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May 19, 2022 volume 17 edition 3

Herbicide Management in Coming Weeks

Asmus Farm Supply is prepared to supply your in-season needs for soil-residual herbicides in both corn and soybeans.

Maybe you didn’t get your pre-emerge herbicide on? We have the solutions to protect your crop from competitive weeds.

Contact your trusted AFS agronomist to develop a plan that best suits your operation to optimize yields this fall.    

EMS Week 2022  

During EMS Week, we honor the sacrifice and dedication of everyone in EMS. Please join us in celebrating EMS Week May 15th to the 21st.

Thank you to the AFS staff that takes the time to serve their communities; Kevin Adolph, Troy Armstrong, Garrett Asmus, Brent Baddeley, Wes Baddeley, and Jacob Swearingen.

Thank you to all those that chose to Rise to the Challenge and serve their communities.  Your countless hours of training and serves are greatly appreciated in protecting the small rural farm communities.  

Crop Progress Reports

Full Crop Progress Reports are available for each state using the links below. 

Iowa Crop Progress Report
Minnesota Crop Progress Report
Visit our website