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Our Journey Together in 2023 Was Breathtaking!

A new headquarters building in Buyobo, Uganda, total funds lent to rural businesswomen surpassing the $10,000,000 mark, expansion to new villages in southwest Uganda, the launch of a new loan hub in western Kenya, support for mobile medical outreach and health education for our rural Maasai businesswomen in Tanzania, introduction of more numeracy classes and literacy classes to help borrowers read and write Swahili, and a record number of children of borrowers graduating from secondary school and university because their mothers could pay school fees with their business income: all of these accomplishments were made possible by your generous support for WMI in 2023.

Thank you for your thoughtfulness and compassion for rural women in East Africa who want to create a better life for themselves and their families.

Thank you for giving village women the tools to start a business and stay in business. 

Thank you for your confidence and trust in WMI’s village-based approach to poverty alleviation and women's economic empowerment.

Building brick homes, adding solar power, purchasing land, acquiring livestock, improving nutrition, accessing healthcare on a regular basis, and paying school fees - all these dreams are being realized by rural businesswomen in East Africa through the WMI loan program. Your commitment to WMI is the key to our success.


Best wishes for peace, health and happiness in the New Year!


The WMI Board of Directors 

 Robyn Nietert   Betsy Gordon  Deborah Smith  Jane Erickson 
   Terry Ciccotelli   Trix Vandervossen  June Kyakobye 
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