November 11, 2020
Dear Friends,
As our nation commemorates Veteran’s Day today, I am grateful for what nature offers those who have served our country in our armed forces. I spent much of my youth on military bases as my father served in the U.S. Army. He is a veteran of the Vietnam War. My brother serves in the California National Guard Reserves and is a veteran of the Afghanistan War and also served as a peacekeeper with the U.N. in Kosovo. Honoring service is an important family tradition.
Silhouette of a woman with mossy bay branches
Finding Peace Outside
Growing up I spent many hours with my dad walking the mountains, fishing, and hunting. He taught me by example that you can find a quiet peace outside. The outdoors is where I believe he would go to calm his mind and spirit that continued to be affected by his experience of war.

In The Nature Fix, journalist Florence Williams chronicles the immense health impacts of time in nature, including a story of Iraqi vets suffering from PTSD who describe the therapeutic effects of wilderness after a trip along the Salmon River in Idaho. Here is a first-hand story about how spending time at our national parks helps manage PTSD.
Honoring Service
In honor of Veteran’s Day all National Park Service units offer free admission to all. Check out the National Park Service’s Veteran’s Day web page for more information about specific sites focused on the role of the military and veterans in our country and view a "Thank you for your service" video from the National Park Service..
I also want to thank Superintendent Cicely Muldoon for her service at Point Reyes National Seashore. Cicely has been on loan to Yosemite National Park since December and was recently appointed the permanent job of superintendent of that magnificent park. Congratulations Cicely! As our beloved superintendent here at Point Reyes the news is bittersweet. Thank you for your leadership over these last 10 years. We are grateful to Acting Superintendent Carey Feierabend who will stay on until a permanent superintendent is selected.  

Looking Forward
It continues to be a complicated year and if you are seeking respite from the stress of a contentious election, the impacts of the pandemic, or any other worries, know much of Point Reyes National Seashore is here for you. See our winter Field Institute classes if you are looking for a guided experience.

Our timely webinar on monarch butterfly conservation in our coastal communities - monarchs are arriving in the SF Bay Area - will cover what you can do to help this species. Last, but not least, I'm so very happy to welcome our new Elephant seal intern, Ada Valencia, to the park and share a selection of our wonderful partners' events this month.
With appreciation,
Donna Faure
Executive Director
Point Reyes National Seashore is now PARTIALLY OPEN with an active fire in the park.

You can find a link to download a high-resolution PDF version of the park-wide closure map on the NPS website here.

Hazardous conditions exist. Conditions can change rapidly. 

Visitors are reminded to respect trail and road closures. All trails that go into the Woodward Fire burn area remain closed. Fuels on the interior of the fire will continue to burn until the winter rains arrive. Keep yourself and park personnel safe by staying out of the closure zone.
Helping Monarch Butterflies in
Coastal Communities and Beyond
PRNSA Webinar Next Week! November 19, 6pm - 7pm
Monarchs are arriving now in coastal Marin for the winter! This is the beginning of a major milestone in their lifetime, but they need our help. Mia Monroe is a community science volunteer with The Xerces Society and is a co-founder of the long-running Western Monarch Thanksgiving Count. She has been watching monarchs her whole life in the Bay Area and enjoys this time of year most. Come learn about this amazing migration and metamorphosis with us and Mia, and see how you can help the Monarchs.

Register for this free event today. Click here to Register!

Also, read more here about other local organizations who are working on community responses to the alarming decline of the Western Monarch population:
Saturday, November 14
10am – 2:30pm
In this online class we will focus on writing as a means of personally and collectively connecting to Earth and finding creative insight. Register HERE
Saturday, November 14
10:30am – 1:30pm
Forest bathing is a guided nature meditation, a slow meander in the forest to connect more deeply with nature and within. Register HERE
Sunday, November 15
10:30am – 5pm
Come celebrate the natural world and photograph close- where a flower becomes its own world. Register HERE
Down For the Count
Exploring Bird Diversity and Abundance at Point Reyes
Saturday, December 12
9:30am – 3:30pm

For fifty years the Point Reyes Christmas Bird Count (CBC) has been an annual tradition monitoring the winter populations of over two hundred species of birds here. The National Seashore and adjoining areas rank in the top ten of over two thousand counts nationwide in terms of species diversity.
This will be a moderately fast-paced outing with a focus on seeing a lot of birds but allowing time to learn bird identification by sight and sound. Instructor David Wimpfheimer compiled the CBC records for twenty years and will share information on population trends for the birds of Point Reyes. Learn which birds are more common here than in the past and conversely which are less common. This outing will begin at the Bear Valley picnic area.
Drawing the Colors of Winter
Saturday, December 12, 10am – 12pm
Autumn is the perfect time to explore colored pencil techniques with all the beauty of the changing leaf colors, seed pods, gourds, and berries. Their unique colors provide the opportunity to practice mixing and layering color. Learn to create rich reds, browns, and purples. We will explore a variety of colored pencil techniques including layering, blending, and burnishing.
This class will be two hours long, held online, using Zoom. We will spend time mixing colors, drawing your leaf or fruit, and coloring with demonstration and time for questions and answers. All drawing levels are welcome. A supply list will be provided.
Birding by Kayak
Sunday, December 13, 8am – 12pm
The Giacomini Wetlands have been described as one of the top 10 birding destinations in the world by National Geographic, and winter can be one of the best times for birding in the wetlands. Visiting the wetlands by kayak you will experience the abundance of birdlife it supports and appreciate the value of this beautiful and essential habitat. Register Here
Marin EFM Webinar 
Healthy Soils: Growing Climate Resilience
Next Week! Tuesday, Nov. 17 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Environmental Forum of Marin (EFM) speakers will untangle the complex role of agriculture in climate change: agriculture is villain, victim, and potential savior. Though it produces 9% of California’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, it could potentially draw down more carbon from the atmosphere than it emits. Shifting from conventional agricultural practices to ones that improve soil health can eliminate numerous environmental harms while producing an abundance of nutritious and affordable food. Our experts will explain how building the health of our agricultural soil can reduce emissions, sequester carbon, and improve plant health. Click here to register!
West Marin Climate Action Webinar 
Local Food Resiliency
Next Week! Thursday, Nov. 19 7pm - 8:15pm
A free Zoom gathering to share ideas about growing food in our home bioregion.

Learn from Burton Eubank in his amazing garden in Inverness Park! In a video tour, produced by Leslie Adler-Ivanbrook, Burton will show he saves seeds, grafts fruit trees, and grows food year-round, as he reflects on our changing climate. 

Can home gardeners help "grow" our community's food resiliency and equity (with enough for everyone)? Bring your ideas! This will be the first in a series of Local Food webinars hosted by West Marin Climate Action.

Visit our website to see our Events, and learn more about the nine Climate Action Areas (including Local Food Resiliency) that the West Marin community has prioritized. 

Register for this event on Eventbrite.
Meet our New Elephant Seal Intern
Ada Valencia
Elephant Seal Outreach
& Education Intern
Throughout my career I have been fascinated with the wonder created by connecting people from urban areas to wildlife and the outdoors. After working in the woods for a bit and with my family now residing in the Bay Area, I wanted to intern at Point Reyes National Seashore to be part of a team helping create that connection in what is now my second home. I grew up in Los Angeles CA. My family now resides in the Bay Area, so this is now my second home. I went to Humboldt State University where I received a bachelor's in Wildlife management and conservation. 
We partner with the National Park Service to create opportunities for all people to experience, enhance, and preserve Point Reyes National Seashore for present and future generations.
Point Reyes National Seashore | (415) 663-1200 x 310 | |