This time of year is typically a time for Thanksgiving.  Giving back goes hand in hand with Thanksgiving.  With the challenges we face today, philanthropy is personal as well as organizational.  Like personal giving, organizational philanthropy takes many forms.  From making financial contributions to volunteering time, there is no limitation on how you or your organization can give back.  While there is a cost associated with philanthropy, it provides personal, community, and organizational benefits.  Now is the time to reflect on how you can make a difference.
IndustryNewsIndustry News: 
2016 Highlights  & 2017  Trends
As we approach the end of another year of technological advances, industry changes and shifts, and new and emerging trends, it is important to take the time to review what has happened throughout the year, and what will happen come 2017. 

Take a moment to explore the "Global Technology Tracker" Tool. This graphic tracks the fortunes of 20 of the world's most visible and influential technology companies, as chosen by Bloomberg journalists. Explore and learn more about the constantly fluctuating state of these industry leaders, and educate yourself on where we are leaving off in 2016. 
General Business: 
UpcomingEventsUpcoming Events

Executive Development Retreat: Supercharging Your Professional Portfolio
Sign up today for a power-packed, energizing, and tranformative afternoon executive retreat where we will learn, share and explore effective leadership strategies and techniques. 
December 1, 2016
Hyde Park Room
JW Marriott Essex House, NYC

2016 Holiday Dinner Party 
Join us this December for our end of the year holiday dinner party! Delicious food, specialty drinks and great company.
December 1, 2016 
JW Marriott Essex House Art Deco Salon 
160 Central Park South, NYC
 5:30-6:30 PM Social Hour 
6:30-8:30 PM Dinner & Holiday Party. 
Plan to come, relax, reconnect and have fun! 

AboutAbout Us
Leverage the professional expertise of the ExpertTerreâ„¢

We Provide Change Management

As thought leaders for innovation, problem solving and idea generation, we utilize the intellectual capital of an Expert Platform of experienced executives and professionals, to help businesses, organizations, entrepreneurs, and individuals, succeed and grow.

We Deliver Value

We work with forward-thinking organizations and individuals who seek executive and professional expertise to complement their talent base. We offer high quality consulting, strategy and planning, leadership, and executive development at competitive pricing.

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