Thank You for Visiting With Us . . .
We wanted to take this opportunity to send you a note thanking you for your recent visit. We were blessed and honored that you chose to worship with us. We pray that you felt welcomed and loved and that your worship experience was one that was engaging, uplifting and fulfilling.
It is always a joy to open the doors of First Church to all God's children as ours is a "purpose driven" church. We strive to live in the richness of God's promises through lives dedicated to the five purposes of worship, fellowship, and becoming more like Christ, by ministering and reaching others for Him. 
Rev. Patrick O'Connor, Lead Pastor
You Have an Open Invitation . . .
You are always welcome to visit us again for worship or attend one of our many ministry activities for all ages and stages of life. Feel free to browse our website to learn more about the ministries we offer and to experience the ministry that is First Church. Until our next encounter may God continue to richly bless you!