November 11, 2019
From your Head Ambassador
Hello ASMS community! We are excited for another ASMS Day coming up this Saturday. ASMS Day is a wonderful way for prospective students across Alabama to gain a glimpse into the opportunities at our school! With an ever growing list of courses to take, topics to discuss, and ideas to discover, ASMS has so much to offer. ASMS Day is an in-depth way to share about our school and inspire excitement for STEM education in students across the state! 

ASMS Day is also the biggest event for our ambassador program as well! The ambassador program is a position for our current students to represent ASMS and portray who the school is truly meant for: the students. Ambassadors conduct tours, volunteer, and promote the ASMS brand. It is a great leadership role for students to gain real-world experience in communication and take pride in our school! After all, there is more to us than calculus and molecules.

I hope that everyone will join me in spreading the word about our upcoming ASMS Days on Nov. 16 and Dec. 7. This is the biggest opportunity for our community to show what we are all about, and there are so many deserving students out there who are excited to learn about us. Thanks for reading, and Go Dragons!

Ben Cogar
ASMS Senior, Head Ambassador
Happy Veteran's Day!
Thank you to our men and women who have served, fought, and died for The United States of America.
ASMS students are being challenged to grow our followers. If ASMS reaches 1500 Instagram followers and 8200 likes on Facebook by December 2, students' in-dorm time will be extended by 1 hour in December! Help them win by following  @asmsdragons  on Instagram and liking our  official page  on Facebook!
ASMS is participating in Giving Tuesday on December 3! All money given to ASMS on this day will fund specific student opportunities, academic needs, and new developments (to be announced soon!). We invite everyone to donate on this day.

Mark your calendar!
ASMS Days are coming up on Nov. 16 and Dec. 7. ASMS Days are one-day preview events for Alabama 9th & 10th graders interested in attending ASMS to visit campus. Help us spread the word by inviting prospective students and families to attend! Here is the link for them to register.
The Impact of Water by Ken Robinson
Ken Robinson, ASMS Assistant Director of Judicial and Community Affairs is a contributing writer to the Lagniappe of Mobile, AL. His article The Impact of Water was recently featured in their weekly news. Robinson tells the story of how a group of professors and marine scientists, including ASMS faculty member Alison Rellinger, founded a program to teach youth about the impact of water on their lives. Read more here .

ASMS hosted faculty members from the Auburn University College of Engineering and College of Liberal Arts Department of Foreign Language and Literatures at Assembly last week to talk about their dual degree program in Engineering and German!
School Calendar
Parent Association Winter Term Fundraisers
The Parent Association is offering an assortment of fundraisers during the winter term / holiday season to raise additional funds for our students and school.
ASMS Ornaments, 2020 Senior Ornaments, Tumblers & Blankets
  • Click here to see pictures.
  • Deadline to receive by Thanksgiving Break: 12 p.m. (Noon) on Tuesday, Nov. 19 (They'll be sent home with your student).
  • Deadline to receive your items by Holiday Break: 12 p.m. (Noon) on Tuesday, Dec. 17.
Yankee Candle
Now through January 8, 2020
  • Our link!
  • You MUST order through this link for us to receive the fundraising match. We make 40% profit on items sold.
  • All Online Purchases will ship direct to the purchaser or address you assign for shipping.
Now until the until end of school year
  • Our link!
  • We will earn funds from your shopping for e-gift cards and everyday items.
  • You receive discounts while raising funds for our school.
  • To shop, you MUST go to link as your starting point. Once you click on the retailer you wish to purchase e-gift cards or shop from, you will be redirected to their official website but in order for FlipGive to trace purchases, be sure to start with the link.
Join the PA competition!
Now through 12 p.m. (Noon), Monday, November 11th
  • All students received information about a student drive to recruit parents to join Parent Association.
  • The winning hall will be decided based on which one has the largest % of members at the end of the competition, and the winning hall (boys & girls combined) will win hall points.
Scholarships with November Deadlines
To have your dates featured in Dragon News, e-mail