Hello from the Nevada Republican Party,

Thank you for signing up to join us on February 8th from 5 - 7:30PM, at your designated location, for the 2024 First in the West Caucus

Six candidates chose to participate exclusively in the caucus, that’s why you do not see them on the state run primary ballot that you were mailed. In fact, Governor Lombardo recently announced that he’ll be caucusing for former President Trump and voting for “none of the above” on his primary ballot. The caucus is the traditional way presidential candidates have been chosen by BOTH parties for decades in Nevada, and Nevada’s status as a caucus state is a main reason that we were selected in 2008 to begin hosting the First in the West caucus, but unfortunately most media reports haven’t bothered to mention that fact.

How do I caucus? 


Caucus locations are not assigned by ZIP CODE. You can only participate in the caucus at your assigned precinct location. Your voting precinct can be found on your voter registration.

  • Now you know where to go to caucus with like minded Republicans on February 8, 2024 from 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM. 

It IS NOT illegal to participate in both the state run primary and the traditional NVGOP caucus, if you choose as they are two separate contests. 

Interested in some history about how and why we are here? Click here

Unlike the state run primary, the caucus provides for secret paper ballots, precinct based voting, same day results, transparent tabulation in front of any voter that would like to watch, NO same day voter registration, NO unsolicited universal mail ballots and most importantly, Voter ID! The caucus also saves taxpayers millions of dollars, as they do not have to fund a meaningless state-run primary. The NVGOP First in the West Caucus is the only fiscally conservative, binding contest where competitors will have the opportunity to earn delegates. Bragging rights don’t mean anything when you are running for President, delegates do! ONLY the three remaining candidates on the caucus ballot will be eligible to receive delegates.

On February 8, you just need to show up, preferably before 7 PM, to ensure that you have a spot in line to guarantee that you’ll be able to participate in the caucus! But, you DO NOT need to stay for the entire caucus process as there will be a vote and go option available before the 7:30 PM deadline for drop-and-go voting. Absentee ballots are available for Active Duty military and their dependents as well as those unable to attend due to an ADA condition - contact your local county GOP office or info@nevadagop.org for more info.

Mark your calendar - the caucus will take place on Thursday, February 8, 2024, with registration opening at 5pm at locations all over the state. You must caucus at your assigned precinct location. 

Please keep in mind that the four separate elections are all for different purposes.

  • February 6, 2024 - A brand new Presidential Preference Primary (or PPP) for 2024, state run, w/ universal mail ballots. This optional election has no effect on the Presidential nominating contest. 
  • February 8, 2024, at 5PM - First in the West Presidential Caucus. This event is the only binding contest for winning delegates and the traditional way Republicans have chosen our nominee for decades.
  • June 1, 2024 - Traditional Primary Election (using universal mail ballots) where all non-presidential candidates will appear on the ballot. 
  • November 5, 2024 - General Election (using universal mail ballots) all candidates and the Presidential Nominee will appear on these ballots.

Thank you for contacting us and taking the time to read this message. Please be sure to share this with all of your Republican family and friends. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your local party if you have further questions.