
A Guide to Using the Creative Curriculum ® to Support Farm to ECE Models

Webinar Series

The guide explores how teachers can use the curriculum for preschool and for infants, toddlers and twos as a foundation to embed farm to ECE learning opportunities into their existing practices. Download full resource here .
Do you subscribe to the IMPACT DuPage Newsletter?
Impact DuPage is a county-wide initiative of partner organizations working to influence change in the areas of affordable housing, access to health treatment, behavioral health treatment, substance abuse and healthy lifestyles. FORWARD is Impact DuPage’s vehicle to help influence residents and partners to make positive choices regarding nutrition, physical activity, and the built environment
to improve healthy status improvement.

For more details and to stay up to date on local progress, click here and subscribe to their twice a month newsletter.  
Help Us Get the Word Out!
Do you know of an upcoming event or health fair in DuPage County?

5-4-3-2-1 Go! ® is a public education message with recommendations for children and families to promote a healthy lifestyle.
  • 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day
  • 4 servings of water a day
  • 3 servings of low-fat dairy a day
  • 2 or less hours of screen time a day
  • 1 or more hours of physical activity a day
For helpful resources and ideas on how to incorporate this message in your DuPage County organization click here .

If you are interested in distributing health and wellness materials at an upcoming event call 630.221.7550 or email [email protected] or Tonia Batogowski at [email protected]