People for Life Email Update

Wednesday, November 6, 2024


The Pro-Life Cause is Alive and Well

The political party that chose to make abortion killing the centerpiece of its political strategy this year had a tough day at the polls yesterday. As a result, the most pro-abortion administration in U.S. history will, itself, be history on January 20.

The U.S. Senate is now firmly in pro-life hands, and the House of Representatives seems to be on its way to the same outcome.

The Pennsylvania state Senate is also firmly in pro-life hands. Pro-life legislators might take control of the state House of Representatives by a single seat if the current situation holds after the last votes are counted.

Thank you for voting pro-life, for standing for the things that matter most, and for stepping out beyond your comfort zone as necessary to defend the truth! And thank you for being a part of People for Life, our collective voice for life here in the Erie area. With God's help and your dedication, the pro-life cause is alive and well, in "bellwether" Erie County and across the nation.

With Roe v. Wade out of the way and, now, an administration that will be friendly, not hostile, to human life, we have an opening! But progress will depend on each of us being more committed to our cause than ever before.

By the way, we hear from Alex Schadenberg, the speaker at our October 25 Pro-Life Dinner, that the voters of West Virginia have approved a constitutional amendment protecting the good people of that state from euthanasia!

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