Hey Parents...

Welcome to KidZone Parents! We are so glad you are here! Here is what is happening in KidZone and we want you to be a part of it!

  • KZF Scavenger hunt is this Saturday, March 25th, 6-8pm! KZF is designed to create an environment for families to experience together, a night of hilarious skits, crazy games, exciting worship, yummy food, all while deepening our understanding of who God is and all He has for our lives. It'll be one of your favorite nights of the week. All are welcome, in fact, we hope you invite a friend! This month, KZF is heading on the road for our annual scavenger hunt downtown Rockford. Meet at New Hope ready for pizza and fellowship. Then let the games begin with a friendly competition as we head out on the town! First few back to the church will win prizes and we will have extra points for those who dress for the 70's!!
  • Summer camps: Sign Up Today!!!
  • KidZone Connected
  • Check In System Details
  • Student Leadership Opportunity

Check out below for details! Know that you are loved and cared for! Have an awesome week!

Much love,

Anna & the KidZone Team

If you ever want to share your thoughts, concerns, or prayer request we are here for you! Give us a call! Anna@ 231-360-5854 Brent@ 231-360-5505

Click HERE

to listen to our KidZone worship on Spotify


As a church we have been working through what it looks like to be transformed as a people into the likeness of Christ! We believe this doesn't just apply to the adults of New Hope, but that kids can begin to understand from a very young age what it means to live for Jesus! Join us as a family as we make our way through the parables of Jesus and see what He has in store for us as HE uses these stories to help us understand what it looks like to live a life that honors the one who saved us from our sins!

  • KZF Scavenger Hunt

March 25th


The Parable of

the Great Banquet

Luke 14:16-24

Cole Corwin

Cole was born and raised in Traverse City where he attended and served at our founding church, New Hope Community Church! As one of the original KidZoners, Cole grew to love the Lord at a young age and while serving in KidZone and KidZone camps God called Him into ministry. Cole attended Grace Bible College where he graduated with a degree in biblical studies. Brent and I have known Cole since he was a little guy and we are blessed to get to serve Jesus along side him this coming year as he interns here at New Hope! We would love for you to come down to KidZone to meet Cole or find him in the lobby after church! He is an awesome man who loves Jesus dearly!

KidZone Summer Camps

The greatest adventure of the year...Adventure Camp! Packed with insane games, crazy worship, wooded adventure, water madness as well as personal time in the Word. Adventure camp is a life changing time for kids. While we play hard and have an unbelievable amount of fun, kids will grow even more in their walk with Jesus! There are many kids that have come through camp that can point to a moment where they saw a turning point in their life. Each day kids will experience chapel with a variety of speakers, Christ centered worship, and what we love about this camp is the amazing group of student leaders who will love your kids and point them to Jesus.

Cost: $40

July 10-13 from


@ The Barns

VBS: "The greatest story ever told" is a three day camp where kids will learn all about the wonders of God and His story for all of us! Join us for an amazing week of finding out more about who Jesus is, all while having a blast through friendships, games, skits, and crazy worship!

There is no cost for VBS!

August 1st-3rd from 9:30am to Noon

Sign Up for Adventure Camp Today!

Sign Up for VBS Today!

KidZone Student Leadership Team

KidZone Student Leadership Team has become one of the most special times for us. They are a special group of students that love Jesus and want to see other young kids begin to grasp all that God is and what He has done for them at such a young age. A lot of these students have gone through KidZone themselves and have experienced first hand what it feels like to have a teen to look up to that loves and cares about them. It can change a kids life, and what the teens are finding is, it changes theirs as well. Our goal is to help them grow in there understanding of how we can love God by serving others as well as growing their leadership skills, all while being a part of a group of teens that are like-minded and encouraging to one another in the Lord. In this we have plenty of times of fun, from bonfires to lounging by the pool, as well as deep conversations about the ways God calls us to live! If you have a teen that would like to join us, please reach out or find the sign ups at the info table on a Sunday.

Leadership Team:

  • Mondays through out the summer from 10-1pm
  • Scheduled Sundays in KidZone
  • Off-site fun throughout the year!
  • Info Meeting April 16th 4-5pm.

Check In System

Please click below to fill out all of your child's check-in information! By doing this you will help us better love your child! We love to send out b-day cards along with notes of encouragements. This also allows for us to better know your child's need on a Sunday morning!

Click HERE


Each week in KidZone we shout out God's Word together! Use this video to join us as we memorize God's Word as a Church!

Click HERE or

use the QR Code!

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Love God. Love Others. Serve Your World.