Dear 5-6 Kehillah Shabbaton Parents,

We are so excited for your children to join us for the 5-6 Kehillah Shabbaton taking place this Shabbat, December 15-16, at Schechter Bergen.  
Below are some reminders as Shabbat approaches:

Do students stay in school after dismissal on Friday? 
  • Yes, students will stay at school after dismissal on Friday, December 15. As a group they will transform Schechter from their day-to-day school to a special place to celebrate Shabbat. While students hang out together, play board games, have free time in the gym and so much more, they will have the opportunity to have this experience within a Shomer Shabbat (Sabbath observant) setting. To create this atmosphere students are required to attend for the entirety of Shabbat

What should students pack? 
  • Students should wear nice Shabbat clothing (pants, skirts, or dresses and collared shirts for Friday Night and Shabbat morning). Students will have an opportunity to change into casual/active clothing (regular school clothing) to be worn during the day on Shabbat.  
  • Pajamas for bedtime. 
  • Students should also bring toiletries for night time and morning wake up routines.
  • Each student should bring a sleeping bag and a pillow.  
  • A reminder that our dress code expectations continue to apply over the Shabbaton, so please pack accordingly.  

  • If your child takes medications, please be sure to notify Nurse Debbie of what is to be administered. All medications are to be brought in prior to the Shabbaton with the correct dosage in a ziplock bag with the student's name clearly labeled on the bag. In addition, please attach the time the medicine is to be given.

Will food be provided? 
  • There will be 4 meals provided over the Shabbaton, an Oneg (an evening Shabbat party with snacks) and additional snacks throughout the day. There will be plenty of yummy things for your child to enjoy.
  • Please do not bring your child with additional snacks. 
  • Nurse Debbie is compiling a list of food allergies that we will pass on to the caterer. If you have not yet done so, be sure to email Nurse Debbie with food allergy concerns immediately.

What time does the Shabbaton end?
  • Pick up will be between 5:30-7:00 PM following Havdalah. During that time, snacks will be served and a movie will be shown to students. Parents should pick up their children from the front entrance of the school.  

We are looking forward to a fun and meaningful Shabbaton!
Lauren Goldman-Brown signature
Director of 1-8 Kehillot
Lauren Goldman-Brown
Yoni Shear
5-8 Kehillot Judaic Studies Teacher
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