It was wonderful to welcome you to Saskatoon last week. We hope you had an amazing time reconnecting with friends and colleagues, enjoying delicious food, and participating in our unique education programming!

We’d love to learn more about your experience so please take a few minutes to complete our conference survey (link below). We will use these insights to continue to bring you relevant content and experiences for future conferences.
Thank you to our education partners, including ...
Pete Bombaci
(Founder, The GenWell Project)
Our Master of Ceremonies for the week along with presenting about the Power of Human Connection

We can all recognize how Pete’s message about The GenWell Project, and the Human Connection Movement moved each of us after three years waiting to gather again at the conference. The presentation and engaging Q&A were inspiring for all of us and as Pete encouraged us at the end of the session, don’t just leave this message here at the conference, but take it with you from this point forward and be ambassadors for human connection in your homes, on your streets, in your kitchens and in your community. We are all part of the solution to the disconnected world and together we can make the world a happier and healthier place for all. Feel free to reach out to Pete if you want to share this message with your community.

Click HERE for more information about The GenWell Project and the Power of Human Connection as well as Pete's contact information. Let's stay connected!

Matt Rolfe
(Hospitality Leadership Coach)
Presenting about The Great Resignation and Mental Wellness - Let's Start Taking Action

Click links below for access to Matt's video content:

Our conference photographer – Dave Stobbe – truly captured the essence of our time together – check out the link below for all of the photos (organized by day, with and without the conference logo). Feel free to download and share any of the photos in the gallery.
We would also love for you to share your own photos so that we have a master library – please upload to the google drive link below.
More content to follow in the coming weeks - if there is anything specific you are looking for regarding the conference, please feel free to reach out to Sue ( or Lisa (

2023 National Conference
June 4 to 8, 2023
Niagara Falls, Ontario

60th Anniversary Celebration of the Canadian Culinary Federation