May Newsletter

DS Ledlum-Bates Visits Benn's UMC, Smithfield

On April 16, 2023 the DS was able to share worship and fellowship with the congregation at Benn's UMC.

Grace UMC (Oak Grove) Closure

On Sunday, April 23, 2023 Grace UMC (Oak Grove) held their final worship service with DS Ledlum-Bates in attendance. Amidst laughter and tears, the congregation was photographed by the DS.

May 6 Special Annual Conference

On Saturday, May 6, 2023, a Special Annual Conference via Zoom Webinar will be held. At 8:30 a.m., an optional Q&A will be held for any members who have questions concerning the Special Annual Conference. At 9 a.m., the Annual Conference session will convene to consider the ratification of 64 local churches that seek to disaffiliate from The United Methodist Church over matters of human sexuality using Paragraph 2553 of the Book of Discipline. AC members have received information about this session via email and it can be found at

Welcome to the 2023 Virginia Annual Conference!

The 2023 Annual Conference will be called to order at 10:00 A.M. on Thursday, June 15th. The Clergy Session will take place on Wednesday, June 14th at 2:00 P.M. Conference adjourns at noon on Saturday, June 17th.

Annual Conference Housing Reservations

Volunteers are needed for the Annual Conference in-person at the Berglund Center, Roanoke in June. Assistance before, during and after (from June 13-17) is needed. Please prayerfully consider volunteering.


Volunteers will be contacted by their area coordinator and receive any necessary training or instructions.


Here are the links to the Sign Up Genius pages:


Hospitality Greeters:







What will we collect?

  • UMCOR Kits – We will be collecting the three official UMCOR Relief Kits. Instructions on how to assemble the kits will be found below.
  • Instructions to pack UMCOR Kits
  • Hygiene Kit 
  • Cleaning Kit
  • Menstrual Kit
  • Locations and times for collecting kits in the district will be announced as soon as possible.

You'll Be Missed

The Colonial Beach United Methodist Church would like to say goodbye to one of our dearest members, United Women in Faith Treasurer, Pat Tharp, who is moving to Florida with her family. We wish her well in her new adventure in life. We will miss her dearly!

Hello, Mission Rivers District United Women in Faith (MRD UWF)!

           Happy Spring and Happy Easter!!! I pray that each of you had a very blessed Holy Week and are continuing to rejoice in the gift given to each of us with the resurrection of our Lord!

           In this newsletter, I want to share information with you regarding the cost for camps at Westview on the James. I will start out by sharing with you information contained in the Westview on the James Frequently Asked Questions regarding the pricing for camps. (And yes, this information needs to be updated to reflect the new district names.)

           “Why are there three different camp prices? Because of the support of churches in the Richmond, Charlottesville, and Rappahannock River districts of the Virginia Conference of the United Methodist Church, as well as committed donors, we are able to offer tiered pricing for our summer camps. This gives each family the opportunity to pay as they are able.

·        Tier 1 – Supporter Cost: Covers the true cost for your camper, as well as a camper attending at the subsidized rate.

·        Tier 2 – True Cost: Includes indirect expenses such as maintenance, insurance, and utilities, in addition to direct expenses like food supplies and counselor pay.

·        Tier 3 – Subsidized Cost: The lower price we are able to charge thanks to our generous supporters.

The rate you choose is based on the honor system. Please choose the price that is the most reasonable for your family.”

           The information above is the first information shared with parents, grandparents, etc. who look into sending a child or children to camp.

           I also encourage each of you to consider contributing to the Westview on the James Care and Connect program. Care and Connect Camperships are funds used to help those who are unable to fund the full cost of camp. For example, Care and Connect Camperships may fully cover tuition, camp supplies, and transportation for some campers. Here is another example. If an adult sends a child to camp and pays the Tier 3 cost, Care and Connect Camperships may supplement the Tier 3 cost to bring the payment for the camper to the full cost.  Donations to Care and Connect help campers to attend who might not otherwise be able to attend.

           To learn more about Westview on the James, here is the link to the camp’s website.

Grace and Peace,

J.M. Gallier

The Colonial Beach United Methodist Men presented donations to several Colonial Beach Civic Organizations as a way to tithe our fortunes that the Community has shown us the past year. We are very fortunate that our group is supported by our public and our members want to support "pay it forward." All of this is possible with God's love and guidance. May the current UMM year be overjoyed with His Blessings!


Pictured left to right: Ed Loose, UMM Treasurer; David Robey, Fire Chief, CBVFD; Tammy Preston, Assistant Chief, CBVRS; Eric Nelson, WWER Radio Station Board Member; Sher Lee, CB Kids Christmas; Laura Allison, CBHS Boosters, President; Ron Webster, UMM Vice President; Paul Sanders, UMM President; Back Row: Sarah Cooke, CBHS Boosters Member; Olivia Cooke, Student CBHS; Pastor Josh Hagstrom, CBUMC.

The Colonial Beach United Women in Faith sponsored a Potato Luncheon following the Church Service on March 12th. Thank you to Evan, Caleb and Tucker for decorating their Potato Heads to raise money for our Church! All were winners! Great food and fellowship!

National Day of Prayer Streaming

Tabernacle UMC Fredericksburg will be livestreaming a National Day of Prayer event.

Text Link


Benn's United Methodist Church

14571 Benn's Church Blvd.

Smithfield, VA 23430

Drive thru only $12.00

Tickets available from the office or at the door but we sell out quickly!

Saturday, May 6, 2023

11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

1/2 BBQ Chicken, Coleslaw, Baked Beans, Rolls

For more information please call 757.357.3373

Spring Block Party

Saturday, May 6, 2023

11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Regester Chapel UMC

106 Regester Rd.

Stafford, VA 22554

Model railroad exhibit, Corvette car show, petting zoo, Stafford County K9 demonstration and a Stafford County Fire Engine, free food, games, pet blessings, live music, face painting and so much more!

Rain or shine!!

Mount Vernon UMC

7801 Church Lane

Toano, VA 23168

Spring Yard & Bake Sale

Saturday, May 20th, 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM

The Mission Rivers District

Virginia Conference

The United Methodist Church

6515 George Washington Memorial Highway, Suite 203

Yorktown, VA 23692

(757) 596-3476 Telephone

(757) 591-2866 Fax



Office Hours: Monday—Thursday

9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Friday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

The Rev. Charles F. Ledlum-Bates

District Superintendent


Lisa Jones

Administrative Assistant



Lynn Manley

Administrative Assistant



Rev. Dr. Clarence R. Brown, Jr.

District Director of Connectional Ministry


Rev. Dr. James “Jim” O’Quinn

District Director of Connectional Ministry