Thank You!
For Supporting
Santa Maria
on #GivingTuesday
We just wanted to take a moment to thank you for supporting Santa Maria on #GivingTuesday! Our campaign raised over $4,000! Whether you donated, shared on social media or just supported us in spirit, you made a difference.

You are the reason Jon and his family received assistance with housing, early childhood development, finances and utilities. You are the reason Isaac was able to get his GED and State Tested Nurse Assistant certification. And you are the reason Maribel is on track for achieving her personal goals including becoming a first-time home buyer. Their lives have improved because of you!

Thank you so much for your generosity. For nearly 125 years, Santa Maria has been helping families help themselves and we couldn’t do it without you.

If you missed any of our #GivingTuesday videos, you may watch them here.

We hope you have a wonderful holiday season and very prosperous new year!

H.A. Musser, Jr.
President & CEO
Santa Maria Community Services, Inc.

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