Ballard Performing Arts News

February 6, 2024

Upcoming Events

Feb 6 | Wind Ensemble to PNW Band Festival

Feb 8 | Prospective Family Night, 6-8pm

Feb 10 | EBMEA Solo and Ensemble Contest

Feb 13 | BPAB Board Meeting, 6pm (Zoom link on calendar)

Feb 14 | Small groups at Ballard Elks Club, 6pm

Feb 29 | PLU Choral Festival

Feb 29 | Dine Out at MOD Pizza Ballard

Mar 1 | CWU Windfest 

Mar 9 | CWU Orchestra Festival

Mar 14-16 | Musical | The Addams Family

Mar 16 | Goodwill Fill-a-Truck 9-noon

See our BPA Calendar for more dates.

Contact the Directors

Band: Jay Gillespie

Choir: Courtney Rowley

Orchestra: Daniel Valdez

Theatre Miller Shor/Ind

Quick Links 

Band Program 

Choir Program

Orchestra Program 

Theatre Program 


Pay fees

Trip payments

Featured News

Warning! BHS BPA Newsletter Email Changes!

Our e-newsletter provider Constant Contact has begun rolling out new requirements and our "from" address has changed. If you STOP receiving your newsletter, please check your spam email folder. We will continue to post a direct link to the weekly BPA newsletter on the Performing Arts website. Any questions please reach out to our BPA Communications team.

 Thank You! Spaghetti Dinner a Success!

Congratulations to the many performers who delighted the audience in the Ballard Commons this past Saturday at the 65th Annual Spaghetti dinner. Groups from Ballard’s choirs, bands, orchestras, and the cast of the upcoming Spring Musical, The Addams Family, transported us to many beloved stories, in keeping with the theme of the evening, a Night at the Movies.

There were pirate jokes from Mr G, a surprise appearance by Marnie, Ms Rowley’s dog, as young Simba in the Lion King performed by Concert Choir and a fight with lightsabers, to the rousing music from Star Wars, performed by Wind Ensemble.

Thanks to the many volunteers, led by Stephanie Skinner and Sara Stevens, event co- chairs, BPA Admin/Treasurer Jill Hansen, and our wonderful BPA President, Kelsey Fatland. Also a special shout out to the kitchen crew led by Lan Dang, John Spinosa, Thor Stoddard, and Anson Fatland, for the delicious dinner!

Welcome Future Beavers!

Spread the word! Encourage your neighbors and friends to come to Prospective Families Night this Thurs Feb 8 from 6-8pm. For more information, visit the BHS website.

EBMEA Solo and Ensemble Contest on Feb 10

See schedules below or check with your rep.

We are still missing some payments, please pay ASAP!

  • Solo cost is $22*.
  • Ensemble cost is $32* per group. (Divide that amount by the number of members of the ensemble to get the cost per individual.)

Ensemble payments need to be turned in together. One member of the group should collect the individual payments, then place them in an envelope with the ensemble name written on it. 

*Cash or checks payable to BPA. Drop payment envelopes in the band room secure mailbox.

Program Updates


Upcoming Dates

Mark your calendars for these band events:

Feb 6th - Wind Ensemble to PNW Band Festival, 7:00am call time.

Feb 8th - Prospective family night, 6:00-8:00pm; call time 5:00pm to get uniforms; Marching Band performance 5:40-6:00pm.

Feb 10th - EBMEA Solo and Ensemble Contest; see below for schedule.

Feb 14th - Small group orchestra and band (not percussion) performances at Ballard Elks Lodge, call time 5:30pm.

March 1st - Wind Ensemble to CWU Windfest.

Pizza and Pep Band Night

Pizza and Pep Band Night was a huge success - with 35 middle school students joining the band in learning pep band songs and playing at the basketball game. We hope to see all of these students next year in band!

Prospective Family Night

The marching band will be performing prior to the beginning of Prospective Family Night on Thursday. They need to be at school by 5pm to get their uniforms and get dressed. They will perform from 5:40-6:00pm and can then change out of their uniforms. We need some parent volunteers from 4:50-6:45pm to help check uniforms out and in. Please sign up here

EBMEA Schedule for Saturday Feb. 10th

For those students participating in Solo and Ensemble at Chief Sealth on Feb. 10th, the schedule is here. Please arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your earliest performance time and allow for travel time to Chief Sealth.

Small Group Performances at Ballard Elks Club 

On Feb. 14th, the band and orchestra students (all but percussion) will perform the small group pieces they have been working on at the Ballard Elks Club. Performances will start at 6pm; call time is 5:30pm. Everyone is welcome to come and watch! Drinks and food will be available to purchase. 

Band Trip to Portland

The final cost for the band trip to Portland is $440 per student (and chaperone). Final payment of $340 (in addition to the $100 deposit) is due by Friday, Feb. 23rd, and can be paid on our website. The cost includes a hotel room for two nights, a chartered bus to Portland, and one dinner. 

Jazz Band Trip to Reno | April 25-28

The remaining payment ($257) is due by Feb 15 and can be paid on our website or with cash/check (made out to BPA). Drop in the secure box in the band room or send to Ballard Performing Arts, PO Box 17774 Seattle WA 98127.

*Email [email protected] if you'd like to apply your student's fundraising credits toward the upcoming trip payments. 


The registration and payment deadlines for Solo and Ensemble have passed. If your student is singing a solo, or in a duet or small group, they need to pay by placing their money in a labeled envelope in the secure black mailbox in the band room. Ms. Rowley and Serena will take care of registrations. Please pay in cash or check (payable to Ballard Performing Arts), $22 - solo, $16 - for each singer in a duet. Fees for Vocal Jazz, Tenor Bass Ensemble, and the Chamber Choir are covered by BPA. You will also need to pay your accompanist (information was handed out in class about this).

