Last week we officially closed the 2020 Christmas Miracle Offering – you faithfully gave $355,165! All gifts given since are being accumulated for the 2021 offering. The Ginghamsburg Church Leadership Board recently voted to disburse the first $300,000 of those funds, including a $100,000 gift to support the New Path Utility Assistance Program. The remaining $200,000 was deployed to support the ongoing day-to-day mission of our three primary non-profit partners, Clubhouse, The New Path Inc. and New Creation Counseling Center.
From Bill Lutz, the Executive Director of New Path:

Dear Ginghamsburg Family, 
On behalf of the entire New Path team, thank you for your generosity during the 2020 Christmas Miracle Offering. The past year has been challenging for all of us, and perhaps no other group has endured more difficulty than those that are in or near poverty. Precarious employment struggles, coupled with online learning for children and protecting family health were all concerns that loomed large for these families. And through these concerns, many families had financial struggles that they have never had to encounter before and are still encountering today.
Your generosity through this year’s Christmas Miracle Offering will allow families to keep their lights on and the water flowing. Many families have become delinquent in their utility bills and need help getting caught up. Your generosity allows that to happen so that children in the Miami Valley can go to bed at night with faith, family and food.
Thank you again, 
William Lutz
Executive Director
The New Path, Inc.
Thank you, church family, for your generosity in support of God’s vision and mission through Ginghamsburg Church and our non-profit partners! 
Please join us on Thursday, February 4, at 7pm for a new Vision and Finance Webinar. We'll celebrate the results of the 2020 Christmas Miracle Offering, hear from some of our current Leadership Board members, get an update on current and upcoming challenges as well as opportunities, and have an opportunity for Q & A with Pastor Rachel and me. Click here to register and receive the Zoom webinar link.
Nathan Combs
Executive Director of Operations