In celebration of Better Hearing & Speech Month, SDX wants to recognize all the amazing Med SLPS out there on the front line.
Please join us by submitting your name and the names of your SLP colleagues to join our Evergreen of Appreciation !

SDX will hang a starfish with each SLPs name, facility/agency and state on our tree. We hope to fill our tree with the names of Med SLPS from across the nation!

We will continually post pics of our Evergreen on our social media!

Because we know YOU make a difference, every day, to every one you meet. Remember the story of the boy at the ocean throwing washed-up starfish back into the sea, one by one? YOU make a difference, one patient, one diet change, one smile at a time. Because of you, someone had a better day today than they had yesterday. Because of you, a co-worker felt that they mattered. Because of you, a patient felt that they were cared for.