See the following upcoming dates. We are still short of chaperones for the Concert Choir trip in February and the Concert Choir/Advanced Chorale trip to Portland in May. You will need to be approved as an SPS volunteer.

Upcoming Dates

Thurs February 8th - Prospective Families Night, 6-8 pm. All small ensembles will be singing.

Sat Feb 10th - Solo and Ensemble, at Chief Sealth International High School. Please arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your earliest performance time and allow for travel time to Chief Sealth.

View the schedule

Thurs February 29th - Concert Choir will be attending a Choir Festival at Pacific Lutheran University, during the school day, leaving at 6am, back at school by about 3pm. Four chaperones needed! Chaperones needed! Please contact Sally [email protected] if you are able to chaperone.

Thurs May 23rd - Sat May 25th - Save the date! Advanced Chorale and Concert Choir trip to Portland, OR. Information about deposits and other details will be coming soon. We need nine chaperones. Please contact Sally [email protected] if you're able to chaperone. 


Upcoming Dates

Sat Feb 10th - EBMEA Solo and Ensemble Contest

The following students will be participating at the contest at Chief Sealth International High School:

  • Ballard Violin Club – Meilee Riddle, Kieran Horowitz, Ethan Li,* Wilco Balstadt, Stella Warren
  • Moonstruck Quartet – Justene Li*, Isak Synnestvedt,* Evelyn Howland,* Kevin Bulson
  • Dalton Lemmel

*Also performing a solo.

Please arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your earliest performance time and allow for travel time to Chief Sealth.

Feb 22-25 Wintergrass Festival

The Wintergrass Festival format is changing and only interested students will perform, not the entire orchestra. Contact Mr. Valdez if you're interested in performing at the festival.

March 9 CWU Orchestra Festival

Chamber Orchestra is confirmed; Symphonic Orchestra is waitlisted.

April 2 NW Orchestra Festival

Whitman Middle School

Orchestra Vancouver B.C. Trip

The total trip cost is $650/person. The $150 deposit was due 1/12. The rest of the payments can be paid online at or with cash or check (made out to BPA).

$250 due Feb 16

$250 due Mar 15

Permission slips will be coming closer to the trip. Register online for the trip if you haven’t already: (Trip ID:214462).

Trip details:

  • Dates – 5/24-5/26
  • Activities: Adjudicated Festival Performance and clinic, Dinner and awards banquet, Grouse Mountain tour
  • Included in cost: Charter bus travel, 2 nights hotel stay
  • Not included in cost: Meals outside of banquet dinner (hotel may have breakfast—will confirm).

More details will be coming soon, along with an information night sponsored by the festival on a date TBD. Students planning to attend this trip must have a passport and/or Real ID that will allow them entry to Canada.


Thanks to everyone who came out to support us at the Spaghetti Dinner! Our cast performed "When You're an Addams". We hope you enjoyed this first spooktacular peek at our show. 

A few quick reminders:

Students involved in the show are selling ads for the program. We'd love to feature your business in our program and we'll be so grateful for your support. Please ask your student or email [email protected] for more information.

And drumroll.... tickets are live! Please visit to purchase your tickets today!

Adults are $20, students & staff are $10, and seniors are $15. We can't wait to see you there! It's gonna be spooktacular!

Questions? Email Ms. Miller at [email protected].

Help Fund Our Programs

The district only pays for teachers’ salaries; everything else we have to raise or donate.

Student Fundraiser Opportunity | Don't Miss Out!

It’s Easy to Sell Chocolate near Valentine’s Day and over Mid-Winter Break!

Encourage your student to check out a box of chocolates and sell them to teachers, classmates, family, friends, office colleagues and neighbors before and during mid-winter break.

How does it work?

  1. Students fill out this check out form
  2. Checkout will be at the uniform room door. Jill will be available for checkout most mornings (starting 1/29) before school starts (8:15 to 8:40am). A completed form is required to get a box.
  3. Students sell the candy for $1 bar, and then turn in $60. For each box sold, the student receives $24 credited to that student's account and those funds can be used for spring trip, camp payments (due in July), or program fees in the fall. Unused funds can even be transferred to a younger sibling when a student graduates (or donated to BPA general fund).

*Students are responsible for turning in the full cost of the box of chocolate, $60, whether they sell it all or not. They cannot turn in coins. All money should be bills or checks (payable to BPA).

All money will be due Feb 29th.

Dine out for BPA

February 29th at MOD PIZZA, 6010 15th Ave NW. Buy a pizza at MOD any time between 10:30am-10:00pm, mention that you're supporting BPA, and 20% of what you spend will be donated to Ballard Performing Arts. Details to follow.

Help Wanted

Lots of Available Volunteer Positions!

Please check out the list of available volunteer positions. Email [email protected] with any questions. 

Featured Video

Please contact your program rep or director if you have a good video to share from Saturday’s Spaghetti Dinner... our volunteers were a little busy running the event. Thank you!

Check out past performances any time on our YouTube and Vimeo channels.

Passive Giving

Give While You Do Your Everyday Shopping!

Sign up for Fred Meyer Community Rewards!

Earn money for Ballard Performing Arts while you shop at Fred Meyer.

Register for Fred Meyer’s Community Program online.

Donate to Ballard Performing Arts
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Events Calendar
Thank You to Our Sponsors

Interested in becoming a BPA Sponsor?

Contact Rhea Patton at [email protected].

Share your BPA media with us.

Ballard Performing Arts

 Ballard Performing Arts Booster Club

Contact us at:

[email protected]