From the Founder's Desk


Phyllis L. Rodgers, Founder & CEO

Today, you will repeatedly hear the words THANK YOU and GRATITUDE far more than you may like, but they must both be said and shared.

I was recently hospitalized and had emergency surgery, but I am slowly and steadily on the mend and taking personal action in my own words for self-care: to be calm, still, and heal. This year marks 22 years of service in and to the community. I know that you have heard that before, but I must say it again. Gratitude, appreciation, and saying “Thank you” should be said, shown, and shared daily. Someone in their wisdom once said something reflecting this sentiment: “We should be mindful, kind, and grateful for this day. It is a gift called 'the present'.”

Here are some radiant smiles from our annual fundraiser on October 1st, at the lovely Harborside International Golf Center, a hidden jewel on the southeast side of Chicago:

The Peer Plus Ambassadors spent many hours planning for this event, but my life and health condition changed in the blink of an eye. The event successfully went on as planned. In my absence, let me say "Thank You" to our Board President Lolita Cleveland, Dr. Peggy Riggins, Khandi Dotson, Claudette Harris and my three heartbeats, Bruce Sr., Bruce Jr. and Tiffany Rodgers. My son and daughter now have a new respect for the time and energy that goes into the implementation and successful execution of a fundraiser.

Thank you to our dedicated followers for supporting us with your important financial assistance and time. While I was not there physically, I truly was there in heart and spirit.

We are closing out 2023 and working on 2024, which promises to bring more health and wellness resources and community outreach. Do let us know if you need our services on your side of town. Until then, be well, healthy, and safe! —Phyllis

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Chicago, IL 60637

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