In honor of Beck, Frozen star Kristen Bell performed the song “More Than Just the Spare” which was cut from the original film and “holds a very special place in my heart.” Gala host, Bell’s Do, Re & Mi collaborator Jackie Tohn engaged the rapt crowd with her witty delivery. Heartfelt thanks to additional artists Kait Dunton Band, Melodica Men, and ETM-LA Alum Brooke Bailey, along with presenters Award-Winning Actor Bryan Cranston, Director Chris Columbus, and Pam Pouliot.
Conducted by Lee, ETM-LA ensembles from Payne P-8 STEAM Academy, Rio Vista Elementary, & Providencia Elementary, and Lee's choir Imaginations from John Muir Middle School (accompanied by Westley Steele, ETM-LA alumni, & faculty) shone brightly on "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?" and "Can't Stop the Feeling."