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"The trauma was not done in isolation and the healing will not happen in isolation. There is not one path, one pill, one therapy that helps all who continue to suffer. The pain is unique to each individual and their healing is too." Alan Yeck, Executive Director, Veterans Healing Farm

Because of your generous donations, in 2022

the Veterans Healing Farm:

  • hosted the largest Veteran event in Western North Carolina, the Veterans Resource Fair which included 28 different Veteran-centric organizations and over 300 attendees;

  • organized a community drive to help 100 incoming Afghan evacuees resulting in 18,000 lbs. of clothes and household goods as well as $2,000 in gift cards and cash. Program was at the request of the Lutheran Church overseeing the placement;

  • tripled the number of pre-pandemic workshops and events, refocusing on mental health, serving over 250 in our Veteran community;

  • partnered with Warrior Canine Connection to run classes at the Farm to train service dogs for other Veterans;

  • partnered with Horse Sense of the Carolinas through a grant to have multiple equine therapy sessions at the VHF;

  • brought in three suicide prevention workshops for the entire community. A total of 35 people were trained in this critical, life-saving skill;

  • grew and donated 3,500 lbs. of tomatoes, eggplant, bell peppers, okra, cucumbers, butternut squash, green beans, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, kale, onions, cabbage, and broccoli as well as a variety of flowers to Veterans and others in need;


  • expanded our produce donation locations to include the Veterans Restoration Quarters (200 bed male Veteran homeless shelter), ABCCM Veterans homeless shelter, Hendersonville Rescue Mission, IAM Food Pantry, and the SafeLight Women’s Shelter;

  • partnered with clinical facilities Revitalist, and Wake in a pilot program to send six long-suffering Veterans for psilocybin treatments in Jamaica. “Life changing;"

  • finished the growing year by harvesting, curing, and donating 2,000 lbs. of organic, nutrition dense sweet potatoes from the Corporal Matthew Bolar Memorial Flag Garden, and 75 bags of fresh turmeric, to Veterans, family members, and caregivers at the Charles George VA Medical Center, Asheville, NC;


  • served breakfast at the Asheville airport to outgoing Veterans and escorts for the Blue Ridge Honor Flight;

  • hired a part-time North Carolina Certified Peer Support Specialist on staff;

  • saw the Bee Squad set a new record in honey production (220 bottles); and

  • held multiple live musical, ceremonial, and story performances on the JAM (Joshua A. McCardle) stage.  
Please Donate Today

Remember to ask your company if they have a matching donation program.

We are on our way to our December 31, 2023 goal of raising $220,000 to provide these programs to our Veterans. Our ultimate goal is to end the Veteran suicide crisis. We humbly ask you to please give generously to help our nation's Veterans.






38 Yale Rd

Hendersonville, NC 28739

Get In Touch

The Veterans Healing Farm is a 501c3 nonprofit established in 2013 to enhance the mental and emotional well-being of our nation's Veterans through agri-therapy and community programs.